


















【1】下列对作品内容的概括与分析,不正确的两项是 )(













【1】题中,A项错误在于,原文是几乎可以,也不是完整的,且有强加因果之嫌;D 项错误在于,由原文宇宙的膨胀速度与宇宙中的能量组成有关,例如,普通物质使得宇宙膨胀的速度慢慢变慢,而暗能量会引起无所不在的斥力,使得宇宙膨胀的速度慢慢变大倒推出:普通物质使宇宙膨胀速度变慢,暗能量则使宇宙膨胀速度变大,这说明宇宙的膨胀速度与宇宙中的能量组成有关。即会受到影响。





A. One small step you can take now.

B. Doing something for the future.

C. Living more simply.

D. Save earth's natural resources.

E. Change your lifestyle completely and buy what you like.

F. Environmental friendly lifestyle and consumer choice.

1 __________

What is sustainable living? It’s living more simply where “simply” may be defined as “regularly”. It does nothowever, mean that you go pack your backpack and tent and go live in the woods. It does not mean you stop eating meat and go vegetarian. It does not mean you give up the finer things in life. In plain words, living more simply is doing without the unnecessary things that you constantly surround your-self.

2 __________

Try to stick to a more earth-friendly lifestyle. You can go on ahead and buy the car of your dream(if you must!), but go slow on the gas pedal. You can cook all the food that you want but make sure nothing goes to waste. Go on and buy organicvegetable, but wouldn't it be better if you grow one in your backyard? Not buying anything ever again is not what sustainable living is. It is about weighing the pros and cons before buying any product with regards to how much you need it9 its impact on the environment and consideration about alternative products that are greener. Limit yourself.

3 __________

What is sustainable living? It is conserving the earth's natural resources for the futre generations. The earth's natural resources have been on the decline since man came to be. It has been said that the price of progress is the earth's natural wealth. Do you even know what the natural resources are? It is anything that is not man -made air, water, landplants, animals, fossil and more. As a responsible citizen of the world, you must take measures on saving our natural resources. This is not to say that you stop driving a fuel-powered car. Ask yourself these simple questions. Do you really need to take a long bath on a daily basis? Wouldn't a quick shower do?

4 __________

What is sustainable living? It is not focusing your attention on the past but doing something for the future. Start conserving energy. Save water! Aim for cleaner air! Buy only what you need when you need it. Use.Reuse. Recycle. What is sustainable living?It is doable. Each constructive action at your person-al and family level will eventually have an impact on the community you live and the rest of the world.

5 __________

We are all searching for ways to lessen our impact on the environment and do our bit for the planet. The best ways to achieve this are by taking small steps and doing things that are achievable and realistic.

【题目】A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had ______ a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well _____ it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day ______, the young man awaited ______ that his father had purchased the car. ______, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a ______ wrapped gift box.

Curious, but somewhat ______, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold.

Angrily, he raised his ______ to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" He shouted and then ______ out of the house.

Many years passed and the young man was very ______ in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but ______ his father was very old, he thought perhaps he ______ go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day.

Before he could make ______, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and ______ all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He to ______ through his father's important papers and saw a gift a ______ wrapped book, just as he had ______ it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the ______. His father underlined a verse,”…know how to give good gifts to your children…”

As he was reading, a car key ______ from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his ______, and the words "PAID IN FULL".

【1】A. designed B. possessed C. admired D. booked

【2】 A. afford B. support C. offer D. manage

【3】 A. arrived B. approached C. ended D. closed

【4】 A. signals B. signs C. promises D. agreements

【5】 A. Gradually B. Hopefully C. Luckily D. Finally

【6】 A. beautifully B. strangely C. commonly D. fairly

【7】 A. amazed B. annoyed C. surprised D. disappointed

【8】 A. head B. hands C. voice D. eyes

【9】 A. slipped B. stormed C. broke D. stepped

【10】 A. interested B. generous C. successful D. professional

【11】 A. remembered B. reminded C. refused D. realized

【12】 A. would B. could C. should D. might

【13】 A. get B. pass C. follow D. search

【14】 A. restricted B. abandoned C. willed D. donated

【15】 A. get B. pass C. follow D. search

【16】 A. still B. already C. even D. ever

【17】 A. delivered B. left C. imagined D. found

【18】 A. pages passages C. words D. pictures

【19】 A. occurred B. turned C. dropped D. extended

【20】 A. wedding B. graduation C. return D. birthday






【1】下列对宇宙“临界密度”的理解,不正确的一项是( )





2下列对“人择理论”的理解,正确的一项是( )





3下列说法,不符合文意的一项是( )





【题目】President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama ended their first trip to India on Monday. The First Couple set off on the ten-day tour of Asia on Friday. Obama’s goals for the tour are to improve ties between the US and the region, and to promote (促进) economic growth and job creation. The President and his team will return to Washington, D.C. on November 14.

The Obamas began their trip in Mumbai, India, the financial and economic center of the country, on November 6. There, they met with government officials, business leaders and school groups. Up first on the schedule was a visit to a memorial at the TajMahal Palace and Tower Hotel. Obama’s second day in India was lighter than the first. The Presidential visit took place on Diwali, or the Festival of Lights. The five-day religious festival is celebrated each year by Hindus, Sikhs and others. The Obamas spent the holiday visiting with local schoolchildren.

On Monday, Michelle Obama joined 15 Indian school girls on a field trip to a museum of Indian craft work. During the tour, the First Lady stressed to the students the importance of education. Most of the children on the trip are the first girls in their families to attend school. Mrs Obama also encouraged the young women to stay fit, telling them that she likes to exercise because “women have to stay strong”.

Early tomorrow, the Obamas will travel to Indonesia, the country in which the President spent four years as a boy. After that, they will fly to Seoul, South Korea, to attend the Group of Twenty, or G-20, economic summit. The conference brings together leaders from 20 wealthy and developing nations and the European Union. They meet twice a year to address challenges that affect the global economy.

The final leg of the tour will be in Japan, where Obama will attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit.

【1】 According to Paragraph 1, what are the goals for the ten-day tour?

a. To improve ties between the US and Asia.

b. To do sight-seeing in the countries.

c. To help economy grow faster.

d. To help create more jobs.

A. abc

B. acd

C. ad

D. abcd

【2】What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. What the First Couple did in India.

B. How long the First Couple stayed in India.

C. Introduction to a traditional holiday in India.

D. What the First Couple thought of their tour in India.

【3】 During the field trip to a museum of Indian craft work, the First Lady _____.

A. asked why only the first girls could go to school

B. told the students the importance of craft work

C. explained why women must stay strong

D. encouraged the students to study hard

【4】 We can know from the passage that Mr Obama _____.

A. will stay in Indonesia for four days

B. will stay in Japan for the shortest time

C. hasn’t attended the Group of Twenty before

D. will attend an important conference in Seoul

【5】 How many countries does the First Couple plan to visit in total in their tn-day tour in Asia?

A. 3.

B. 4.

C. 5.

D. 6.













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