For thousands of years,people farmed the land. They grew fruits and vegetables. They hunted and fished for meat. They_______cloth, dyes(染料) and paper from plants. They used stone and metal for weapons and tools.

People progressed to making machines powered _______water and steam(蒸汽), and even later, by coal, oil, and petrol. Large cities were built. Factories _______of machines created jobs in the cities for thousands of people. The Industrial Revolution(工业革命) changed the lives of many people because, for the first time, more people lived in cities than on _______.

Companies built power plants(工厂) to make_______to run the machines,factories and cities.

People did not realize these activities were_______the Earth. They didn't realize oil, gas, coal and minerals were being used up____. _______cities grew bigger and spread across the land. plants and animals began to disappear. Their nature homes were destroyed(破坏) as people moved into new places.

As time passed, people began to _______ the need to protect the Earth and its natural resources(资源). They saw that plants and animals needed protection,so they wouldn't disappear forever. People joined together to tell________around the world to conserve(节约) our natural resources and care for the Earth. And so. Earth Day was born. Each year,more and more people take part in Earth Day. What can you do to help?

1.A.separated B.washed C.made D.mixed B.for C.with

3.A.full B.proud C.sick D.short

4.A.mountains B.rivers C.grasslands D.farms

5.A.metal B.water C.electricity D.oil

6.A.helping B.harming C.wasting D.losing

7.A.clearly B.hardly C.quickly D.slowly

8.A.Before B.If C.As D.Though

9.A.forget B.see C.remember D.get

10.A.them B.other C.another D.others

Every April, there is a special day in China. It is called Qingming Festival,also called Tomb -Sweeping Day. on that the day,people________and honor (纪念) their ancestors (祖先).

Qingming is a(n)______Chinese festival. It has a long history. It began over 2,000 years ago.A famous poem______the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu describes the day: “Rains fall heavily as Qingming comes, and passers-by(行人) with lowered sprits go.”

Tomb-Sweeping Day has been a public________ on the Chinese mainland(中国大陆) since 2008. On this day,________bring flowers, food and wine to their ancestors’ tombs (坟墓). They put food like cakes and fruits in front of the tombs. After that, they________the dirt off the tombs and remember their dead family members.

________ do Chinese people do this? That’s because people think that visiting tombs to __________ respect (尊重) to their dead family members.

However, Tomb-Sweeping Day is not only about this. During that time, the weather is becoming________. People are also able to garden (从事园艺)and enjoy outdoor activities. Families often ______ for outings (远足) or fly kites at this time.

1.A.remember C.see D.find

2.A.popular B.famous C.traditional D.unhappy

3.A.for C.with

4.A.weekend B.weekday C.journey

5.A.classes B.families C.friends D.groups

6.A.turn B.keep C.sweep D.go

7.A.Why B.When C.Where D.Who

8.A.bring C.make D.take

9.A.warmer B.colder C.cooler D.shorter

10.A.have fun hard C.pull together D.get together

Playing video games and getting money for it seems like a dream job for many of today’s teenagers. But is it all fun and games?

Big business

Pro (professional) gaming is certainly big business. In 2017, there were more than 3,000 gaming competitions and over 10,000 professional players worldwide. A large number of people watch their competitions online, and successful gamers can get more than 1,000,000 dollars from prize money and ads. The industry is clearly thriving.

What it takes

Becoming a professional is not just about being good at playing games- it also takes a lot of hard work. Some pro gamers practice for fourteen hours a day. "You need to spend much time and put all your efforts to it", says ex-gamer George

Not all fun and games

It can be a difficult job as well. Stress is a big problem for gamers. Tiredness is another, and injuries(受伤) are common. Top player Hai Lam had wrist(手腕) problems after years of pro gaming. Careers(生涯)are short, and many gamers retire (退休) before they are 30 and try to find another job.

However, the bad points probably won't change the dreams of many teenage gamers. And angry parents are still likely to hear the excuse, “But I'm just practicing for my future job!”

1.How many professional players were there around the world in 2017?

A. 130.000. B. More than 3, 000. C. Over1,000.000. D. More than 10.000

2.What does the underlined word "thriving" in Paragraph 2 mean

A. Getting worse. B. Doing well. C. Developing slowly. D. Changing quickly.

3.What can we infer from the last sentence of the passage?

A. Children are angry with their parents

B. Teenagers practice games for their future jobs

C. Some teenagers are crazy about playing games

D. Parents stop their children playing games successfully.

4.What's the main idea of the passage?

A. Pro gaming isn't all fun and games

B. The career as a pro gamer doesn't last long

C. Being a pro gamer is a good choice for teenagers.

D. Being a pro gamer is an easy way to make money.

I am Turere. I come from Kitengela, a farming community on the edge(边缘) of Nairobi National Park of Kenya(肯尼亚). Since the age of nine. I have helped to look after my family's cows. As a child, in my free time. I enjoyed playing with electronics. I made my own inventions, such as electronic toys from car parts and other things. I also built other electronic devices(仪器) for my neighbors.

At the age of 13, I invented something that changed my life. It also changed the lives of many people in my community. One night, a lion from the park came into my family's farm and killed one of our cows. I was angry. However, killing the lion, I thought, was not the best way to solve the problem. Instead, I decided to invent a solution

The first idea I got was to use fire, because I thought lions were scared of fire. But I came to realize that that didn't really help, because it was even helping the lions to see through the cowshed (牛棚). So I didn't give up. I continued.

And a second idea I got was to use a scarecrow(稻草人). I was trying to trick the lions into thinking that I was standing near the cowshed. But lions are very clever. They will come the first day and they see the scarecrow, and they go back. But the second day, they'll come and they say, this thing is not moving here, it is always here! So he jumps in and kills the animals.

So one night, I was walking around the cowshed with a torch(手电筒), and that day the lions didn't come. And I discovered that lions were afraid of a moving light. So I had an idea.

1.What was Turere interested in when he was a child?

A.Tricking the neighbors. B.Looking after cows.

C.Playing with electronics. D.Making car parts

2.What does the underlined word "it"in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The lion. B.The scarecrow. C.The cow. D.The cowshed

3.What's the solution to driving the lion away?

A.Using a moving light. B.Using a torch. C.Using a scarecrow. D.Using fire.

4.What can we get from the passage?

A.The lion killed all the cows. B.Turere killed the lion at last.

C.The lion no longer lived in the park. D.Turere's invention made peace with lions.

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