During the summer holiday, some students might have been busy with traveling, summer camps and all kinds of courses, but a special group of Chinese middle school students decided to taste the hardship of life outside school.

Twelve students in a big city sold vegetables at a local market together. Within 12 days, they made more than 1,500 yuan. Among them, the oldest is 21 years old, while the youngest is just 10. They are all cousins in a big family and eight of them are from rural areas. "Compared to traveling, such social practice connects us and makes us learn how tough our parents are," said Dalin, 18, to the City Morning Post. Dalin, a senior high graduate, and her 12-year old brother Xiaolin came up with the idea.

They learned to work hard to sell their veggies. Every morning they had to wake up at 3 o'clock. Some of them went to the farmer's market to buy vegetables. Some of them went to the local market to take up a temporary stall (临时摊位). To lower the cost, they learned to bargain (讲价) with the sellers. At about 16:30, they began to sell vegetables. They peddled (吆喝) loudly to attract (吸引) customers. After several days, they got some experience, too. For example, it was better to put vegetables in order and bigger ones on top. When the vegetables are too heavy, they should give customers an extra plastic bag.

When they finally packed up and went home, they had a small meeting. Everyone took notes and shared their feelings. "We are tired," said Dalin, "but we gained a lot."

1.In the writer's opinion, the 12 students action was _______.

A.popular B.encouraging C.strange D.embarrassing

2.The cousins decided to sell vegetables at a market to _______.

A.show how able they were B.have less hardship of life

C.learn how hard their parents work D.prepare for their future traveling

3.They bargained with the sellers to _______.

A.cut down the cost B.share their feelings

C.get bigger vegetables D.attract more customers

4.It's clear that _______.

A.they took up the temporary stall in turn

B.they gave each customer an extra plastic bag

C.Dalin and Xiaolin got the idea of selling vegetables

D.the elder sold vegetables when the younger took notes

5.The best title of the story should be _______.

A.Summer Courses B.Family Business

C.Students Learn from Bargains D.Cousins Work with Vegetables

(2018·山东临沂)What was discovered by accident? The answer is penicillin (青霉素). It kills germs. By killing germs, it saves lives. Suppose you are sick. You go to a doctor. She examines you. She says you have a “staph” infection (葡萄球菌感染). She gives you some medicine. You take it. The medicine knocks out the staph. Soon you are well. Before penicillin, this would not happen. Staph was almost sure death.

Everyone wanted a medicine. Laboratories worked day and night. They grew the staph in small dishes. Then they tried to kill it. Nothing worked.

The laboratory dishes had covers on them. They kept things from falling into dishes. Molds (霉菌) were a big worry. They are always in the air. You can’t see them. They’re too small. There are thousands of different molds. Molds can make an experiment (实验) fail. That’s why dishes are covered.

Dr. Alexander Fleming was working to kill the staph germ. He worked for years. One day he took a cover off a dish. He looked inside. There was a thick growth of staph germ. There was also some mold. Then he saw something strange. Where the mold was, there was no growth of staph. This is what Fleming probably thought. “By accident, I found a mold to kill the dreaded staph.”

This is how penicillin was found. But here’s the real miracle (奇迹). There are thousands of kinds of molds. But only one kind can kill staph. The mold must have fallen into the dish a few days before. The cover was probably off only a few seconds (秒). In those few seconds the right mold fell into the right dish. Another man might have thrown the dish away. But Fleming was very careful and smart. He understood what the mold did. How lucky the humans were!


1.During the experiments to find a medicine for staph infections, ________.

A. the dishes were not covered

B. staph and mold were put together

C. mold was kept in small dishes

D. staph was grown in small dishes

2.The word “ dreaded” means “_______”.

A. famous B. scary

C. health D. endangered

3.The last paragraph suggests that _______.

A. accidents happen to everyone

B. the careful person does not have accidents

C. the careless person will miss valuable chances

D. luck is enough when doing scientific experiments

4.Most of this passage is written by ______.

A. telling an unusual story B. showing the results of experiments

C. offering some reasons D. giving some advice

5.This passage is mainly about ______.

A. medicine for a staph infection B. useful accidents

C. Dr. Fleming’s research D. discovering penicillin

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