
【题目】 My dad was a very busy man. After he retired, every morning hed get up, take a shower, prepare a breakfast, and then draw up his to-do ______ for the day.

In the summer he planted and ______ the garden. In the winter he made sure the pile of logs for the wood-burning stove never got too small. ______ at daylight saving time, hed make sure to ______ every clock in the house, from the digital one to the old clock hed ______ Mom on their 15th anniversary. Dad never let a task slip from his ______. Dad took care of everything around our house. If it was on his schedule, it got ______.

Dad passed away in mid-November, 2006. What would we do then? I ______ the clock. It was an hour ahead. Dad never had the ______ to change the time from then on. Both Mom and I ______ to fix every clock except for one that anniversary clock. It was a ______ the chimes (钟声) needed to ______ perfectly with the numbers on the face of the clock. If not, it would ring out the ______ number of chimes on the hour. We were about to begin our attempt ______ we heard a loud pop and all the lights went out.

My God! I thought. This ______ was already falling apart without Dad. It took the electric company about 40 minutes to come and ______ the lights. We were in no ______ to work onspan> the clock. Lets just wait until tomorrow and try again, I said to Mom.

The next morning the power went out again. ______, the electric company responded in half the time it had taken them the night before. With the lights back on we started getting ready for the day. A loud, musical sound ______ the silence. The anniversary chime now has been set to just the right time.

Dad may not be here anymore, I thought, but I should make a ______ for every day.

【1】A. contract B. list C. address D. letter

【2】 A. tended B. defended C. visited D. admired

【3】 A. Moreover B. Yet C. Even D. Still

【4】 A. remove B. paint C. clean D. reset

【5】 A. promised B. bought C. told D. reminded

【6】 A. idea B. decision C. mind D. feeling

【7】 A. done B. known C. hidden D. taken

【8】 A. threw away B. showed off C. looked at D. forgot about

【9】 A. hope B. ability C. courage D. chance

【10】A. advised B. hated C. managed D. permitted

【11】 A. challenge B. try C. lesson D. skill

【12】 A. run B. match C. prepare D. move

【13】 A. right B. same C. wrong D. opposite

【14】 A. because B. though C. so D. when

【15】 A. place B. country C. world D. time

【16】 A. buy B. produce C. repair D. study

【17】 A. doubt B. mood C. money D. sense

【18】 A. Curiously B. Particularly C. Strangely D. Thankfully

【19】A. opened B. ended C. broke D. mixed

【20】 A. noise B. plan C. bid D. choice





















【解析】【1】根据第二段If it was on his schedule可得出答案。

【2】 根据句中planted可推断,父亲种植作物并打理花园。

【3】 根据上下文逻辑可推断,这里是递进关系,用even。

【4】 根据第三段change the time可得出答案。

【5】 根据句中on their 15th anniversary可推断,这是父亲给母亲买的钟表,以纪念他们结婚15周年。

【6】 根据后句Dad took care of everything around our house可推断,父亲不会让任何一件任务从他的大脑中溜走。

【7】 根据前句内容可推断,只要在父亲日程里的事情都会被解决。

【8】 根据后句It was an hour ahead可知,作者看着钟表。

【9】 父亲已经去世。显然没有机会调整时间了。

【10】 根据句中except for one可判断,作者和母亲把该调试的钟表都调试到位了。

【11】 根据下文内容可推断,那个钟表调试起来有难度,是一个挑战。

【12】 根据句中with the numbers on the face of the clock可判断,钟声必须和时刻配对准确。

【13】 根据句中If not可推断,如果钟声和时间不对应,报时就是错误的。

【14】 根据句意可知,这里用when表示突然。

【15】 根据后句内容可知,作者认为,没有了父亲,这个地方就要分崩离析了。


【17】 根据后句Lets just wait until tomorrow可推断,作者和母亲没有心情继续调试钟表了。

【18】根据句中in half the time可知,电力公司用了上次时间的一半,故作者感到庆幸。

【19】 悦耳的声音打破了宁静,表明钟表已经调试好了。

【20】 父亲生前每天都做计划,作者也要这样做。


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