
【题目】It cant be too worse.

Just _______. Things will turn out to be better so long as you dont stop trying.

be all right

take your time

ignore it

take it easy


【解析】all right行,好吧;take ones time慢慢来,不着急;ignore it别理它;take it easy别着急,别紧张,是安慰对方的话语。句意:糟透了。”“别着急,只要你一直努力,事情会有更好的结果的。









【注】万章:孟子的门徒。狷(juàn):洁身自好。琴张、牧皮:未详。曾晳:孔子的弟子。嘐嘐(xiāo xiāo):志大言大的样子。夷:句首助词,无义。原:同,谨善。踽踽(jǔ jǔ):独自走路,孤单的样子。佞(nìnɡ):能说会道。慝(tè):奸邪。

【1】对下列句子加点词的解释,错误的一项是( )

A.吾党之士狂简 简:威仪堂堂

B.夷考其行,而不掩焉者也 掩:遮蔽、遮盖

C.过我门而不入我室,我不憾焉者 憾:仇恨、怨恨

D.孔子以为德之贼 贼:残害……的人

【2】以下五句分别编成四组,全都批评“原人”的一组是( )






A.①③④ B.①②④

C.③④⑤ D.②③④

【3】下列叙述不符合原文意思的一项是( )












【题目】My son Joey was born with club feet (天生畸形脚). The doctors assured us that with treatment he would be able to walk but would never run very well. The first three years of his life were in surgery. By the time he was eight, you wouldn't know he had a when you saw him walk.

The children in our neighborhood ran around as most children do during , and Joey would jump right inrun and play, too. We told him that he probably wouldn't be able to as well as the other children. So he didn't know.

In the seventh grade he to go out for the cross-country team. Every day he 8 with the team. He worked harder and ran than any of the others—perhaps he sensed that the that seemed to come naturally to so many others did not come naturally to him. the entire team runs, only the top seven runners have the potential to points for the school. We didn't tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didn't know.

He to run four to five miles a day, every day—even the day he had a high fever. I was so I went to look for him after school. I found him all alone. I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He had two more to go. The sweat ran down his face and his eyes were glassy from his fever. he looked straight ahead and kept running.

Two weeks later, he names of the team runners were . Joey was number six on the list. Joey had made the team. He was in the grade while the other six team members were all eighth-graders. We never told him he shouldn't to make the team. We never told him he couldn't do it...so he didn't know. He just did it.

1 A. quickly B. slowly C. normally D. comfortably

2 A. spent B. wasted C. suffered D. lost

3 A. pain B. problem C. treatment D. surgery

4A. holidays B. day C. fun D. play

5 A. seldom B. never C. always D. once

6 A. study B. run C. walk D. behave

7 A. decided B. preferred C. refused D. agreed

8 A. gathered B. camped C. trained D. competed

9 A. more slowly B. less C. faster D. more

10 A. abilities B. strengths C. powers D. energies

11 A. Since B. Because C. After D. Although

12 A. increase B. score C. hold D. take

13 A. continued B. stopped C. liked D. hoped

14 A. sad B. surprised C. angry D. worried

15 A. running B. resting C. crying D. sleeping

16A. tests B. miles C. lessons D. examinations

17 A. Otherwise B. So C. Yet D. Thus

18 A. included B. called C. shown D. found

19A. sixth B. eighth C. seventh D. fifth

20A. manage B. determine C. expect D. attempt

【题目】A desire, wish, hope, expect, want long 填空

1 I __________ you can get on well with your new friends.

2 I __________ had worked out the problem in the examination.

3 The boy __________ to be forgiven.

4 We __________ plenty of sleep, not studying all the time.

5 We are all __________ for peace.

6 The Queen __________ to see the newly-elected Prime Minister David Cameron.

B. alarm, terrify frighten 填空

7 They __________ were __________ by the storm.

8 All the miners were greatly __________.

9 Don't __________ the poor man.

C. event, affair, accident, incident matter 填空

10 The football fans behaved well, and the game was played without __________.

11 This is a really important __________.

12 World War I was one of the most important __________ in the history of mankind.

13 I'm sorry about breaking the vase—it was an __________

14 They were accused of interfering in China's internal __________.

D. announcedeclare填空

15 The chairman __________ the meeting closed.

16 Everyone was silent as he __________ the winner of the competition.

E. sympathy pity 填空

17 He felt __________ for the man who is starving.

18 Every person in trouble wants __________.

F. absurd ridiculous 填空

19 It's clear to everybody that this idea is __________.

20 How __________ You blame it on me!

G. company accompany 填空

21 She __________ her friend to the concert.

22 My dog will keep me __________ when I am feeling lonely.

【题目】Predictions of many robots in industry have yet come true. For ten years or more, manufacturers of big robots have explained how their machines can make industry more competitive and productive. The maker for robots is oversupplied now, and the driving force of the robotics revolution is to be with the maker of machines that handle a few kilos at most.

