
【题目】All possible means ________been taken to prevent the river________.

A. have;polluting

B. has; polluted

C. has; from polluted

D. have;being polluted


【解析】句意:为了防止河流被污染,所有可能的方法都采用了。主语为all possible means,谓语动词用复数;河流应是被污染,因此用被动语态。prevent. .from doing.阻止/阻挠…………



Samuel Osmond is a 19-year-old law student from Cornwall, England. He never studied the piano. However, he can play very difficult musical pieces by musicians such as Chopin and Beethoven just a few minutes after he hears them. He learns a piece of music by listening to it in parts. Then he thinks about the notes in his head. Two years ago, he played his first piece Moonlight Sonata(奏鸣曲)by Beethoven. He surprised everyone around him.

Amazed that he remembered this long and difficult piece of music and played it perfectly, his teachers say Samuel is unbelievable. They say his ability is very rare, but Samuel doesnt even realize that what he can do is special. Samuel wanted to become a lawyer as it was the wish of his parents, but music teachers told him he should study music instead. Now, he studies law and music.

Samuel cant understand why everyone is so surprised. I grew up with music. My mother played the piano and my father played the guitar. About two years ago, I suddenly decided to start playing the piano, without being able to read music and without having any lessons. It comes easily to me ---I hear the notes and can bear them in mind---each and every note, says Samuel.

Recently, Samuel performed a piece during a special event at his college. The piece had more than a thousand notes. The audience was impressed by his amazing performance. He is now learning a piece that is so difficult that many professional pianists cant play it. Samuel says confidently, Its all about super memory---I guess I have that gift.

However, Samuels ability to remember things doesnt stop with music. His family says that even when he was a young boy, Samuel heard someone read a story, and then he could retell the story word for word.

Samuel is still only a teenager. He doesnt know what he wants to do in the future. For now, he is just happy to play beautiful music and continue his studies.

【1】 What is special about Samuel Osmond?

A. He has a gift for writing music.

B. He can write down the note he hears.

C. He is a top student at the law school.

D. He can play the musical piece he hears.

【2】 What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A.Samuel chose law against the wish of his parents.

B. Samuel planned to be a lawyer rather than a musician.

C. Samuel thinks of himself as a man of great musical ability.

D. Samuel studies law and music on the advice of his teachers.

【3】 What can we infer about Samuel in Paragraph 4?

A. He became famous during a special event at his college.

B. He is proud of his ability to remember things accurately.

C. He plays the piano better than many professional pianists.

D. He impressed the audience by playing all the musical pieces.


孙沔,字元规,越州会稽人。中进士第,补赵州司理参军。景祐元年,礼院奏用冬至日册后,沔奏:丧未祥禫而行嘉礼,非制也。李安世上书指切朝政,被劾。沔奏:加罪安世,恐杜天下言者,请勿治。黜知衡山县。道上书言时事,再贬永州监酒。所在皆著能迹。时宰相吕夷简求罢,仁宗优诏弗许。沔上书言:自夷简当国黜忠言废直道及以使相出镇许昌乃荐王随、陈尧叟代己才庸负重谋议不协忿争中堂取笑多士政事寝废又以张士逊冠台席,士逊本乏远识,至隳国事。盖夷简不进贤为社稷远图,但引不若己者为自固之计,欲使陛下知辅相之位非己不可,冀复思己而召用也。居两月,迁礼部郎中,知庆州。元昊死,诸将欲乘其隙,大举灭之。沔曰:乘危伐丧,非中国体。三司所给特支,物恶而估高,军士有语,优人因戏及之,命斩之徇。明日,给特支,士无敢欢者。迁枢密直学士、知成都府,未至,以母丧罢。服除,为陕西都转运使。徙秦州,时侬智高反,沔入见,帝以秦事勉之。对曰:臣虽老,然秦州不足烦圣虑,陛下当以岭南为忧也。臣睹贼势方张,官军朝夕当有败奏。明日,闻蒋偕死,帝谕执政曰:南事诚如沔所料。英宗即位,迁户部。帝与执政议守边者,难其人,欧阳修奏:孙沔向守环庆,养练士卒,招抚蕃夷,恩信最著。今虽七十,心力不衰,中间曾以罪废,然宜弃瑕忘过。遂又以为观文殿学士、知庆州,徙延州,道卒。沔居官以才力闻,强直少所惮,然喜宴游女色,故中间坐废。 (节选自《宋史·孙沔传》)



















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