
【题目】中新网2016111日电 据民政部统计,2015年我国各类自然灾害共造成全国18620.3万人次受灾,819人死亡,148人失踪。自然灾害的发生对我国经济社会造成严重危害。据此回答下列各题。

1】下列关于自然灾害的叙述,正确的是( )

A. 在荒无人烟的地方也会发生自然灾害

B. 人类完全可以阻止自然灾害的发生

C. 自然灾害的主要特点是频发性

D. 洪涝、干旱属于气象灾害,地震、火山、滑坡、泥石流属于地质灾害

2】大自然不仅会给人类带来灾害,更会赐予人类丰富的资源。下列做法中属于合理开发利用自然资源的是( )

A. 在陡坡上开垦农田

B. 黄土高原适当退耕还林还草

C. 江南红壤丘陵区全部种植水稻

D. 在洞庭湖周围围湖造田,扩大耕地面积










The man lay in the bed, his pale figure disappearing into the white sheet. He had a bone transplant for leukemia(白血病).

I tiptoed in, for fear of him. Hello, Mr. Jensen. Im Hanne, your nurse.

He nodded and closed his eyes. I his vital signs to make sure he was OK. Would you like some soup? I asked. He shook his head.

I came back later with medicine and some newspapers. , he took it and sank back against the pillow. I offered him the , but he wasnt interested.

Feeling , I left.

In the kitchen, I was about to pour myself a cup of tea when I , and grabbed a large teapot. I placed the teapot, toast and two on a tray, and walked toward his room.

Would I disturb you if I have my tea in your ? I asked, Id like to watch the .

Not at all, but he was clearly .

I put the TV on, and noticed him watching the news. I said, I brought a(an) cup, if youd like some tea.

Maybe Ill have half a cup.

We watched in silence I noticed he was nodding off. The next night he had two cups of tea and a piece of toasthis first food in a month. The third night he told me about his family, who hadnt been able to , which made him lonely. On the fourth night, he got out of bed and was medicine. A few days later, his bed was . He had recovered enough to leave the hospital.

Four months later I was out shopping when I heard a voice.

Hanne, its good to see you!

I almost didnt Mr. Jensen.

This is Hanne, he said, introducing me to his wife. She saved my life with .

【1】A. got across B. turned out C. taken up D. gone through

2A. hurting B. frightening C. disturbing D. seeing

3A. checked B. fixed C. changed D. moved

4A. Happily B. Excitedly C. Painfully D. Disappointedly

5A. medicine B. papers C. magazines D. water

6A. excited B. defeated C. encouraged D. calm

7A. paused B. rushed C. noticed D. dropped

8A. dishes B. pills C. bowls D. cups

9A. room B. home C. kitchen D. office

【10A. sports B. news C. plays D. dramas

【11A. happy B. worried C. surprised D. eager

【12A. different B. special C. nice D. extra

【13A. after B. until C. when D. since

【14A. delicious B. hot C. liquid D. solid

【15A. visit B. work C. afford D. travel

【16A. on B. beyond C. off D. against

【17A. broken B. empty C. dirty D. gone

【18A. shy B. hopeless C. friendly D. cheerful

【19A. recognize B. realize C. know D. learn

20A. soup B. tea C. toast D. news


Every mom or dad knows how it’s difficult to cope with a baby who doesn’t want to sleep. 【1】 You can do some chores while your little one is sleeping. There are a few things that you may want to try when your baby won’t sleep.

1. Rocking

【2】 Almost every nursery contains a rocker for this reason. For instance, I rocked my daughter and I really loved each moment of it.

2. White noise

If your baby has trouble falling asleep, it can be a difficult time for the whole family. It may sound strange, but white noise can work wonders to calm your baby. 【3】 I recommend you to try sounds such as ocean waves, the wind rushing through the trees or the sound of rain. Soft music can also be calming to your child.

3. Sleeping pattern

【4】 It’s very important to have your child on a schedule and have a sleeping pattern. This way, your baby will sleep regularly and it will make your day and night easier to plan.

4. Pretend to asleep yourself

While it’s not very effective way to help your baby sleep, if you don’t know what else you can do, this way is worth trying. When you’re lying down with your little one, pretend to be asleep yourself and see if it works. 【5】

A. It can help your little one be more ready for a sleep.

B. It can help your baby grow healthier and brighter soon.

C. One of the best ways to help your span>baby sleep is rocking.

D. Your baby needs naps and you as a parent need them too.

E. When you play music loudly enough, your baby will sleep quickly.

F. When your house is quiet and everyone is quiet, your baby may fall asleep too.

G. One of the reasons you baby has trouble sleeping is because they don’t have a schedule.

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