Once there was a forest where all the animals lived happily together. One day a family went to spend the day in the forest, and the son _______ his socks there. After the family left, a bear came by, found the socks, and decided to _______ them on. They fit so well, and he liked them so much that he wouldn’t take them _______.

All the animals talked about the bear’s new look. Soon, in the forest, there began appearing squirrels (松鼠) in shirts, rabbits in shoes, and even rats wearing hats! The forest doctor _______ his head, telling animals, “This can’t be good. Animals don’t need _______!” But no one listened to him. They said he was just out of fashion.

However, it wasn’t long before the first results of fashion-fever came. Several times the squirrel caught his shirt on trees, stopping him ________ to the ground from a tree. The rat couldn’t go into his hole without taking off his hat first. Even the bear, _______ his socks, slipped from the river rock and almost killed himself.

When the animals came to see the doctor, he gave them all the same _______, “Take off those clothes before one day they’re going to kill you.” Those that _______ the doctor’s advice stopped having accidents. And the animals realized that they didn’t need clothes at all. Starting to wear them had been very ________, and they had only done it to make others admire them, and to get attention.

1.A.left B.forgot C.searched D.found

2.A.get B.keep C.try D.turn

3.A.up B.away C.over D.off

4.A.lost B.shook C.knocked D.hid

5.A.money B.clothes C.food D.vegetables

6.A.falling B.following C.describing D.climbing

7.A.by the way B.according to C.because of D.such as

8.A.question B.advice C.standard D.friendship

9.A.came up with B.dreamed of C.heard from D.listened to

10.A.successful B.dangerous C.helpful D.friendly

Though water does not seem all that exciting, it is very valuable. The Ancient Greek people believed all the fresh water on the Earth came from a river called Okeanos. They imagined that clouds collected rain from its magical waters (海域). The reason they believed in this is because water is important for humans, Doctors say that without water we would die in about one week.

There are two places that our fresh water comes from. The first is surface water, which includes all the water in lakes or rivers. The second is groundwater, which refers to all the water that comes from under the ground.

Water must be treated before it can come out of the tap (水龙头). First, anything harmful in the water must be removed. Then a cleaning agent (净化剂) is added. This will destroy any remaining germs (细菌).

There have been reports of factories in China letting waste water leak into the ground. Industrial waste water is a big problem as it can pollute our drinking water. Even if the water is treated, it is unfit for drinking. The Ministry of Environmental Protection has improved the water in China since 2004. In 2011, 76 percent of water was safe for dinking. But treated water should always be boiled before drinking.

Some countries have more fresh water resources (资源) and this means that it is easier for them to treat their water.

A report from a British Consulting Firm called Maplecroft found that Iceland has the best fresh water supply in the world. That is because most of the tap water in Iceland comes from pure mountain springs. No treatment of any kind is required before Icelandic people drink their delicious water.

1.What is the main topic of the first paragraph?

A.An Ancient Greek story. B.The importance of water.

C.Okeanos the river. D.Clouds and water.

2.Where does our fresh water come from?

A.From surface, water and lakes or rivers. B.From surface water and groundwater.

C.From a river called Okeanos. D.From the groundwater and Iceland.

3.What do we know about tap water?

A.It comes directly from groundwater.

B.It comes directly from lakes or rivers.

C.The cleaning agent in it is bad for our health.

D.It must be treated before it comes out of the tap.

4.What do the underlined words "leak into" in the fourth paragraph mean in Chinese?

A.填满 B.覆盖 C.渗漏 D.倒入

5.Iceland has the best fresh water supply in the world because ________.

A.they always boil the water before drinking

B.there is no water pollution in Iceland

C.they have the best water treatment technology

D.most of the water comes from pure mountain springs.

Mark,a young person,tells me he wants to be a writer.I always encourage such people,but I also explain that there’s a big difference between “being a writer” and writing.In most cases these people are dreaming of wealth and fame,not the long hours alone at a typewriter (打字机).“You’ve got to want to write,” I say to them,“not want to be a writer.”

The reality is that writing is a lonely,private and poor-paying affair.For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded (报答).When I left a 20-year job in the U.S.Coast Guard to become a writer,I had no hopes at all.

What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building.It didn’t even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom.I immediately bought a used typewriter and felt like a real writer.

After a year or so,however,I still hadn’t got a break and began to doubt (怀疑)myself.It was so hard to sell a story that barely made enough to eat.But I knew I wanted to write.I had dreamed about it for years.I wasn’t going to be one of those people who die wondering “what if”.

I would keep putting my dream to the test—even though it meant living with uncertainty (不确定)and fear of failure.This is the shadowland of hope,and anyone with a dream must learn to live there.

1.According to the author’s idea,writing is .

A. enjoyable B. interesting C. lonely D. boring

2.When the author left his 20-year job,he .

A. felt sad B. lost his heart C. felt unforgettable D. found himself

3.When the author went to the New York apartment building,.

A. there was almost nothing there B. there was everything there

C. the author was pleased with it D. the author was so happy

4.What does the underlined word “shadowland” probably mean in Chinese?

A. 点点希望 B. 夺目强光 C. 人生低谷 D. 虚幻境界

5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Tell us to study hard. B. Let us dream of succeeding.

C. Let us do something that we can’t accept. D. Hold on to your dream even if you meet difficulties.

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