What does it mean to be a Chinese? According to a survey more than 40% of Chinese people believe the Chinese love the country and their families. About one-third of foreign people describe the Chinese as hard-working and creative people.

From 1931 to 1945, millions of soldiers lost their lives in the war against Japanese aggression. After 1949, plenty of people worked day and night for the development of China.

While the love of the country joins the people together, family plays a big role in traditional Chinese culture. Aaron Cedillo, an English teacher in Beijing, said, “My Chinese friends get married and have babies when they turn a certain age. 他们选择或者放弃一份工作时,首先考虑的是家人。

Besides, the characters of being hard-working and creative also come to light. Sheryl, a Malaysian student at Zhejiang University, said Chinese people were hard-working when she saw some men send the package. She said, “It seems that those men never need to rest.” A foreign university professor also said“让我感到惊讶的是,实验室里的中国学生总是能想出新点子。

The past70 years saw China’s rapid rise to become an important country in the world. During the process, the international community, including Chinese people themselves, has got a clearer understanding of Chinese traits (品质).






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