
【题目】 Go for the Gold

Diana Golden was 12 years old when she found she had bone cancer. Doctors recommended her right leg above the knee.

Diana heard the news, she asked the first question that came into her mind, Will I still be able to ?

When the doctors said yes, she later said, I thought it wouldnt be too .

That was Dianas to life. Losing a leg would cause most children to lose , but Diana refused to think about the side. Losing a leg? shed say. Its nothing. A body part.

Most of all, Diana didnt want to let cancer stop her from doing what she lovedskiing. She had been on ski since five. After the operation, Diana worked hard to get back to the . I always skied, and I intended to keep on skiing. There was never any question in my mind about that, she . Seven months after losing her leg, Diana met her . She was back out on the slopes (斜坡).

Skiing wasnt quite the same with just one leg, but Diana made the best of it. She to go faster on one leg than most people could go on two. When she was just 17, she became a member of the U.S. Disabled Ski Team.

After high school, Diana went on to Dartmouth College. There she saw how top two-legged skiers trained. not to be left behind, Diana began training with the Dartmouth team. When they ran up and down the steps of the football stadium, she went up and down the steps tooby . I had to , she later explained. I was an athlete. I had one leg, which meant I had to do it .

Her constant efforts finally paid off. In 1987, Diana placed 10th in a race some of the best nondisabled skiers in the country. And in 1988, the magazine Ski Racing selected her Skier of the Year, breaking the of electing able-bodied World Cup athletes.

As a result of her and determination, Diana has changed the way the world looks at

athletes. People have begun to see them as strong and competent. Everyone has some kind of disability, Diana says, Its what we do with our abilities that .

【1】 A. pulling B. losing C. removing D. breaking

【2】 A. Until B. When C. Once D. Since

【3】 A. run B. walk C. train D. ski

【4】A. bad B. strange C. difficult D. dangerous

【5】 A. answer B. attitude C. attention D. challenge

【6】 A. memory B. interest C. confidence D. patience

【7】 A. serious B. practical C. positive D. negative

【8】 A. mountain B. field C. track D. court

【9】 A. responded B. commented C. declared D. introduced

【10】 A. goal B. requirement C. approval D. standard

【11】 A. offered B. agreed C. expected D. learned

【12】A. Determined B. Ashamed C. Anxious D. Cautious

【13】 A. climbing B. running C. jumping D. walking

【14】 A. adapt B. perform C. survive D. transform

【15】 A. properly B. immediately C. differently D. deliberately

【16】 A. between B. against C. to D. for

【17】 A. reality B. system C. promise D. tradition

【18】 A. wisdom B. experience C. behavior D. courage

【19】 A. top B. disabled C. young D. international

【20】 A. pushes B. matters C. helps D. contributes





















【解析】1 remove:去除移除;At least three bullets were removed from his wounds。根据句意医生建议她截肢,remove 符合语境,故答案选C。

【2】 根据句意当她听到这个消息的时候,她问的第一个问题是。when 符合语境,故答案选B。

【3】 根据后文Most of all, Diana didnt want to let cancer stop her from doing what she lovedskiing.可知她热爱滑雪,故答案选D。

【4】 根据上下文当医生说她可以继续滑冰的时候,她觉得截肢没那么糟糕,因此用bad, 故答案选A。

【5】 这就是她面对生活的态度。这里在描述她面对截肢,态度积极。故答案选B。

【6】 根据but 可知这一句在讲通常情况下,失掉一条腿会使孩子们失掉信心。故答案选C。

【7】 根据上下文可知她拒绝想它消极的一面。negative:消极的;positive:积极的;practical:实用的,实际的。根据句意答案选D。

【8】 手术之后, Diana努力回到了山里.因为Diana是滑雪, B.field:田赛C.track: 径赛 D. court:法庭,都不能滑雪.因此只能是mountain去滑雪。故答案选A。

【9】declare的基本意思是明确地、清楚地、正式地宣布,宣告, respond:回答; comment:评论; introduce:介绍。根据语境,她宣布:我一直在滑雪,没有任何疑问,我会继续坚持下去。 故答案选C。

【10】 几个月之后,她达到了她的目标,她回到了训练处。重新回到训练场是她的目标。goal:目标; requirement:要求; approval:同意; standard:标准。根据句意,goal:目标 符合语境,故答案选A。

【11】 根据上下文,Diana made the best of it和When she was just 17, she became a member of the U.S. Disabled Ski Team.可知她学会了用一条腿滑雪比其他正常人都滑的快。offer:提供;agree :同意;expect:期望。根据句意,可知答案选D。

【12】 为了不落后,Diana和Dartmouth队一起训练,determined:坚定的;坚决的;果断的;确定的,既定的;ashamed:感到惭愧的; anxious:渴望的,焦虑的; cautious:小心的,谨慎的。这里描述Diana 的坚定的决心,故答案选A。

【13】 当别人跑过足球场时,Diana只有一条腿,所有只能跳,故答案选C。

【14】 她后来解释说我不得不适应,因为我是一个运动员 adapt:适应; perform:表现; survive:幸存; transform:转变,转换。根据上下文可知面对训练我别无选择只能适应。故答案选A。

【15】 因为她只有一条腿,因此滑雪和别人不一样。故答案选C。properly :合适的正确的;immediately :立刻,马上;deliberately:深思熟虑的;故意的;从容不迫。根据句意,答案选C。

【16】 against:相对,相比。符合句意,故答案选B。

【17】 在1988年,她被评为了最佳滑雪运动员,打破了当时只从健康选手里评选的传统。故答案选D。

【18】 由于她的勇气和决心,Diana改变了世界对残疾运动员的看法。她失去一条腿后仍然坚持滑雪,这是一种勇气,故答案选D。

【19】 Diana改变了世界对残疾运动员的看法。根据句意,故答案选B。

【20】 Diana说每个人都有某种缺陷,重要的是我们做了什么。Matter: 要紧,起作用。eg:As long as you are happy, it doesn't matter what you will do.故答案选B。


【题目】For nearly a century before there was such a thing as a space program, a view of space was possible. People could see full views of the Moon, explore Mars(探测火星),and study the outer space beauty. All of this was made possible by a small group of artist-astronomers(天文艺术家) who worked to show people how other worlds in space might look.

