
India is the land of festivals. However, none are as fun as Holi, the festival of colors.

Holi is held on the day after the full moon in March every year. It celebrates the end of winter, the beginning of spring and the victory of good over evil. It's also a great chance for people to play and laugh.

What's so interesting about this day? During the festival, people can enjoy many dance performances. The best part about the festival is that people can throw colored powder, water, balloons and colored water at friends or even strangers.

At about midday, the festival comes to an end. In areas close to the ocean, most people end the fun by taking a bath in the water. What a fun and colorful festival!

Here are a few do's and don'ts on Holi:

Keep your mouth shut and protect your eyes as much as possible when somebody throws colored powder or colored water at you.

Before you go out to play with colors, grease (为……涂油) your body and hair well with cold cream and coconut oil. It will make sure that the colors don't go deep into your skin and will come off easily later.

Wear long trousers and a long-sleeved shin to protect your skin.

1.When does the festival come to an end?


2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?


3.If you are in India, would you like to join people to celebrate Holi? Why or why not?


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