

Despite being used by 1.34 billion people each year, traveling on the Tube in London can actually be quite lonely. An unwritten rule encouraging silence, mixed with classic British reserve, means that even though you’re packed into enclosed space with hundreds of other people, the morning trip can leave you feeling somewhat lonely.

One London resident, however, is trying to change this. "You get on the Tube here and its completely silent and its strange," says Jonathan Dunne, an American living in London, who has started a campaign of giving out badges (徽章) with the slogan "Tube Chat?" last month, encouraging travelers in London to get talking to one another.

Although Dunne says he’s received mostly positive responses, there are always exceptions.

Londoner Brian Wilson responded with a campaign of his own, handing out 500 badges with the words "Don’t even think about it" on them. "I can’t stand the idea of having to talk to strangers on the Tube on my way to work," he said.

Michael Robinson, a student from London, agrees. "Being on the Tube is the only peace and quiet some people get on their journeys to and from work. It doesn’t need to be spoiled by people coming up and chatting to you," he says.

"People assume that I just walk up and talk to strangers, which I don’t, but it’s been a great way to meet people you would never have normally spoken to," Dunne says. So if you ever end up using public transport in London, why not say hello to the person next to you? Just make sure to check for a badge first.

1Which partly leads to the silence on the Tube in London?

A. The government’s rule.

B. People’s desire for quiet.

C. British people’s personality.

D. Awareness of personal privacy.

2What can the badge with "Tube Chat?" be seen as?

A. A request for keeping silent.

B. A special way of greeting someone.

C. A signal of avoiding being disturbed.

D. An encouragement to start a conversation.

3Why does the author mention Brian and Michael?

A. To stress the importance of communication.

B. To show not everyone agrees with Dunne’s idea.

C. To prove Londoners are speechless on the Tube.

D. To state the disadvantages of chatting with strangers.

4 Whats the best title for the passage?

A. Please mind the silence on the Tube!

B. Time to change your way to take the subway!

C. What makes people feel lonely on the Tube?

D. Why was the "Tube Chat?" campaign not a success?








【1】细节理解题。根据第一段中的"An unwritten rule encouraging silence, mixed with classic British reserve, means that even though you’re packed into enclosed space with hundreds of other people, the morning trip can leave you feeling somewhat lonely"可知,一项鼓励安静的不成文规定以及典型的英式矜持意味着即使你与数百个人挤在封闭的空间,早晨的旅途还是会让你感到有点孤独。由此可知,英国人的性格特点是导致地铁上的沉默的一个原因。

【2】细节理解题。根据第二段中的"who has started a campaign of giving out badges(徽章) with the slogan ‘Tube Chat?’ last month, encouraging travelers in London to get talking to one another "可知,该徽章鼓 励乘客进行交谈。故选D。

【3】推理判断题。根据第三段"Although Dunne says he’s received mostly positive responses, there are always exceptions"及第四、五段的内容可知,第四、五段是以具体的事例来说明第三段陈述的观点的:尽管Dunne说他收到的大多是积极的回应,但总是会有例外。也就是说,并不是每个人都赞同Dunne的想法。故选B。

【4】主旨要义题。本文向我们介绍了在伦敦发起的一项活动,呼吁人们注意地铁上的沉默,倡议伦 敦市民在搭乘地铁时多与陌生人进行交流,并介绍了人们对此活动的态度。故A项"请注意地铁上的沉默!"最适合作本文标题。




【1】One-third of the area _____ (be)covered with green trees. About seventy percent of the trees _____(have) been planted.

2The number of teachers in our college _____(be) greatly increased last term. A number of teachers in this school _____(be) from the countryside.

3 What _____(be) the population of China? One-third of the population _____ (be)workers here.

4 Not only he but also we _____ (be)right. He as well as we _____(be) right.

5What he’d like _____ (be)a digital watch. What he’d like _____(be) textbooks.

6 He is one of the boys who _____ (come)here on time. He is the only one of the boys who _____(come) here on time.

7Either you or he _____(be) interested in playing chess. _____ (be)you or he fond of music at present?

【8】Many a professor _____(be) looking forward to visiting Germany now. Many scientists _____(have) studied animals and plants in the last two years.

【9】 knife and a fork _____(be) on the table. A knife and fork _____(be) on the table.

【10Her family _____(be) much larger than mine four years ago, and her family _____(be) dancing and singing when I came in last night.

【11How and why Jack came to China _____(be) not known.

【12Now Tom together with his classmates _____(play) football on the playground.

【13Two hundred and fifty pounds _____ (be)too unreasonable a price for a second-hand car.

【14 All but Dick _____(be) in Class Three this term.

【15Soon after the earthquake, every man, woman and child _____(talk) about it.

【16We each _____ (have)strong points and each of us on the other hand _____ (have)weak points.

