A new app called Face Mapping, invented by scientists at Oxford University, can check our facial expressions to judge our mood and then suggest the perfect food to cheer us up, or to make us get rid of anxiety. Face Mapping scans (扫描) the face for signs of emotions, such as downturned lips, eyes, and frown lines, and it can often pick up feelings which are hidden in a

person’s heart and he may not notice.

“Face Mapping can provide a more correct and objective conclusion of a person’s mood or feeling than he himself can feel,” said Prof Spence. More and more evidence shows our mood has an important effect on our smell and taste—it can stop us from receiving the right signals of smell and taste. However, food can also influence our mood. People often stop eating when they are unhappy because food simply does not taste as good as it tastes when people are happy.

It can test anger, disgust, fear, surprise, sadness and joy and make menu suggestions according to what it finds. For example, an angry face suggests that a person is stressed and he needs food that can bring happiness to him, such as dark chocolate and nuts. In contrast (相反), people who are excited may benefit from food which makes their blood sugar (血糖) normal,

such as grains and beans.

“Face Mapping is at the top of the science and technology. And in the future, it is likely to

become more popular,” Prof Spence added.

1.Face Mapping can often pick up feelings which are hidden in __________________.(完成句子)

2.Our mood has an important effect on our __________________.(完成句子)

3.When would people stop eating?


4.The passage is mainly about ____________________________.(用英语归纳文章的主题)


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