【1】关于甲图的说法,正确的是( )
【2】关于河流EF段、CD段的说法,正确的是( )
【3】比较a、b、c、d的数值大小( )
A.a>b>c>d B.a<b<c<d
C.a=b=c=d D.无法确定
【1】读图,甲图中最热月等温线在陆地上向北凸,海洋中向南凸,说明该地位于北半球,A对,B错。 根据海陆位置和图中纬度,该河流位于地中海气候区和温带海洋性气候区,最冷月气温大于0°C,无结冰期,C错。图中河流南段径流的季节变化大,D错。
【2】根据 图丙分析,A地的流量季节变化大,E地流量季节变化小,说明E地受湖泊的调节功能影响。湖泊只能调节下游河段的流量。所以 EF段流向为由南向北,CD段河水水位高于潜水,河水补给潜水,A、C、D错,B对。
【3】结合前面分析,根据河流流向,判断潜水水位的高低,靠近河流上游水位较高 。所以a、b、c、d的数值大小是a<b<c<d,B对。A、C、D错。

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项。
Miracles Happen 101 Inspirational Stories about Hope, Answered Prayers, and Divine Intervention Miracles happen every day! Miracles can happen to anyone at any time. You will be instructed by these personal stories of faith, prayer, and healing that show a higher power at work in our lives. | |
The Dating Game 101 Stories about Looking for Love and Finding Fairy tale Romance! Searching for "The One"? This fun new book about dating — whether it sparked a lifelong love or a laugh with friends — will give you a boost as you search for your soul mate. Read these 101 stories about how couples met, good and bad dates, maintaining the relationship, second chances, the Internet, and all the ups and downs of dating, love, and romance. For men and women from 21 to 91. | |
O Canada The Wonders of Winter 101 Stories about Bad Weather, Good Times and Great Sports Canadian winters are boring! But this collection will warm | |
Just Us Girls 101 Stories about Friendship for Women of All Ages A woman's friends are the family she picks for herself. Whether it's about something funny or serious, our friends are the first ones we think to call. They are a constant source of support and encouragement. This collection of 101 touching and amusing stories celebrates all that is special about the bonds that women share with their friends — the unique spirit of female friendship. You'll love reading and sharing these stories with your friends. |
【1】What do the four books have in common?
A.They all have 101 stories.
B.They are all about weather.
C.They are sold at the same price.
D.They are published at the same day.
【2】Which book should you buy if you are in love with somebody?
A.O Canada The Wonders of Winter.
B.Miracles Happen.
C.The Dating Game.
D.Just Us Girls.
【3】Where can we find the passage?
A.A news report.
B.An education column.
D.A tour guide.