     The parents of two boys (14 and 16 year-olds) went on a trip for the weekend with friends. They
left early    1     Friday morning, and left the boys at home. That evening the boys       2    their dad's
car to see a movie. They     3    a good time. After the movie      4    , they got back to the car. They
saw a big hole ( 洞) at the      5    of the car. They were terrified ( 恐惧的) and asked     6   to fix
( 修理) the car. After that they drove it back home. Their parents came back on Sunday, but the boys
didn't tell them about the hole    7   they were too terrified. The father went out in his     8     . When
he came back, he was     9    and said to the family, "Someone drove     10    the back of my car on
Thursday and now it is fixed well!"
(    )1. A. on      
(    )2. A. got      
(    )3. A. took    
(    )4. A. stopped  
(    )5. A. top      
(    )6. A. anyone  
(    )7. A. if      
(    )8. A. car      
(    )9. A. worried  
(    )1. A. out      

B. in    
B. drove  
B. visited
B. started
B. back  
B. someone
B. so    
B. taxi  
B. sad    
B. into  

C. of        
C. won        
C. had        
C. depended  
C. head      
C. everyone  
C. until      
C. boat      
C. surprised  
C. up        

D. with    
D. found  
D. turned  
D. finished
D. wheel  
D. no one  
D. because
D. shoes  
D. angry  
D. about  

     London is such a wonderful city. It is very large. The Thames River runs __1__ the city from west to
east. So the city has __2__ parts: the South and the North. In the North, there are important buildings,
shops, big parks and interesting places.
     The weather in London is good. In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot __3__ the
 city is near the sea. People say __4__ London is a foggy city and it often rains. It is true. 
     Last year, when I __5__ in London I met one of the __6__ fogs in years. You could hardly see your
hand in front of your face. Cars and buses moved along with their lights on. When evening fell, the weather
__7__ even worse. The fog was as thick as milk. __8__ the buses and cars stopped. I happened __9__
an important meeting on the other side of the town, but it was impossible to find a car. I had to get there
(     )1. A. about      
(     )2. A. four        
(     )3. A. because    
(     )4. A. what        
(     )5. A. were        
(     )6. A. thick      
(     )7. A. become      
(     )8. A. All        
(     )9. A. to have    
(     )10. A. by car    
B. through    
B. six        
B. so        
B. where      
B. am        
B. thicker    
B. got        
B. Each      
B. have      
B. by bus    
C. in          
C. five        
C. but          
C. that        
C. be          
C. the thickest
C. turn        
C. Every        
C. having      
C. on foot      
D. along      
D. two        
D. or        
D. which      
D. was        
D. thickest  
D. grow      
D. None      
D. had        
D. on the foot
     A young officer (军官) was at railway station. He was on his  1  to visit his mother in another town,
and he wanted to  2  her to tell her the time of his  3  , so that she could  meet him at the station  4  her
car. He looked in all his pockets but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he
went outside and looked  5  for someone to  him.
     At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, "Have you  7  change (零钱) for ten pence?" "  8  ," the old soldier answered, and put his hand into his pocket. "I'll see whether I
can help you."
     "Don't you know  9  to speak to an officer?" The young man said angrily. "Now 10 start again. Have
you got change for ten pence?"
     "No, sir!" The old soldier answered angrily.
(     )1.A. bus      
(     )2.A. telephone
(     )3.A. train    
(     )4.A. by        
(     )5.A. out      
(     )6.A. see      
(     )7.A. made      
(     )8.A. Excuse me   
(     )9.A. how      
(     )10.A. will you
B. way              
B. find              
B. bus              
B. in                
B. around            
B. watch            
B. found            
B. All right        
B. what              
B. would you like to     
C. line      
C. meet      
C. ship      
C. with      
C. at        
C. help      
C. borrowed          
C. Sorry    
C. when      
C. let's    
D. telephone            
D. get                  
D. way                  
D. to                  
D. up                  
D. give                
D. got                  
D. Wait a moment               
D. why                  
D. you should better  

