







A. “芙蓉”两句是”芙蓉山秀,罨画溪明”的倒装,目的是突出阳羡境内千岩竞秀、万壑争流的美境,给人以江山如画、美不胜收的感受。

B. “真游”句写阳羡的溶洞,词人用“沧波下”三字表现“真游洞”天工造化的神奇,表达词人对阳羡的热爱和生活在阳羡的快乐之情。

C. “临风”两句咏史,通过当年斩蚊处的长桥如今依然横跨河上与名溪一时的英雄豪杰却杳无踪迹的对比,表达了词人对昔盛今衰的感伤。

D. “临风”两句表达了对周处的倾心赞誉,但更多的是感慨;从结构的角度分析是承上启下的过渡,既总结上片,又为下片描写做了铺垫。

E. 下片的“黄鸡白酒渔樵社”句与“小桥流水人家”“人迹板桥霜”“杨柳岸,晓风残月”等都用了列锦手法,即整个句子都是名词组合而成。











【题目】A Full-Time School Called Life

You are enrolled in a full-time school called "life". Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.

Why are you here? What is your purpose? Humans have sought to discover the meaning of life for a very long time. What we and our ancestors overlooked, however, is there is no one answer. The meaning of life is different for every individual.

Each person has his or her own purpose and distinct path, unique and separate from anyone else's. As you travel your life path, you will be presented with numerous lessons that you will need to learn in order to fulfill that purpose. The lessons you are presented with are specific to you; learning these lessons is a key to discovering and fulfilling the meaning and connection of your own life.

As you travel through your lifetime, you may encounter challenging lessons that others don't have to face, while others spend years struggling with challenges that you don't need to deal with. You may never know why you are blessed with a wonderful marriage, while your friends suffer through bitter arguments and painful divorces, just as you cannot be sure why you struggle financially while your peers enjoy abundance. The only thing you can count on for certain is that you specifically need to learn; whether we choose to learn them or not is entirely up to you.

The challenge here, therefore, is to align (与……保持一致) yourself with your own unique path by learning individual lessons. This is one of the most difficult challenges you will be faced with in your lifetime, as sometimes your path will be completely different from others. But, remember, don't compare your path to the people around you and focus on the difference between their lessons and yours. You need to remember that you will only be faced with lessons that you are capable of learning and are specific to your own growth.

Our sense of fairness is the expectation of equity-the assumption that all things are equal and that justice will always prevail. Life is not, in fact, fair, and you may indeed have a more difficult lift path than others around you, deserved or not. Everyone's circumstances are unique, and everyone needs to handle his or her own circumstances differently. If you want to move toward calm, you will be required to move out the comparing phrase of "it's not fair". Focusing on the unfairness of circumstances keeps you comparing yourself with others rather than appreciating your own special uniqueness. You miss out on learning your

individual lessons by distracting yourself with feeling of bitterness and anger.

【1】 According to the passage, how can the meaning of your life be realized?

A. Having the same opinions as others.

B. Taking the distinct path from others.

C. Learning the lessons presented to you.

D. Doing the different things from others.

【2】 From the passage we can conclude _____.

A. everyone has his own track to follow

B. the same thing usually happen to the peers

C. a painful divorce must lie in financial problems

D. a wealthy man must have a wonderful marriage

【3】 In your lifetimes, the lessons you are faced with _____.

A. are beyond your power

B. keep you from growth

C. limit your development

D. help you with your success

【4】 Which of the following is TRUE?

A. All things are equal and justice will always prevail.

B. You should learn to appreciate your specific uniqueness.

C. One has to fix his mind on unfairness of circumstances.

D. The teachers have designed the lessons as part of your curriculum in the life school.

【5】 Life is called a full-time school, because _____.

A. it is full of all lessons to learn

B. you have plenty of time to learn lessons

C. you meet with specific lessons every day

D. there are so many subjects for you to choose

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