
Taking Action

At Seven Oaks Middle School, Daniela Carrera was searching for a club. There was a dance club, a choir, an exercise club, and an action club that found creative ways to raise money for other people. Daniela was thinking about j1. the dance club because dancing was her favourite.

Then Daniela's friend Ciara told her about the action club's new p2. . At first, Daniela was puzzled. "Why would people in a nursing home want a video-game console(平台)?" she asked Ciara.

"This would be a s3. kind of console that plays fitness games. The games help people who need to exercise but weren't able to get to a gym or exercise a4. out of their rooms. Besides, everybody loves video games, don't they?" Ciara replied.

"Not my great - grandmother," Daniela said, laughing. But she agreed to go to the club meeting the next day.

At the meeting, Mr. Washington, the club's manager, d5. to Daniela and the others how fitness video games helped encourage people to move. He explained how the consoles could help distract (使分心) people who s6. from severe pains. That was all Daniela needed to hear.

"How can I help?" She asked as she signed up for the club.

"We're selling raffle (抽奖增卖) tickets. With the money we get, we'll buy two fitness consoles. We'll give one to the w7. of the raffle. We'll give the other console to the nursing home," explained Mr. Washington.

"Great! Let's get started. I'm motivated to sell the tickets immediately!" said Daniela.


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If you are given only 1 yuan, could you live in a city for one day? It seems this may be a little difficult. But students from Xi' an made it.

On April 10, more than 60 students from the Middle School Attached to Northwestern Polytechnical University took part in the One Yuan Metropolis Survival. 1. Students not only had to live, but they also had to deal with a lot of hard tasks.

2.为了赚钱,无论走到哪里,许多学生努力找寻兼职工作。 In this way, they also saw how hard life was. Zhang Qiyue, 14, asked more than 10 restaurants for a job and finally got one chance. We were upset when they said no. But gradually, we got used to it, he said. After being a waiter for an hour, he got 25 yuan. 3.他们甚至通过在公园唱歌跳舞来赚钱。

Living was hard, but finishing the tasks wasn't any easier. 4. They went to different places to finish tasks in a short time. The most amazing one was when they had to exchange things worth thousands yuan with only a piece of paper in half an hour. "We learned how to persuade others. From a balloon to a cake to a bottle of yogurt... after almost 20 tries, we got an expensive necklace( 项 链 )," he said. 5. They will give all of the money they made to poor schools in Tibet(西藏).






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