Lucien Rudaux, a French artist, was the first to use his artistic ability and his knowledge of astronomy in art. His paintings show a mixture of skilled observations, brilliant imagination and careful attention. As a result, many of his works have come surprisingly close to actual conditions on distant planets. His painting of Mars included moonlike craters(火山口) that were first photographed by the astronauts in 1965. His 1930 painting of a dust storm looks remarkably like a photograph of a storm taken by the astronauts in 1976.

The artist-astronomers, including Rudaux, made people interested in outer space by painting what turned out to be exact portraits of the planets.

【1】The passage tells us ________.

A. the surprising exactness of space artists

B. the popular success of Lucien Rudaux

C. the imaginations of great artists

D. the likeness between the Moon and Mars

【2】According to the passage, artist-astronomers spent their lives ________.

A. exploring the planets

B. studying paintings

C. painting the planets

D. producing spaceships

【3】The works of Lucien Rudaux are a mixture of _________.

A. astronomy and mathematics

B. astronomy and painting

C. photograph and art

D. fact and imagination

【4】In 1965,the astronauts photographed _________.

A. a spaceship

B. a planet

C. craters on the Moon

D. a painting

【题目】 七选五型阅读理解

Knowing how and when to say goodbye is often difficult, even in informal situations. 1 It will help you maintain your relationships and let people know you care. It’s also easier than it seems sometimes. Read on to learn how to recognize opportunities and predict others’ needs when you leave.

Recognize when to leave. When you’re at any kind of party, or even a one-on-one conversation,it can be difficult to get away. Learning to recognize good opportunities to leave will make a goodbye much easier. 2 If more than half the people have left, it might be a good time to leave.

3 Overstaying your welcome is rude, but it can often be difficult to distinguish. People don’t like telling you that they’d like you to leave,so try to watch for signals. This may be some other family members starting to check their watch or even pack up or the fact that there is hardly anyone left.

Make plans to see each other again. Saying,“See you at school tomorrow” or “Can’t wait to see you again at Christmas” keeps the goodbye light and focused forward. If you haven’t already made plans, use it as an opportunity to make them. 4 .

Tell the truth. It can be tempting to come up with a “good excuse” when you’re ready to leave. You don’t need to. 5 It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that.

A. Watch body language.

B. Leave when you want.

C. Notice if the crowd seems to be decreasing.

D. Even saying, “See you soon” suggests just that.

E. If you want to leave,just say, “I’ll be going. See you later.”

F. But learning to say goodbye appropriately is a must-have skill.

G. Don’t make plans with people you don’t really care about saying goodbye to.


On a hot summer day in America, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. He dived into the cool water, Not ____ that as he swam towards the middle of the lake, a crocodile (鳄鱼) was swimming toward him.

His mother ____was looking out of the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer. In great ____, she ran toward the water, ____ to her son as loudly as she could. Hearing her voice, the little boy became ____ and made a U-turn to swim to his mother. ____, it was too late. Just as he reached her, the ____ reached him. From the shore, the mother ____ her little boy by the arms just as the crocodile snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war (拔河) between the ____The crocodile was much ____ than the mother, but the mother wouldn’t ___. A farmer ____to drive by, heard their screams, raced from his truck, took aim and ____ the crocodile.

_____, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His ____were extremely scarred (留下疤痕) by the attack of the animal. And, on his arms, were deep scratches (抓痕) where his mother’s fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort to hang on to the son she loved.

The newspaper reporter, who _____the boy, asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his legs. And then, with obvious _____, he said to the reporter, “But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them _____my Mom wouldn’t let go.”

Never judge another person’s ______, because you don’t know ___ they were made.

【1】A. understanding B. imaging C. realizing D. balancing

2A. behind the house B. in the house C. in the lake D. on the shore

3A. fear B. anger C. sadness D. joy

4A. beating B. frightening C. screaming D. apologizing

5A. alarmed B. amazed C. calm D. hopeful

6A. Thus B. So C. Therefore D. However

7A. author B. hunter C. mother D. crocodile

8A. hugged B. stared C. grabbed D. combined

9A. two B. three C. scene D. journey

【10A. fiercer B. stronger C. faster D. heavier

【11A. cut down B. take chances C. go ahead D. let go

【12A. happened B. predicted C. pretended D. bet

【13A. gathered B. gained C. shot D. cut

【14A. importantly B. beneficially C. surprisingly D. Fortunately

【15A. arms B. legs C. fingers D. spot

【16A. helped B. saved C. interviewed D. consulted

【17A. pride B. satisfaction C. strength D. gratitude

【18A. where B. because C. unless D. while

【19A. appearance B. limit C. debt D. scar

20A. when B. how C. where D. as

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