

A: Tony. You’re in a hurry. 1.

B: Hello. Ms Li. I’m going to the Lost and Found Office.

A: 2.

B: Yes. I’ve lost my gloves.

A: What colour are they?

B: 3. My aunt gave me as a birthday present.

A: Look! l found a pair on the floor just now. 4.

B: Let me see …. Oh. They’re mine. 5.Thank you. Ms Li.

A: You’re welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Tony?

B: No. it isn’t.

A: Please be careful with your things.

B: OK. I will.

A.Are they yours?

B.Where are you going?

C.Have you lost anything?

D.Tony is looking for his gloves.

E.Look! Here's my name “Tony”!

F.When do people often lose things?

G.They’re green.


Wednesday Sunny

Today we had PE, so the first thing I did when I got outside was sneak off (偷偷摸摸) to the basketball court to see if the Cheese was still there. And sure enough, it was.

That piece of Cheese has been sitting on the blacktop since last spring. I ______ it must have dropped out of someone's sandwich or something. After a couple of days, the Cheese started getting all moldy (发霉的) and nasty. Nobody would play basketball on the court where the Cheese was, ______ it was the only court that had a hoop (篮筐) with a net.

Then one day, this kid named Darren Walsh touched the Cheese with his ______, and that's ______ started this thing called the Cheese Touch. It's basically like the Cooties. If you get the Cheese Touch, it ______ with you until you pass it on to someone else.

The only way to ______ yourself from the Cheese Touch is to cross your fingers.

But it's not that ______ remembering to keep your fingers crossed every moment of the day. I ended up taping (用胶带粘) mine together so they'd stay crossed all the time. I ______ the handwriting test, but it was totally worth it.

This one kid named Abe Hall got the Cheese Touch in April, and nobody would even come near him for the rest of the year. Abe felt very ______ and finally moved away to California, taking the Cheese Touch away with him.

I just hope someone won't start the Cheese Touch up again, because I don't need that kind of ______ in my life anymore.

1.A.promise B.guess C.explain D.announce

2.A.because B.if C.while D.though

3.A.finger B.mouth C.stomach D.shoulder

4.A.why B.who C.what D.how

5.A.spreads B.spins C.screams D.sticks

6.A.help B.protect C.teach D.enjoy

7.A.free B.safe C.easy D.wise

8.A.failed B.took C.passed D.canceled

9.A.lovely B.scared C.lonely D.tired

10.A.touch B.stress C.courage D.experience

It can be difficult to remember things in the long term, because memories may get lost over time. But you can change the way you learn new information in order to successfully remember it in the long term.

Focus on (专注于)new information. It’ll be easier to remember something in the future if you give it all of your attention while you’re trying to learn it. Don’t try to do several tasks at the same time. While you are learning, turn off the TV and put your phone somewhere you can’t see it. It helps new information move from your short-term to your long-term memory. And you may need to ask your roommate or family to give you some quiet time.

Take a break after learning something new. Just sit quietly for a few minutes. Avoid trying to get other things done during this time, as it will interfere with ( 干扰 ) the process of building the new memories you’ve just formed.

Review information right before bed. Studies suggest that your brain uses sleeping hours to review and choose what you will be able to recall in the long term. For this reason, you can improve your long-term memory by going over information that you want to remember right before you go to sleep.

Organize information into related groups. For example, if you’re trying to remember a shopping list, group the things into categories (种类) like “vegetables” and “fruits”. Then try to memorize each category separately.

1.What’s the passage mainly about?(不超过10 个单词)


2.What’s the second advice? (不超过10 个单词)


3.When is good to go over information that you want to remember?(不超过5个单词)


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