Thing to know before you go out in the cold

Keep your _______ warm

There is a saying, "If your hands and feet get cold, put on hat." A hat made of wool will keep you warm even if it gets wet. The hood (兜帽) is great for blocking the wind as long as you wear a hat underneath.

Drink up

In the summer, when you feel thirsty, you need to drink water. This isn't always the case in winter. When you're wearing heavy winter clothes, you have to work harder to build up a tent, cook dinner or _______ the woods. Your body will lose a lot of water. So drink up.

Sleeping _______

Sleeping bags are rated (评估) that is supposed to tell you how cold it can get while keeping you warm. Spend the night in a four-season tent in your backyard when it's freezing outside. That way, if you _______ at 2 a.m. that's too cold, you can just move inside and try again another time. If you wake up shivering in the middle of the night, add layers of clothing, drink warm liquids and ask for help.

Eat right

Simple meals that need little preparation are often the most _______ choices during winter. But nutrition(营养)is also necessary. Your body needs healthy food to produce _______ . Choose meals with more protein and fat than what you'd eat during warmer weather. Some good choices are hot cereal with fruit for breakfast, peanut butter on crackers with hot soup for lunch and meat with noodles, rice or potatoes for dinner.

1.A.hands B.head C.feet

2.A.walk through for C.look up D.put out

3.A.length B.quality D.goals

4.A.survive B.forget C.control D.realize

5.A.available B.serious C.difficult D.impossible

6.A.interest B.heat C.pleasure D.disease

The sixth sense

The "sixth sense" is often said to be a strong feeling that a person has about something or someone. Read about one mother's experience.

I had a feeling ...

Kathy Sansano arrived home from work two months ago at 7:00 in the evening. "Usually, my husband is home before me, but when I got in, his briefcase was there, but he wasn't," recalls Sansano. She just thought that he want to the store for something. Sansano began preparing dinner, but couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. "I just started feeling very anxious and had to sit down. Five minutes later my husband phoned to say that our son had been injured in a football game at school."

Luckily, the boy only had a broken wrist, but Sansano still can't explain how she knew something was wrong. "It might have been 'mother's intuition (直觉)'" she laughs. "My son and I have always been very close."

Science points out five basic senses that humans use to experience the world. There is now evidence that human may also own a sixth sense-or an intuition about people or events. Recent studies suggest that insects and animals release odorless(meaning "without any smells") chemicals into the environment to send signal emotions such as fear or aggression (侵略). When another creature of the same kind senses the chemical, certain behavior is caused in that creature; for example, it will prepare to fight or to protect itself.

Scientists believe that humans long ago may have communicated using these kinds of chemical signals. "I walked into the room, and something just didn't seem right." It may be that the person is sensing chemical messages that have been produced by others. Kathy Sansano's husband may have left the house feeling afraid and worried about their son. When Kathy got home, she sensed his worry.

1.Kathy's husband came home earlier than his wife that evening, didn't he?


2.What happened to their son at school?


3.What made Kathy have the feeling that something was wrong?


4.According to recent studies, how do insects and animals send signal emotions?


5.What will you probably do if you sense the messages of "fear"?


6.Do you believe there is a sixth sense in life? Show you reason(s) or example(s).


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