"Heavy-robot manufacturers are in some difficulty finding customers. They are offering big just to get in the door. There has been a growth everywhere in the numbers of robots, so we admit we are either deceiving or that the market is slowly growing" said John Reekie, chairman of Colen Robotics. "The following things must hap-pen the robotics revolution to occur. We must achieve widespread robot literacy. there has been a computer program, there must be a robot literacy program. some kind of artificial intelligence needs to be

Colen makes educational robots and machine tools. It is small with companies like ASEA or Fujitsu Fanuc. But Colen with others in departments in universities such as Surrey, Manchester, and Dur-ham possesses an advantage the giants. The big companies sell very expensive to businesses with expert knowledge in automation. The companies make robots for teaching people, and now they have realized that there is a need for small robots that they can meet.

The little companies either bring their educational machines an industrial standard or design from the start. One technique that they all adopt is to choose (18 components where possible. The major cost of making their models is the electronics, which will fall in price. There is scope for reductions in mechanical costs. The use of standard partswhich are easily replaced, should give these robots a mechanical life of something in the order of five years.

1 A. small B. educational C. big D. business

2 A. claimed B. called C. thought D. told

3 A. to B. with C. over D. in

4A. money B. discounts C. prices D. costs

5 A. exciting B. encouraging C. satisfying D. disappointing

6 A. ourselves B. customers C. companies D. us

7 A. to B. for C. in D. with

8 A. As if B. Even though C. Just as D. Although

9A. custom B. literacy C. poem D. tradition

10 A. However B. Finally C. Whereas D. Because

11A. capable B. possible C. probable D. available

12 A. compared B. comparing C. contrasted D. contrasting

13 A. than B. above C. over D. from

14 A. took B. robots C. machines D. electronics

15 A. other B. big C. little D. robot

16 A. expensive B. artificial C. educational D. low-cost

17 A. up to B. on C. in D. about

18 A. mechanical B. standard C. cheap D. small

19 A. much B. many C. both D. some

20 A. more B. less C. no D. least

【题目】A black and white kitten with a broken back lay on animal doctor Betsy Knenon's examination table. A regular customer had rushed him to her office after his pet dog brought the cat home in his mouth. The dog's owner was horrified, believing that his pet had caused the cat's injuries. But Kennon found no teeth marks or bite wounds, which showed that the dog had probably saved, not harmed, the kitten.

In Kennon’s opinion, however, the cat was a hopeless case. Many doctors would have put down such a badly hurt animal. But she couldn’t be so cruel. The kitten’s bright eyes and sad face had won her over. There was no way of finding his owner, so Kennon, a single woman aged 56, decided to keep him.

She gave him a round of shots and fed him food mixed with medicines. He couldn’t move his back legs but soon started pulling himself forward with his front legs. The doctor named him Scooter and contacted a company that makes carts for disabled animals. Scooter took to his new wheels like a natural. In no time he was able to move freely, if somewhat awkwardly, around Kennon’s office, home and even her backyard. The sight of the determined Scooter was uplifting and amusing in equal measure and Kennon had to smile each time the cat entered the room.

Kennon was convinced that her kitten could share his high spirits with others. So she took Scooter to the local hospital to see if he could help the patients. His first patient was an elderly woman who’d had a stroke and hadn’t spoken to anyone for two days. Scooter jumped out of Kennon’s arms and onto the bed, rolled over to the patient, and lay gently near her cheek, purring softly. The woman looked at Scooter. “Kitty,” she murmured as she began to talk to him. Amazed, Kennon turned to the doctor--- and saw that she was in tears. The cat had engineered a small miracle.

Today Scooter spends about ten hours a month working with patients who are recovering from strokes and injuries. Again and again, Kennon watches as her cat provides hope and comfort. As one patient who’d lost her leg in a car accident said, “If he can do it, so can I.”

【1】 From Paragraph 1, we know that ___________.

A. the dog’s owner was a stranger to Kennon

B. the cat had several bite marks on its body

C. the dog was extremely cruel to the cat

D. who actually injured the cat was unknown

【2】 The underlined phrase “put down” in Paragraph 2 most probably means___________.

A. hurt

B. killed

C. refused

D. replaced

【3】 Why did Kennon decide to keep the cat?

A. She wanted a companion.

B. The cat’s owner abandoned him.

C. She liked the cat.

D. The cat was hopeless.

【4】 How did Kennon help the cat move around?

A. By curing his broken back.

B. By getting him a special cart.

C. By feeding him medicines.

D. By exercising him in her backyard.

【5】 According to the passage, what is the main reason that the cat works miracle?

A. He is able to inspire others.

B. Patients feel sympathy for him.

C. People are amused by his appearance.

D.He has the ability to cure the ill.

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