

蠕动 儒子牛 横七竖八 蜂涌而至

见机 反射 血肉之驱 生杀予夺

呻吟 欧打 步履蹒跚 草煎人命




【题目】I used to be the messiest person alive. Over theyears, through watching others and by trial and error,I have finally found ways to come up with plans,organize them and follow through with them.

Make an outline of everything you need to haveand do to make your plan happen. Make a list of allof the steps that need to be accomplished and thinkabout what needs to be done.

Detail everything thoroughly and read over it soyou can start coming up with some mental solutionsof how to carry out your plans.

You should ensure that if for some reason wayone doesn't work, you have way two and way three tolean back on. Therefore, different ways are needed athand. It's just a matter of being organized. Chancesare that there is always more than one way of doingthings, and chances are that if one of those waysdoesn't work,one of the others will.

Committing yourself to finishing at least part ifnot all of your plan at once is also necessary. It willshow that you not only have initiative to get thingsrolling, but that you are interested in the resultsobtained with making the move to get everythingdone.

If you make a commitment to finish before aspecific time, make sure that you carry that out, andbe sure to do everything in the way you said youwould, within the time-frame you set for yourself.

Don't try to tackle (处理) more things all at atime. All that does is delay your progress, distract youand make you lose your interest, motivation andenergy.

Carrying out an effective plan requires being asorganized as possible. You will only achieve this bysticking to the order of the plan and not deviating ortrying to do more at a time.

Last but not the least, you should never abandonthings mid-project. It will only annoy everyonearound you including yourself. Unfinished plans are awaste of time, energy and, in some casesevenmoney.

So,don't be afraid of organization. The older weget,the more necessary it becomes to have the skills to follow through with confidence and to be able tocarry through plans in an organized and manageableway. It pays to be organized, after all.

Title: Tips on how to be __【1】__ in your life




__【3】__ down your plan

List everything you need

List __【4】__ you will follow

To make your plan happen

Prepare three __【5】__ ways to carry out your plan

To __【6】__ that you can have some other choices when one way doesn’t work

__【7】__ to finish at least part of your plan if not all

Do everything __【8】__ your own time-frame

To show yourself you are determined to get things stared and caring about the results

Do one thing at once

Stick to the order of you plan

To save your interest, motivation and energy

Finish what you have started

To get your plan __【9】__ out thoroughly


You shouldn’t be afraid of organization because it’s really worthwhile.

【题目】From the earliest times men seem to have noticed the habits of insects, and to have learnt lessons from them. Ants and bees work very hard during the summer, __【1】__ enough food to last during the winter. They give us a good example to __【2】__. If we waste time when the conditions are good for work, we shall probably __【3】__ later and when we really want to work, we are __【4】__ to do so.

Moths, and some other insects, cannot help flying towards a light of any kind. The attraction seems to be too strong for them. __【5】__, they often __【6】__ themselves by flying into something that is burning, such as a lighted candle. In some countries, when such insects as flying ants become a nuisance(讨厌的东西), people __【7】__ themselves by lighting fires at the doors of their cottages. Sometimes the insects fly into the fire in such large __【8】__ that they put it out. In literature we often find poets warning us of the danger of being attracted by __【9】__ or beautiful things that will destroy us.

Butterflies are admired for their __【10】__, though they receive very little praise for anything else. They fly __【11】__ in the sunshine, going from flower to flower, happy all day long, leading a life of __【12】__. They are beautiful, but it seems that they are not of much __【13】__ use to anybody. Some human beings lead very much the same sort of life __【14】__ they are butterflies of society.

Locusts are __【15】__, though. They are active enough. They spend their time eating the food of others. __【16】_ there are men like this, destroying things wherever they go, taking for themselves __【17】__ belongs to others, using up everything and __【18】__ nothing. They are human __【19】__.

Perhaps it may be said that even the worst insects have one use: they __【20】__ us not to be like them.

A. raising B. picking C. collecting D. growing

A. learn B. copy C. set D. accept

A. work B. realize C. suffer D. miss

A. anxious B. unnecessary C. nervous D. unable

A. As a result B. After allC. In the meanwhile D. What's more

A. destroy B. heat C. devote D. kill

A. prevent B. keep C. protect D. escape

A. teams B. numbers C. groups D. lines

A. bright B. burning C. firing D. lighting

A. colour B. attraction C. beauty D. work

A. about B. up C. down D. high

A. happiness B. pleasure C. business D. value

A. real B. true C. proper D. right

A. but B. and C. or D. though

A. different B. similar C. interesting D. exciting

A. Luckily B. Generally C. Unfortunately D. Usually

A. that B. which C. all D. what

A. preparing B. making C. storing D. producing

A. locusts B. moths C. enemies D. butterflies.

A. tell B. suggest C. warn D. ask



贾永 曹智 白瑞雪

新华网酒泉10月16日电 2003年10月15日清晨,朝阳晖映着酒泉卫星发射中心载人航天发射场耸入云天的发射架。乳白色的神舟五号飞船内,杨利伟——中国第一个航天员正静候着一个举国关注的时刻。












【题目】 Speaking in his first National Day Rally speech on 15 August, Prime Minister Lee Hsien said Singapore’s education system was set for more reforms in the years ahead, particularly for the primary and secondary education. Read the summary of his thoughts on education below.

For a start, the government is prepared to send an additional 3,000 teachers to Singapore schools, cut the courses of study even further and change the way the mother tongue, especially Chinese, is taught. But, for the changes to be successful, parents need to help.

Singapore has a devoted group of teachers and principles and quite a few of them are outstanding, but the Republics schools can be even better. To help the schools make a jump in quality, the government plans that within the next 6 years, it will send 1,000 more teachers to primary schools, 1,400 to secondary schools and 550 more to junior colleges. Each school would decide how to use its extra teachers. Some may want to make classes smaller so students get more individual attentions while others may have new teachers assist more senior teachers, but the overall goal is to give teachers the time and space to come up with ways to bring out the best in their students.

More teachers must not mean more homework, however. In fact, the Prime Minister wants to see the courses cut down so that there is less pressure on the students. Good grades are important but they should not be the only goal students have. PM Lee is convinced that we must teach less so that our children can learn more.

Another change will be in the teaching of the mother of tongue so that students can become more fluent. The key is to teach Chinese as a living language not just an academic subject like Latin. Therefore, the focus should be on speaking and reading the language. To do this, there must be an environment outside the classroom that is contributing to strengthening the Chinese lessons.

【1】The text is mainly about in Singapore.

A. the education reform

B. adding more teachers

C. the mother tongue

D. ways of teaching

【2】The general goal of using extra teachers is to .

A. make classes smaller

B. assist more senior teachers

C. teach more

D. help teachers improve teaching quality

【3】PM Lee holds that the students should .

A. do more homework

B. give up higher grades

C. study more courses

D. be given more time to learn more

【4】 The key to teaching Chinese well is to .

A. make it academic

B. have a creative environment

C. give more Chinese lessons

D. encourage speaking and reading a lot

【5】The measures to be carried out will have pressure taken off .

A. teachers

B. students

C. parents

D. the government

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