


The Secretary-General of the U.N. has always been chosen in private meetings. But for the first time in its 70-year history, part of the selection process is taking place in public.

At least eight countries have announced their candidates (候选人) for the position, among whom are women, including Irina Bukova from Bulgaria, Susana Malcorra from Argentina and Helen Clark from New Zealand. 56 countries says the next U.N. chief should be a woman. There have been eight U.N. chiefs, none of whom was a woman.

All member states were permitted to ask the candidates questions during two hour-long meetings last week in the U.N. General Assembly (联合国大会). The candidates were also asked some of the 1,000 questions written by people on social media.

They were asked questions about development, how they would improve efforts to create peace and how they would protect human rights.

The U.N. Security Council will examine the candidates backgrounds. Then the 15 members will vote secretly until one person is chosen. The General Assembly will then vote on whether to accept the choice.

Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States are the five permanent members of the Security Council. Experts say they are likely to have more influence on who will be the new secretary-general than the 10 non-permanent nations on the council.

The Security Council will begin to discuss who will be named the next secretary-general in July. A new secretary-general may not be confirmed until as late as November.

The U.N. has a tradition of choosing its new leader from a part of the world different from its current leader. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is from Asia. The previous U.N. chief was Kofi Annan, who was from Africa.

Dan Thomas is a spokesman for the president of the General Assembly. He says there is no rule that says where a new secretary-general must come from. But most observers say the new U.N. chief will not be from Asia or Africa.

【1】 What do the first two paragraphs imply?

A. All the Secretary-Generals of the U.N. have been chosen privately.

B. Women havent been allowed to apply for the Secretary-General.

C. The next Secretary-General of the U.N. might be a woman.

D. The process of choosing a new secretary-general is being made public.

【2】Which of the following has the final decision on who will be the next secretary-general?

A. The five permanent members of the Security Council.

B. The Security Council.

C. The 10 non-permanent nations on the council.

D. The current Secretary-General.

【3】 Which of the following is not the factor affecting whether a candidate will become the next U.N. chief?

A. Whether he is concerned about the human right.

B. Where he is from.

C. What his background is.

D. Male or female.

【4】 What is the best title of the passage?

A. U.N. Seeks New Secretary-General

B. The First Female Secretary-General of the U.N.

C. A Hard Decision in U.N.s History

D. Who can be the Secretary-General of the U.N.







文章大意 本文介绍了联合国秘书长产生的过程和决定候选人是否能成为秘书长的因素,并且新一届秘书长的产生过程将部分地公开。


【解题思路】由第一段第二句话“But for the first time in its 70-year history, part of the selection process is taking place in public.”新一届秘书长的产生过程将部分地公开可知,A项和D项不对;由第二段第一句At least eight countries have announced their candidates (候选人) for the position, among whom are women, including ......可知:至少八个国家宣布了包括Irina Bukova, Susana Malcorra, Helen Clark在内的几位女候选人,B项不对;.根据第二段中的56 countries says the next U.N. chief should be a woman. (五十六个国家说下一任联合国秘书长应该是女性),可知C正确


【解题思路】 第三段至第七段叙述了联合国秘书长产生的过程。根据第七段The Security Council will begin to discuss who will be named the next secretary-general in July. A new secretary-general may not be confirmed until as late as November. (安理会将讨论并最迟于十一月份决定谁将被任命为新一任秘书长。)可知B正确


【解题思路】根据第四段They were asked questions about how they would protect human rights. (要求候选人回答怎样保护人权问题) 可排除A项。根据第八段The U.N. has a tradition of choosing its new leader from a part of the world different from its current leader. (联合国有选择新秘书长的传统——继任者不能和现任出自于同一区域。)可知B项也是影响候选人能否成为新一任秘书长的因素。根据第五段The U.N. Security Council will examine the candidates’ backgrounds (联合国安理会将考察候选人的阅历)可排除C项。D是男还是女不影响候选人能否成为新一任秘书长。故D符合题意




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