

A.珠/ /画 /天

B.差/ /涟 /山

C.钓/ 歌/ 雨/

D.凝/呜 /和 鼓/


【解析】A项分别读jī/jī,qiào/qiáo,qiàn/qiàn;B项分别读cēn/shēn, qǐ/yī,yá/yá;C项分别读sǒu/shòu,líng/léng,zhòu/zhóu;D项分别读yē/yè,ǎi/ǎi,xiāo/xiāo。






















【题目】A desire, wish, hope, expect, want long 填空

1 I __________ you can get on well with your new friends.

2I __________ had worked out the problem in the examination.

3 The boy __________ to be forgiven.

4 We __________ plenty of sleep, not studying all the time.

5 We are all __________ for peace.

6 The Queen __________ to see the newly-elected Prime Minister David Cameron.

B. alarm, terrify frighten 填空

7 They __________ were __________ by the storm.

8 All the miners were greatly __________.

9 Don't __________ the poor man.

C. event, affair, accident, incident matter 填空

10 The football fans behaved well, and the game was played without __________.

11 This is a really important __________.

12 World War I was one of the most important __________ in the history of mankind.

13 I'm sorry about breaking the vase—it was an __________

14 They were accused of interfering in China's internal __________.

D. announcedeclare填空

15 The chairman __________ the meeting closed.

16 Everyone was silent as he __________ the winner of the competition.

E. sympathy pity 填空

17 He felt __________ for the man who is starving.

18 Every person in trouble wants __________.

F. absurd ridiculous 填空

19It's clear to everybody that this idea is __________.

20 How __________ You blame it on me!

G. company accompany 填空

21 She __________ her friend to the concert.

22 My dog will keep me __________ when I am feeling lonely.

【题目】An underwater robot that can hear the calls of whales, and to help ships to avoid them, has just been successfully tested in the Bahamas.

The scheme relies on a fish-shaped glider that moves freely through the ocean. It can dive down as far as 200 meters below the surface and direct itself by shifting a weight from fore to aft. A microphone attached to the bottom of the glider can pick up calls from all whales, including the high frequency call of the beaked whale, which until now has been difficult to detect. The glider returns periodically to the surface to radio its data back to base, or if that's too far away, it can call a satellite phone and send its information anywhere in the world.

"We are entering a new era of underwater sensing' says Jim Theriault of Defence Research and Development Canada, in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia who ran the trial. "We can put a glider in the Bahamas and monitor it in Nova Scotia.

The hope is that naval or other ocean-going operations that use sonar (声呐)will be able to more easily track where whales are, and so avoid using their noisy equipment when they are close by. There is circumstantial evidence that sonar can upset whales and a number of strandings (搁浅)have been seen shortly after naval sonar operations. “We're trying to lower the potential risk by knowing the animals are there says Theriault.

1 The shape of the underwater robot is like __________

A. a man

. a fish

C. a snake

D. a turtle

2 The underwater robot is built to __________.

A. help whales move to the Bahamas

B. help whales give birth to their young

C. help ships avoid whales

D. help humans kill more whales

3 To radio its data back to base, the robot has to __________

A. dive down as far as 200 meters below the surface

B. stay deep in the water

C. call a satellite phone

D. come to the surface periodically

4 The best title for this passage is __________ ”.

A. Whales are in danger

B. Whales are difficult to find

C. Robot built to kill whales

D. Robot built to spy on whales

5 Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Whales can be disturbed by naval sonar operations.

B. Whales can be disturbed by noisy equipment.

C. Whales can be disturbed by noisy ocean-going operations.

D. Whales' strandings have nothing to do with naval sonar operations.

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