
【题目】The island, _ to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to. (2011 .全国II)

A. joining

B. to join


D. having joined


【解析】句意:因为有一座桥与大陆连接,那座岛屿很容易去。Joined在句中是过去分词作后置定语修饰the island,表示被动和完成。




Since my retirement (退休) from teaching music in 2001, I have spent a good deal of time painting as an artist. I actually began drawing again in the summer of 1995 when my father died, so perhaps I was trying to recover from the loss of my father, or maybe it was just that it brought back memories of him. In any case, I drew pen and ink animals and landscapes much influenced by Krenkel and St. John for five years.

For some strange reason, I had been waiting until my retirement to start doing watercolors again, but as soon as I walked out of the school door for the last time I picked up my brushes and rediscovered Andrew Wyeth, who quickly became my favorite artist. I had looked through all the art books I had on my shelves and found his watercolors to be the closest to how I thought good watercolors should look. So I painted landscapes around Minnesota for three years and tried out many other types of painting. However, watercolors remained my first choice, and I think I did my best work there, showing my paintings at a number of art exhibitions.

Art is now together with my piano playing and reading. There is a time for everything in my world, and it is wonderful to have some time doing what I want to do. As Confucius once said,“At seventy I can follow my heart’s desire (渴望).”

【1】What is the text mainly about?

A. Learning to paint in later life.

B. How to paint watercolors.

C. An artist-turned teacher.

D. Life after retirement.

【2】The author started drawing again in 1995 because ________.

A. he hoped to draw a picture of his father

B. he couldn’t stop missing his father

C. he had more time after retirement

D. he liked animals and landscapes

【3】We can infer from the text that the author ________.

A. had been taught by Krenkel and St.John

B. painted landscapes in Minnesota for 5 years

C. believed Wyeth to be the best in watercolors

D. started his retirement life at the age of seventy

【4】How does the author probably feel about his life as an artist?

A. Very enjoyable. B. A bit regretful.

C. Rather busy. D. Fairly dull.




If we agree that the function of education is to prepare us for life, then there is very little time to waste. So, while we can, we ought to concentrate on teaching children something really useful. Here is what our schools should teach.

Politeness is a mark of civilization. The sooner children learn this, the better. In any case, a lot can be accomplished by a smile and good manners.

Like it or not, our adult lives will be consumed by the struggle for money, but we dont make an effort to teach children how to manage it. So our schools have a duty to teach them this ability from the beginning.

Were likely to accept something we are told, but thats not what educated people do. Educated people are reasonable and they look at facts. If our schools teach nothing else, they should at least teach critical (批判性的) thinking.

Children should learn to take care of their health. They should know that if they eat junk food (垃圾食品), they will become fat and unhealthy. They should be very clear about what happens to their bodies when they drink or smoke.

All of us are part of society. We have rights and responsibilities. We ought to understand what they are. We have to know a little bit of our history and geography, because we need to have an environment in which to relate to the people around us.

How will we test students on these? We cant. But thats not a reason to avoid teaching what is important. Our schools should spend every moment they have telling this to our children: This is life, this is what you are going to face, and this is how you deal with it.


Very Useful【1】


Education should be a 【2】 for life.


Important things should be taught in 【3】



How to behave【5】

The basic skill of【6】 money

How to【7】 in a critical way

How to keep【8】

The rights and responsibilities one has in 【9】


Children should be taught what 【10】 is and how to deal with it.

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