     There was an old pear tree in a man's garden. In the past,  the  tree  fruited  every  year, so the man
would  get  many  pears. But  now, the tree got old. There  were  no more  pears  for  the man. So the
ungrateful man decided to cut the tree down. When he walked toward the tree with an axe in his hand,
the tree said to him, "Please don't cut me down. I have borne so many pears for you in the past years.
Now I will die soon. I only have a short time to live. Please don't kill a dying tree that has done so much
for you."
     "I'm sorry. I have to do so," the man said, "because I need wood to make a chair." Then he began to
wave his axe. At that moment, a bird in the old tree shouted at him, "Don't cut it down! Every time you
go out and your wife feels lonely, she will come out to the garden and sit under the tree to enjoy its cool
shade, and I sing songs to make her happy. We give much pleasure to  your  wife  when  you  are away
from home."
     The man didn't listen to the bird and drove it away. Just when he was about to cut the tree, some
bees flew out of it and said, "Listen! If you agree not to kill this tree, we will give you delicious honey
every day. Would you please leave the tree with us?"
     The man got moved. He said, "You are so kind to the tree, although it has become old. Now I see
that I shouldn't cut it down. It has done so much for me and my wife. Let the tree stay here, and let the
bird continue its songs here." With these words, the man left. And the old tree lived there to its last day.

