One day, an old carpenter(木匠) was ready to leave. He told his boss about his plans to live a more _________ life. He would miss the salary (薪水), but he needed to rest from work.

The boss was sorry to see his worker go and asked if he could build just one more _________ .The carpenter said yes, but it was easy to see that his _________ was not in his work at all. He did his work in a careless way. It was a bad way to _________ his lifelong work. When the carpenter finished his work, the boss handed the front-door key to him. “This is _________ house,” he said, “my gift to you.”

What a _________ ! If he knew that he would build his own house, he would do it _________ . Now he had to live in a poorly-built home. This wasn’t what he thought before.

It’s the same for all of us, too. We live our lives in a distracted(不经心的) way, keeping alive(活着) but not living. At important times, we do not put our _________ into what we do. Then we look at the house we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built for ourselves. If we knew what was happening earlier, we would do things in a different way.

Think of yourself as the _________ . Think about your house. Each day, you do some little things for your house. Build it __________ . It is the only life you will ever have. Even if you live it for only one day more, that day needs to be gracious(优雅的) and with dignity (尊严).

1.A.hard-working B.difficult C.relaxing B.boat

3.A.head B.body C.heart

4.A.end B.start C.find B.our C.your

6.A.surprise B.wish C.talent

7.A.differently B.quickly C.comfortably

8.A.worst C.least

9.A.boss B.writer C.carpenter

10.A.cheaply B.wisely C.slowly

Every two years, the World Wildlife Fund(世界野生动物基金会) gives the Living Planet Report-a report on Earth’s health. The report for this year came out on Oct 30. It says that the number of animals like mammals (like elephants, lions and tigers), birds and fish falls by about 60 percent from 1970.

We are losing wildlife day by day. Humans should take this seriously, Vox Media said. It also plays an important part in our life. For example, a 2017-study said the number of flying insects(昆虫) fell by 75 percent in 30 years. Insects help plants have new seeds(种子). Without them, we will have a broken ecosystem. The report also shows that Earth has lost about half of its shallow water coral(浅水珊瑚) in the past 30 years. One-fifth of the Amazon rainforest disappeared in just 50 years.

This is mainly because of human activity. Climate(气候) change, losing living environment, environmental pollution and endless killing are some of the biggest reasons.

All over the world, people are cutting down forests, using too much water from rivers and putting waste into the sea. There is no human activity on only a quarter of the earth.

We need to find ways to meet the needs of our growing number of people, the WWF said. Different countries should work together to help the wildlife out of danger. Most importantly, humans cannot live by themselves in the world without other animals. To help the endangered wildlife is to help humans themselves.

1.What is the Living Planet Report about?

A.Earth’s health. B.Some kinds of animals. C.Human activity.

2.The underlined word “ecosystem” in Paragraph Two means _____ .

A.经济体制 B.循环系统 C.生态系统

3.Which of the following is NOT the reason for losing wildlife?

A.People kill elephants for ivory.

B.Factories pour dirty water into the river.

C.Students plant trees on Tree Planting Day.

4.We can learn from the passage that_____ .

A.wildlife plays an important role in the ecosystem

B.there is human activity in every part of the world

C.the earth lost about half of the rainforest in 50 years

5.The writer mainly wants to_____ in this article.

A.tell people what WWF’s job is

B.ask people to work together for a better world how serious the environmental problems are

Lots of people love chocolate. Do you know how to make it? What does a chocolate factory look like? My class had a field trip to a chocolate factory in Toronto.

We visited an old building in ten groups. In the beginning, we put on some special clothes to make sure that we couldn’t dirty the workplace. After preparation(准备), we went to the second floor and walked into the chocolate-making place. The floor was filled with different kinds of machines. Each machine has a different job. There are only two people working on the floor, because machines do most of the work.

In the next room, we learned about the history of chocolate making. There was a picture of the factory 100 years ago. They had more than 1,000 people working there. The factory is very different now. How greatly the technology(技术) is changing our life!

