
Science and technology makes our life easier and better than before. For example, a pair of shoes that helps you run faster and jumps higher, a cup that keeps your drink warm all the time, or a cute robot that talks to you, just like a human. The iPhone X is a “dream come true”, according to Apple. It does have some eye-catching selling points. The biggest selling point is Face ID. It can help users unlock their phone and pay for things just by looking at their smart phones.

According to Apple, Face ID has to do with a camera system(系统) called TrueDepth. When the camera system sees a person’s face, it “maps” the face with 30,000 invisible dots (看不见的点). Then the system creates and saves (保存)the model of the face in the phone.

The next time a person looks at the iPhone X, the same dots will compare his or her face with the saved model. If the two match, the phone unlocks. This happens in less than a second.

Apple says that the system is smart. So if you change your hairstyle, put on sunglasses, or use the phone in the dark, then it will still work.

But Face ID may not work with twins. According to Apple, the chance(机率) of someone unlocking your iPhone X by using Face ID is one in a million. Twins will make the statistics (数据) fall down, so you would really need to make a password for twins.

Apple also says that Face ID only unlocks when you look at it. So if you are sleeping or just taking a look at the phone very quickly, then it won’t unlock.

1.Why is our life easier and better according to this passage?


2.What is the biggest selling point of the iPhone X?


3.How long does it take to unlock the iPhone X by using Face ID?


4.To unlock the iPhone X, what do twins need?


5.Does Face ID unlock if you are looking at the phone with sunglasses?



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