
1. But it is a rapid increase when ________ ________ other natural changes.(compare)


2. Would you like to ________ ________ ________ ________ the hospital rebuilding fund£¿(contribution)


3. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________£¬ we have to obey.(long)


4. I ________ ________ ________ ________ make mistakes when I'm tired.(tend)


5. I'd prefer to go abroad now, ________ ________.


6. Under no circumstances ________ ________ ________ Mary money.(lend)


7. Faced with the difficult situation, he is at a loss ________ ________ ________ ________.(what)


8. They never give up when in trouble and hold the firm belief ________ ________ ________ ________ hard



9. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ to make a new machine.


10. Changing schools ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ my life.



1. compared with/to 2. make a contribution/contributions to

3. As long as you have decided 4. have a tendency to

5. if possible 6. should you lend

7. what to do next 8. that success results from

9. It will take a long time 10. made a big difference to





Trees around us are extremely important and have always been necessary for improving the human conditions. Our existing forests and trees we plant work to make a better world. 1 Here is a short list of main reasons trees are necessary for improving our living conditions.

¡ñTrees produce oxygen

2 A leafy tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year. What many people don¡¯t realize is that the forest also acts as a giant filter (¹ýÂËÆ÷) that cleans the air we breathe. Trees help clean the air by preventing airborne particles, reducing heat, and absorbing such pollutants.

¡ñTrees clean the soil

The term phytoremediation(Ö²ÎïÐÞ¸´) is a fancy word for the absorption of dangerous chemicals and other pollutants that have entered the soil. 3 Trees filter sewage and farm chemicals, reduce the effects of animal wastes, clean roadside spills and so on.

¡ñTrees are carbon sinks

To produce its food, a tree absorbs and locks away carbon dioxide in the wood, roots and leaves. Carbon dioxide is a global warming suspect. 4 This lockingup process £¢stores£¢ carbon as wood and not as a £¢greenhouse£¢ gas.

¡ñ 5

Trees block urban noise almost as effectively as stone walls. Trees, planted at strategic points in a neighborhood or around your house, can reduce major noises from freeways and airports.

A. Trees help clean the sky.

B. Trees control noise pollution.

C. We could not exist as we do if there were no trees.

D. Man has been planting trees to make the planet a more beautiful world.

E. A forest is a carbon storage area that can lock up as much carbon as it produces.

F. Trees can either store harmful pollutants or change the pollutants into less harmful forms.

G. The modern human community has other more practical reasons to admire and honor trees.


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Buildings crashed to the ground in seconds. Thousands of people lost their lives in a flash. Since they were told an earthquake would hit Tokyo around September 16, Japanese people haven¡¯t been able to get these thoughts out of their minds.

They heard the news from Yoshio Kushida, a researcher who used radio waves to predict that an earthquake would strike with a magnitude(Á¿¼¶) of at least seven.£¢It would be terrible not to warn people of a possible disaster in case a quake actually occurs, £¢he said.

His warning had a big effect. Frightened Tokyo people have been stocking up on water, food and candles in preparation for the terrible day.

But Kushida hasn¡¯t had much support from the experts. At present, predicting earthquakes is thought to be impossible. No one can tell exactly where or when the next major earthquake will occur. An earthquake begins tens of miles below the earth¡¯s surface: it¡¯s too faraway to see.

Ancient Chinese and Italian scientists forecast earthquakes by special £¢earthquake clouds£¢. They found that a week before an earthquake, there were often strange clouds ¡ª shaped like snakes, waves or feathers ¡ª in the sky. They thought the clouds might come from a gas produced underground by an earthquake.

People also used to watch animals to see if earthquakes were coming. When they saw birds fly away suddenly, dogs barking violently or fish jumping out of the water, they told people to leave the area. Some scientists believed animals had a sharper sense of changes taking place underground.

But the ancient methods were not reliable enough. Nowadays, scientists use special instruments to predict earthquakes more precisely(¾«È·µØ).

Satellite systems are very useful: they record small changes in the earth¡¯s magnetic fields(´Å³¡) which help show where and when an earthquake may strike.

¡¾1¡¿Since they were told an earthquake would hit Tokyo, Japanese people__________.

A. have had no mind to do their work

B. have always thought great damage it may cause

C. have almost forgotten about it

D. have bought all the foods in the markets

¡¾2¡¿ Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Tokyo people were surprised at the warning.

B. Great disasters would happen if people are not warned of before an earthquake.

C. Predicting earthquakes is completely impossible at present science level.

D. According to ancient people£¬before an earthquake we can see strange clouds anywhere.

¡¾3¡¿Which is the best way to predict earthquakes nowadays?

A. Watch animals. B. By special£¢earthquake clouds£¢.

C. Use satellite systems. D. There¡¯s no way.

¡¾4¡¿Which can be the best title for the passage?

A. Earthquake prediction. B. Magnetic fields.

C. Earthquakes. D. An earthquake in Japan.

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