Later, we saw how machines made chocolate. We got a cocoa bean(可可豆), some powdered(粉末的) chocolate and a final chocolate. I opened the cocoa bean and tasted it. It doesn’t taste sweet at all, and it’s like dark chocolate. The best cocoa beans come from South America and Africa. Farmers dry them in the sun. Next, workers cook the beans at a high temperature. Machines took the shells(果壳) off the beans and made the beans into chocolate liquor which looks like water. Then, they put chocolate liquor and sugar together to make dark chocolate. If adding milk, they made milk chocolate. The machine made them smooth like silk.

Finally, we bought some chocolate at a shop in the factory. It was at a very low price. This field trip taught me how important technology is and I also leant a lot of knowledge about chocolate.

1.Why did the writer’s class visit the chocolate factory?

A.Because they were interested in the amazing technology.

B.Because they could get some chocolate at a low price there.

C.Because they wanted to learn something new about chocolate.

2.Where do the best cocoa beans come from?

A.North America. B.Australia. C.Africa.

3.What makes the writer think “How greatly technology is changing our life”?

A.The whole floor only has two machines working.

B.Machines are doing most of the work in this factory.

C.People are making more and more delicious chocolate.

4.The writer thought the field trip was________ .

A.tiring B.unforgettable C.meaningless

5.Which is the RIGHT order about how to make chocolate?

①Cook the beans at a high temperature.

②Dry the cocoa beans in the sun.

③Put chocolate liquor and sugar together.

④ Take the shells off the beans, and made the beans into chocolate liquor.

A.②①④③ B.①②④③ C.②①③④

Science and technology makes our life easier and better than before. For example, a pair of shoes that helps you run faster and jumps higher, a cup that keeps your drink warm all the time, or a cute robot that talks to you, just like a human. The iPhone X is a “dream come true”, according to Apple. It does have some eye-catching selling points. The biggest selling point is Face ID. It can help users unlock their phone and pay for things just by looking at their smart phones.

According to Apple, Face ID has to do with a camera system(系统) called TrueDepth. When the camera system sees a person’s face, it “maps” the face with 30,000 invisible dots (看不见的点). Then the system creates and saves (保存)the model of the face in the phone.

The next time a person looks at the iPhone X, the same dots will compare his or her face with the saved model. If the two match, the phone unlocks. This happens in less than a second.

Apple says that the system is smart. So if you change your hairstyle, put on sunglasses, or use the phone in the dark, then it will still work.

But Face ID may not work with twins. According to Apple, the chance(机率) of someone unlocking your iPhone X by using Face ID is one in a million. Twins will make the statistics (数据) fall down, so you would really need to make a password for twins.

Apple also says that Face ID only unlocks when you look at it. So if you are sleeping or just taking a look at the phone very quickly, then it won’t unlock.

1.Why is our life easier and better according to this passage?


2.What is the biggest selling point of the iPhone X?


3.How long does it take to unlock the iPhone X by using Face ID?


4.To unlock the iPhone X, what do twins need?


5.Does Face ID unlock if you are looking at the phone with sunglasses?


“May we all be blessed with longevity. Though miles apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together(但愿人长久,千里共婵娟) wrote Su Shi, a writer during the Song Dynasty, in his famous poem (诗歌) to his younger brother Su Zhe.

The moon is large and full on the 15 th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar(阴历). ①人们在这一天庆祝中秋节。People from across the world know it.

Long long ago, that day was a harvest(丰收) festival because people harvested crops (庄稼) during that time in China. ② It was a time to relax and enjoy different kinds of delicious foods.

Just like Thanksgiving in America, ③ almost every family try to get together for the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. Usually, no matter how far away or how busy you are, people will come back home for the celebration.

The Mid- Autumn Festival also has its own special food. People eat moon cakes with fillings such as sugar and eggs, 月饼看起来像满月。 The full moon and moon cakes mean family getting together.

With the beautiful moon up in the sky, people sit together, enjoy the full moon, eat moon cakes and fruit, and share the stories. ⑤ At the same time, they show the best wishes for people who they love.






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