


Dear friends,

The recent success of children’s books has made the general public aware that there’s a huge market out there.

And there’s a growing need for new writers trained to create the $3 billion worth of children’s books bought each year… plus stories and articles needed by over 650 publishers of magazines for children and teenagers. Who are these needed writers? They’re ordinary people like you and me.

But am I good enough?

I was once where you might be now. My thoughts of writing had been pushed down by self-doubt, and I didn’t know where to turn for help.

Then, I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing ability, and it turned out to be the inspiration I needed.

The promise that paid off

The Institute made the same promise to me that they will make to you, if you show basic writing ability: you will complete at least one manuscript (手稿) suitable to hand in to a publisher by the time you finish our course.

I really didn’t expect any publication(出版) before I finished the course, but that happened. I sold three stories. And I soon discovered that was not unusual at the Institute. Since graduation, I have written 34 nationally published children’s books and over 300 stories and articles.

Free test and brochure

We offer a free ability test and will send you a copy of our brochure describing our recognized home-study courses on the basis of one-on-one training.

Realize your writing dream today. There’s nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it disappears forever.


Kristi Hill

Institute of Children’s Literature

【1】What do the first two paragraphs tell us?

A. Children’s books are sold at high prices.

B. Publishers are earning $3 billion each year.

C. There is a growing need for writers of children’s books.

D. Magazines for children and teenagers have drawn public attention.

2 You are promised to publish one manuscript when you __________.

A. show basic ability

B. finish the course

C. have sold three stories

D. have passed the test

3 Why does Kristi Hill mention her own experience of attending the courses?

A. To introduce the home-study courses.

B. To show she has realized her dream.

C. To prove she is a qualified writer.

D. To promote the writing program.






【1】C 段落大意题。根据第二段第一句可知目前市场上需要儿童作家,同时根据第一段内容可知儿童读物的市场很广阔。故前两段主要告诉现代社会需要儿童作家。故C正确。

【2】B 细节理解题。根据第五段内容可知,当你学完这一课程之后你至少能写出一本可以适合印刷的手稿。这是Institute of Children’s Literature对学员的承诺。故B正确。

【3】D 推理判断题。根据第六段第一句可知作者之前也没有想到自己的作品能够出版但是做到了。作者现身说法,就是为了宣传Institute of Children’s Literature。故D正确。


【题目】 The kids in this village wear dirty, ragged clothes. They sleep beside cows and sheep in huts made of sticks and mud. They have no school. Yet they all can chant the English alphabet, and some can make words.

The key to their success: 20 tablet computers(平板电脑) dropped off in their Ethiopian village in February by a U.S. group called One Laptop Per Child.

The goal is to find out whether kids using todays new technology can teach themselves to read in places where no schools or teachers exist. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers analyzing the project data say theyre already amazed. What I think has already happened is that the kids have already learned more than they would have in one year of kindergarten, said Matt Keller, who runs the Ethiopia program.

The fastest learnerand the first to turn on one of the tabletsis 8-year-old Kelbesa Negusse. The devices camera was disabled to save memory, yet within weeks Kelbesa had figured out its workings and made the camera work. He called himself a lion, a marker of accomplishment in Ethiopia.

With his tablet, Kelbasa rearranged the letters HSROE into one of the many English animal names he knows. Then he spelled words on his own. Seven months ago he didnt know any English. Thats unbelievable, said Keller.

The project aims to get kids to a stage called deep reading, where they can read to learn. It wont be in Amharic, Ethiopias first language, but in English, which is widely seen as the ticket to higher paying jobs.

1How does the Ethiopia program benefit the kids in the village?

A. It trains teachers for them.

B. It contributes to their self-study.

C. It helps raise their living standards.

D. It provides funds for building schools.

2 It amazed Keller that with the tablet Kelbesa could _______.

A. learn English words quickly.

B. draw pictures of animals.

C. write letters to researchers.

D. make phone calls to his friends.

3 What is the aim of the project?

A. To offer Ethiopians higher paying jobs.

B. To make Amharic widely used in the world.

C. To help Ethiopian kids read to learn in English.

D. To assist Ethiopians in learning their first language.

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