     There is a big supermarket near Nadine's house. It's the    1    to her house and also the cheapest
one. So she likes    2    there very much. One day, Nadine    3    a piece of beef from the supermarket.
When she got home she found it smelled (闻起来) bad. So she walked back to the    4    with the beef.
She went up to the shop assistant    5    sold the beef to her. She asked him to smell the beef himself, but
he said that it smelled    6    and gave it back to her. She told him to call the manager (经理). A minute 
   7    , the manager came out. He smelled the beef. It was really bad. The manager said sorry to Nadine
and told her that the shop assistant couldn't smell anything    8    he had a bad cold. He asked another
shop assistant to    9    another piece of beef for Nadine. She thanked the manager and said that the
supermarket had   10   service. Then she went back home happily.
(     )1. A. farther    
(     )2. A. fishing    
(     )3. A. learned    
(     )4. A. restaurant
(     )5. A. who        
(     )6. A. bad        
(     )7. A. later      
(     )8. A. if        
(     )9. A. feed      
(     )10. A. lazy      
B. farthest  
B. swimming  
B. bought    
B. supermarket
B. where      
B. awful      
B. ago        
B. though    
B. get        
B. friendly  
C. closer  
C. shopping
C. showed  
C. hospital
C. how    
C. good    
C. after  
C. until  
C. make    
C. sick    
D. closest    
D. camping    
D. borrowed  
D. bank      
D. when      
D. terrible  
D. before    
D. because    
D. send      
D. unfriendly
     John is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a   1   student when he was young. He was often
late  for   2   and  didn't  like  doing  his  homework. Sometimes, he  slept in class while the teacher was
teaching. He didn't  understand  much,   3   he  always  thought  he  understood  everything. One day the
teacher   4  the students a question. "When Jack was ten years old,   5   brother Bob was twenty. Jack is
fifteen now and   6   is his brother Bob? "
     John said, "That's easy. Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty. "
     Another time, the   7   in a science class asked, "When it thunders (打雷),   8   do we always see the
light before we   9   the sound?"
     "But, Miss," said John quickly. "don't you   10   our eyes are in front of our ears?"
(     )1.A. good    
(     )2.A. work    
(     )3.A. so      
(     )4.A. answered
(     )5.A. your    
(     )6.A. how many
(     )7.A. teacher  
(     )8.A. what    
(     )9.A. break    
(     )10.A. read    
B. tall      
B. lunch    
B. and      
B. asked    
B. my        
B. how old         
B. farmer    
B. when      
B. hear      
B. hope      
C. rich        
C. class      
C. but        
C. told        
C. his        
C. how much                                
C. nurse      
C. why        
C. make        
C. know        
get, picture, paint, stand, happen, bad, make, agree, feel, minute, laugh, sleep
     Peter was a boy about ten. He lived in  the village but  studied in a  school of a town. He _1_up early
and  went  to  school  by  bike  after  breakfast. One day, on his  way home, he  saw a lot of people _2_
around a young man. The boy stopped to find out what _3_ there. The young man said, "I've traveled in
several countries and seen a lot of pictures, but they were all _4_than mine. I'm sure it's difficult to find an
artist like me! I have to come here to look for the best artist in the world."
     "Please show one of your _5_ to us if it's true!" An old man said.
     The  young  man  brought  out a picture and hung it on the wall. All the  people  thought  it  was  nice
except Peter. He found a drawback (缺陷) and showed it to them. It _6_ the young man angry. He said
to the boy, "Are you good at _7_, boy? Paint one for us, will you?"
     "OK," Peter _8_. He  painted  the  paper  black  and  showed  it to the young man. The young man
watched it for nearly ten _9_ and then asked, "What did you paint?"
     "It's a black pig on the dark night."
     All the people began _10_ and the young man didn't say a word for a long time.
1.         2.           3.           4.           5.          
6.         7.           8.           9.           10.          
     Johnny Kelley is 86 years old. He has just run the last  eleven  kilometers of the  Boston Marathon. It
took  him  one  hour  and  fifteen  minutes to run the  eleven  kilometers. After his running, he went to the
hospital center. The nurse was surprised and pleased to see that his blood pressure was 139 over 84.
She told him that his blood pressure was very good. Then she said, "I wish mine were good like yours."
    Johnny Kelley is known as the great-grandfather of the Boston Marathon. He ran all the 42 kilometers
of the marathon 61 times. This year was the second time that he  has  cut  back  and  run  only  part of it.
Kelley holds the record for running more Boston Marathons than anyone else.
     Thousands  of  people  cry "Come on" to  him  as he runs. Today  an 11-year-old  boy called put to
Kelley, "Hey, Mr Kelley. You  are  great  man." Kelley  smiles  and  thanks  people  as he runs. "It's a
wonderful." He said, "People come out to shake my hand. I am welcomed by thousands of people. I
think a lot of them thought I ran the whole race. And maybe they congratulate because they know me
after all there years and they don't know the other runners."
1. Kelley is known as the great-grandfather of the Boston Marathon because _____.
A. he is eighty-six years old
B. he ran all the 42 kilometers of the Boston Marathon that day
C. he was old and ran all the 42 kilometers of the Boston Marathon 61 times
D. his grandson is the best runner of the Boston Marathon
2. When Kelley said it was wonderful, he meant that _____.
A. he was welcome by thousands of people
B. his blood pressure was so good
C. he was able to run the whole Marathon race
D. he got to the hospital center safely
3. Kelley keeps the record _____.
A. for living to a great age
B. for running the fastest
C. for taking one hour and 15 minutes to run the 11 kilometers
D. for running the most Boston Marathons
4. Kelley went to the hospital center after the race _____.
A. to tell the nurse the good news
B. to have a good rest
C. to thank people who cried "come on" to him
D. to see if his blood pressure was good
     Sandwiches are popular in the world, but do you know where they came from? Sandwich was
an English   1  . He lived in England about two hundred years ago. Sandwich had   2   money.
He was very rich (富有的) and he liked to play   3   . He often played all day and night and had
no time to  4   dinner. One day he played for 24 hours and felt very   5  . He asked his servant (仆人) to get him some meat and bread. He put the meat   6   the two slices of bread so that he
could   7   playing his cards. People liked   8   idea and called the food sandwich. Today there
are many different kinds of sandwiches. You can make them at home or  9    them at
restaurants easily. We love sandwiches   10  we can eat them everywhere, at workplaces,
schools or parks, and they're not expensive.
(     )1.A.food  
(     )2.A.a few  
(     )3.A.chess  
(     )4.A.add    
(     )5.A.hungry           
(     )6.A.on    
(     )7.A.keep  
(     )8.A.its    
(     )9.A.roll  
(     )10.A.if    
B.a lot of
C. person  
C. a little
C. soccer  
C. have    
C. thirsty                       
C. with    
C. stop    
C. her    
C. sell    
C. because
D. club      
D. a number of
D. jokes      
D. find      
D. angry                         
D. between    
D. finish    
D. their      
D. cook      
D. although  
 0  8552  8560  8566  8570  8576  8578  8582  8588  8590  8596  8602  8606  8608  8612  8618  8620  8626  8630  8632  8636  8638  8642  8644  8646  8647  8648  8650  8651  8652  8654  8656  8660  8662  8666  8668  8672  8678  8680  8686  8690  8692  8696  8702  8708  8710  8716  8720  8722  8728  8732  8738  8746  159627