As "a state of ceremonies", Chinese people always have some special habits to show their respect to others or just keep their own nation culture, which can still be seen nowadays. Some of them are good things indeed while some of them may make foreigners feel confused (困惑). Here are some tips for you with respect to four Chinese habits:

Burping (打嗝) after meal. In China, burping is seen as a sign of satisfaction with the meal and is considered a compliment to the chef, so don't be surprised if it happens at the dinner table. However, nowadays the habits may be changed in young people.

Finger tapping (轻敲) while drinking tea. Light finger tapping is a customary way to thank the tea master or tea server for tea. After one's cup is filled, the bent index (食指) and middle fingers are knocked on the table to express gratitude to the person who served the tea. This custom is common in southern Chinese cultures, like the Cantonese.

Don't be offended (生气、被冒犯) if you offer a gift and it is refused. It is customary in China to refuse the first offer. Sometimes, the etiquette (礼仪) is to refuse the gift three times, though it may not always take this many tries. In general, the expectation is that a gift is politely refused at first, even if it is desired, and will eventually be accepted after a few offers.

No tips (小费). Although tipping might be common in restaurants in some foreign countries, it is generally unnecessary in China and can even be considered impolite. Tips are typically only given when doing tour-related activities or at hotels.

1.The passage is written for ________.

A.foreigners B.Chinese C.young people

2.We can infer (推断) from Paragraph 2 that ________.

A.You must burp after a meal to show your satisfaction.

B.Burping is a habit at the Western dinner table.

C.Younger Chinese may think it's impolite to burp after meal

3.When a Cantonese is drinking tea, he uses ________ finger(s) to knock on the table to thank the tea server.

A.1 B.2 C.3

4.What does he mean if a Chinese refuses a gift at first?

A.He tries to be polite. B.The gift is not desired. C.It's not allowed to accept gifts at once.

5.Generally speaking, tipping________. a must in China

B.can't be a rude behavior in China usually related to tourism in China

Most of us spend all day at school work. After a long and busy day, all we want to do is return to a comfortable home. Smart technology can turn any home into a nicer place to live.

Smart homes have been around for some time. Scottish company Pico Electronics invented type of technology called X10 in 1975.As the earliest smart home technology, it allows household devices (设备), such as lights and alarms, to communicate with each other by using radio waves.

Of course, 5G network connectivity has made smart homes much more sophisticated (复杂) than X10. Perhaps the most widespread smart home technology is the voice-activated (声控的) assistant. Google Home and Amazon's Alexa allow users to communicate with almost any device in their home simply by speaking a few words. This is especially convenient for children and people with physical disabilities, as they can finish tasks that would normally be too difficult, according to How-To Geek.

Common household appliances (电器) can become "smart" as well. For example, a smart trash bin can keep track of the things you've thrown away and place an online order for new items, while smart fridges can create dinner recipes (食谱) based on the vegetables that are being kept inside, according to HowStuffWorks.

But it's not just about convenience. Smart homes are also good for the environment. By regularly checking your energy use and automatically turning off lights and other devices that you're not using, smart homes can lower much electricity you use overall. Using less energy means that we use fewer natural resources, which is good for the environment.

1.The earliest smart home technology is ________.

A.X10 B.5G network connectivity C.the voice-activated assistant

2.Which is NOT true about the voice-activated assistant?

A.It can turn your home into a nicer place to live.

B.It's normally difficult for children and people with physical disabilities to use it.

C.It may be the most widely used smart home technology.

3.What can a smart fridge do?

A.Tell you how to cook. B.Place an online order. C.Create a dinner with the vegetables.

4.What does the underlined word "automatically" mean?

A.自动的 B.定时的 C.神奇的

5.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.5G network changes the world

B.Smart technology makes life convenient

C.Smart homes — a nicer way of living

"How are you?" is a nice question. It's a friendly way that people in the U.S.A. greet each other.1.. It's a question that often doesn't need an answer. The person who asks "How are you?" hopes to hear the answer "Fine" even though the speaker isn't fine at all. The reason is that "How are you?" isn't really a question, and "Fine" isn't really an answer. They are simply the ways of saying "Hello" or "Hi".

2.. For example, when someone asks "Do you agree?", the other person might think, "No, I disagree. I think you're wrong..." But it isn't very polite to speak out one's real thoughts so directly, so the person might say "I'm not sure", which is a nicer way to say that you don't agree.

People won't tell the truth when they want to finish talking with other people. For example, many talks over the phone finish when one person says "I have to go now." Often, the person who wants to hang up gives an excuse like "Someone's at the door. "or" Something is burning on the stove."3.. They want to hang up simply because they don't want to talk any more, but it isn't polite to tell the truth. The excuse is more polite and it doesn't hurt the other person's feelings.

Whether they are greeting each other, talking about an idea, or finishing a talk, people don't always say exactly what they are thinking. 4.. and it's part of the game of a language.

A.What they say might not be true

B.Sometimes people don't say exactly what they mean

C.But it is also a very unusual question

D.It doesn't sound good to lie to others

E.It's an important way to get along well with each other

Last night the wind was strong and rain was fine,

Sound sleep did not dispel the aftertaste of wine.

I ask the maid who's rolling up the screen,

"The same crab apple tree," she says, "is seen."

"Don't you know, Don't you know,

The red should languish and the green must grow?'

This is one of Li Qingzhao's first ci, which was written when she was a young girl. It showed her observations (观察) of changes in nature and her love for life.

Li described an early morning scene in her ci. She woke up in the morning and asked her maid (侍女) how the flowers looked after one night of wind and rain. The maid did not care too much about the flowers. She simply said the flowers looked the same. But Li corrected her, saying that red flowers would fall and green leaves would become thicker.

Li used dialogue to write this ci. The dialogue brought out different characteristics (性格) in both of the speakers. The maid was slow and careless, while the poet was quick and sensitive (敏感的). The dialogue makes the ci more lively.

Li Qingzhao (1084-1155), was a leader of the Wanyue School (婉約派) of ci during the Song Dynasty. She had many ideas about ci. She believed that it was very different from shi. Shi tended to provide people with ideals (理想) and education, while ci was used to describe people's feelings.

1.How was the weather "last night" according to Li Qingzhao's ci?


2.What did the ci show?


3.Did the maid see the difference in flowers after the rain?


4.What was Li Qingzhao like?


5.How was ci different from shi in Li's opinion?


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