
【题目】—May I open the window to let in some fresh air?


A. Come on!

B. Take care!

C. Go ahead!

D. Hold on!


【解析】根据语境可以知道:去开吧,去做吧。所以答案为C。容易误选Acome on的意思是算了吧!加油!


【题目】 (2011·安徽省江南十校3月高三联考)

When I was a little girl, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one when my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely toast (吐司) in front of my dad. I remember to see if anyone noticed! all my dad did was reach for his toast, at my mom and ask me how my day was at school.

When I from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom to my dad for burning the toast. And I'll forget what he said, "Baby, I love burnt toast." Later that night, I went to dad good night and I asked him if he really his toast burnt. He wrapped me up in his and said, "Debbie, your mom had a day at work today and she's really tired. And besides, a little burnt toast never anyone! "In bed that night, I thought about the scene at dinner and the my dad showed to my mom.

To this day, it's a cherished (珍贵的) from my childhood that I'll never forget. And it's one that came to just recently when Jack and I sat down to eat dinner.

As I the plate in front of Jack, I waited for a (n) about the burnt toast. But all I got was, "Thank you, dear! This is . I know you had a hard day!" Just then, I thought about my parents, and was quietly thankful for having a where burnt toast wasn't a deal-breaker either!

【1】 A. noon B. afternoon C. morning D. night

【2】 A. expected B. burnt C. sweet D. delicious

【3】 A. being encouraged B. being allowed

C. waiting D. refusing

【4】 A. Yet B. Although C. So D. Until

【5】 A. laugh B. smile C. shout D. stare

【6】 A. got up B. got back C. broke away D. put forward

【7】 A. report B. shout C. apologize D. complain

【8】 A. almost B. never C. often D. hardly

【9】 A. ask B. greet C. tell D. kiss

【10】 A. liked B. got C. cooked D. made

【11】 A. head B. heart C. arms D. hands

【12】 A. boring B. hard C. disappointing D. sad

【13】 A. hurts B. comforts C. invites D. hates

【14】 A. interest B. surprise C. kindness D. satisfaction

【15】 A. feeling B. story C choice D. memory

【16】 A. life B. mind C. an end D. a conclusion

【17】 A. set down B. took away C. finished up D. washed up

【18】 A. answer B. question C. comment D. suggestion

【19】 A. possible B. true C. terrible D. great

【20】 A. condition B. future C. situation D. Marriage

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