A woman was waiting for her flight at an airport.

She bought a bag of cookies, found a place to ______ and took out her book. She started to read and ______ noticed that a man, sitting beside her, took a cookie from her bag. She just ______ not to see this. So she ate the cookies quickly and at the same time watched how the shameless thief was stealing her cookies. She thought to herself, "If I wasn't such a ______ person, I would hit him in the eye."

When only one cookie was ______, she looked with interest and wondered what he would do. He smiled, took the ______ cookie and broke it in half. She thought, "This guy is so impolite, he didn't even show any ______!

After her flight was called, the woman ______ her baggage (行李) and headed to the gate. She took her seat in the plane, and started to look for her book, which was almost complete. As she reached her baggage, she gasped (喘气) with ______ , as there was an unopened bag of cookies. A terrible thought crossed her mind, "If my cookie bag is here, the other one was his and he just tried to ______."She realized that she was the impolite one, but it was too late to say sorry to him.

1.A.stand B.sit C.lie D.walk

2.A.proudly B.hardly C.really D.suddenly

3.A.tried B.preferred C.hoped D.meant

4.A.right B.nice C.special D.old

5.A.left B.eaten C.bought D.stolen

6.A.big B.first C.small D.last

7.A.interest B.thanks C.courage D.pleasure

8.A.posted B.opened C.collected D.forgot

9.A.surprise B.happiness C.sadness D.pain

10.A.save B.take C.sell D.share

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