【17My friend and classmate Paul _____ (race)motorcycles in his spare time.

【18There _____ (be)a pen, two pencils, and three books on the desk.

【19The factory, including its machines and buildings, _____ (be)burnt last night.

20 Climbing hills _____ (be) of great help to health.

【21】Time and tide _____(wait) for no man.

【22The injured in the tsunami _____(take) good care of by some medical teams.

23It is not J. K. Rowling but her works that _____(make) us excited.

24On the closet _____(lie) a pair of trousers his parents bought for his birthday.

25Each man and each woman _____ (be)asked to help when the fire broke out.

26 About 60 percent of the students _____(be) from the south; the rest of them _____(be) from the north and foreign countries.

27 —Is there anybody in the classroom?

—No, the teacher, together with the students _____(go) to the playground.

28—Are these your sheep?

—No. Mine _____(feed) on grass at the foot of the hill.

29 Sitting at the back of the room but in front of some old men and women _____ (be)a very shy

girl with two bright eyes.

30Mr. Bush, together with his wife and daughter _____ (be)going to Japan ext week.


A nerve-zapping(电击神经) headset caused people to get rid of fat in a small preliminary study. Six people who had received the stimulation(刺激) lost on average about 8 percent of the fat on their trunks in four months, scientists reported at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.

The headset stimulated the vestibular nerve(前庭神经), which runs just behind the ears. That nerve sends signals to the hypothalamus, a brain structure thought to control the bodys fat storage. By stimulating the nerve with an electrical current, the technique shifts the body away from storing fat toward burning it.

Six overweight and obese people received the treatment, consisting of up to four one-hour-long sessions of stimulation a week. Because it activated the vestibular system, the stimulation created the sensation of gently rocking on a boat or floating in a pool, said the study’s co-author Jason McKeown of the University of California, San Diego.

After four months, body scans measured the trunk fat for the six people receiving the treatment and three people who received unreal stimulation. All six in the treatment group lost some trunk fat, despite not having changed their activity or diet. In contrast, those in the unreal group gained some fat. Researchers suspect that changes in the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within human cells are behind the difference. "The results were a lot better than we thought they’d be," McKeown said.

Earlier studies found that vestibular nerve stimulation causes mice to drop fat and pack on muscle, resulting in what McKeown called Schwarzenegger mice. Though small, the current study suggests that the approach has promise in people. McKeown and his colleagues have started a company based on the technology and plan to test it further.

【1】 What is an electrical current used for?

A. Causing the body to burn its fat.

B. Controlling the body’s storage of fat.

C. Seeing if the headset will be affected.

D. Speeding the process of one’s digesting.

【2】Whats the probable reason for the different results in participants?

A. The length of stimulation they received.

B. The type of stimulation they received.

C. The difference in their vestibular system.

D. The way chemicals process in their body.

【3】Which is true about McKeowns current findings?

A. They have a kind of practical value.

B. They go against those of earlier tests on mice.

C. They were widely recognized at the meeting.

D. They have been tested by McKeown’s company.

【4】What can be the best title of the text?

A. The science of zapping fat

B. A new trial of weight loss

C. Zapping certain nerves leads to fat loss

D. Exercise for weight loss and get fit



Are you going into skiing? Is winter your favorite time of year? If you like snow and ice, maybe you should stay at Ice Hotel in Quebec, Canada. But, you can only check in at this hotel during the winter. Why? Because this hotel is built every December. It has 32 rooms and 80 people can stay there each night. The hotel even has a movie theatre, art gallery, and church. Of course, all of these parts of the hotel are made of ice. In fact, all the furniture, art, lights, and even plates and drinking glasses are made out of ice.

Because this hotel is so unusual, it is becoming very popular. People from all over the world come to the Ice Hotel to look at the fantastic ice art, drink and eat from designed ice dishes and experience the unique atmosphere. Some couples have even gotten married in the hotel's ice church. But all these guests keep their winter coats on! Because of all the ice, the temperature inside the hotel is always between 2℃ and 5℃. Surprisingly, sleeping is not a problem in the freezing cold hotel rooms. Every guest gets a special cold weather sleeping bag and some fur blankets. These keep the room cozy until morning.

【1】What is the best title of this passage?

A.How the Ice Hotel is built

B.What makes the Ice Hotel special

C.Why the Ice Hotel is made of ice

D.The services of the Ice Hotel

2What can't you do in the hotel according to the passage?

A.Watch a movie. B.Get married.

C.Eat an interesting meal. D.Go swimming.

3Why is sleeping NOT a problem in the hotel?

A.The rooms are warm.

B.The temperature is -2℃.

C.The sleeping bags are warm.

D.The furniture is warm.

4In which part of the hotel would you probably find “plates”?

A.The church. B.The restaurant.

C.The rooms. D.The art gallery.

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