

1 She has two daughters they both married rich men.

2 He visited the Great Wall again. He went there two years ago.

3 He failed in the examination. It made his father very angry.

4 He must be from Africa. It can be seen from his skin.

5 He has two sons. Both of them work as chemists.

6 He is a man of great experience. Much can be learned from him.

7 I have many books. Some of them are on chemistry.

8 He met two old friends yesterday in the street. He hadn't met them for years.

9 The man is in the next room. He brought our text-books here yesterday.

10 The magazine is mine. He has taken it away.


【解析】【1 She has two daughters, who both married rich men.

2 He visited the Great Wall again, where he went two years ago.

3 He failed in the examination, which made his father very angry.

4 He must be from Africa, which/as can be seen from his skin.

5 He has two sons, both of whom work as chemists.

6He is a man of great experience, from whom much can be learned.

7 I have many books ,some of which are on chemistry.

8 He met two old friends yesterday in the street, whom he hadn't met for years.

9The man, who brought our textbooks here yesterday. is in the next room.

10 The magazine ,which he has taken away, is mine.











B 己虽能/仍就不能之人以咨所未能/己虽多/仍就寡少之人更资其多/内有道/外若无中/虽实容若虚


D 己虽能/仍就不能之人以咨所未/能己虽多/仍就寡少之人更资其多/内有道/外若无中/虽实容若虚


A 国子博士,学官名,唐代设国子监总辖国子、太学、四门等学,其内设博士、祭酒等职,主管学政。

B 子,与上文的“县男”均为唐代爵位名目之一,用以封赏有功者。爵位等级不一,其中子属最高等级。

C 释菜,亦作“释采”,此处指古代入学时祭祀先圣先师的一种典礼,最早于《礼记月令》中即有记载。

D 五经,《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《春秋》的合称,是我国保存至今的较为古老的文献,也是我国古代儒家的主要经典。


A 孔颖达学问精湛,早年成名。他八岁从师学习,博学多才,在与国子秘书学士辩论中,表现突出,而且年龄最小,引起一些人的嫉妒,被人刺探行踪。

B 孔颖达熟悉典籍,善于劝谏。他在回答太宗的询问时,不只讲清楚了经典的内容,而且借题发挥,把道理引入执政之国之道上。

C 孔颖达尽忠职守,不为身谋。作为太子的侍讲官,他见到太子不遵法度的行为,就直言其过,面对劝阻,也不改初衷。

D 孔颖达一心为国,颇得恩遇。生前,他多次得到加官晋爵的赏赐,死后也得到赠官赠谥的恩赏,甚至还享有陪葬太宗的殊荣。




【题目】 The British film star Hugh Grant can’t seem to work out what women want.

“There’s no girl who only wants bastards(坏蛋),and no girl who wants a nice guy(伙计).Women want both,” the British star tells the May issue of the Talk magazine. “And,really,they’d like to change by turns on a weekly basis. Can any man be both? I like to keep women guessing.”

Since Grant’s break-up last year with his longtime girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley,the thought of throwing himself into another big relationship doesn’t seem like it’s expected.

“How easy do you think it is to find someone you can share 14 years of personal jokes with? Not easy. And I don’t know that I will,” he says.

Still,the 40-year-old star admits he can’t help thinking that his clock is ticking.

“In the end,I want to have kids(children).But in the back of my mind,I never wanted to have kids until I’d done something I’m proud of written a book,had my name on something really worthwhile,” he says. “I’m determined not to be in front of the cameras any more.”

With all of these concerns(心思)inside,has Grant ever considered seeing a psychiatrist(精神病医生)to sort things out?

“I don’t think I need treatment,thank you,” sniffs the star.

“I’m frightened of those people. And more than that,I don’t want to know what lies beneath(在下面).”

【1】Judging from what Hugh Grant says,the film star may consider himself ______________.

A. either a bastard or a nice guy

B. both a bastard and a nice guy at the same timeC. a bastard in one week and a nice guy in the other

D. neither a bastard nor a nice guy

【2】 Hugh Grant _________________.

A. is looking for another girlfriend at the present time

B. never feels sure of finding a girlfriend who can take the place of Elizabeth Hurley

C. considers it a shame to look for another girlfriend

D. doesn’t value much the relationship he had with Elizabeth Hurley

【3】The underlined clause “his clock is ticking” possibly means _________.

A. he’s having a good time

B. he can’t stand being single

C. his film life is going to end soon

D. he is getting too old

【4】Hugh Grant thinks that he is not yet successful enough to be _______.

A. a nice guy

B. a husband

C. a film star

D. a father

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