Once upon a time, a young man wanted to go to a village on business. Halfway there was a mountain. Before he left home, his family warned him to stay calm and climb onto trees if he was in face of beasts(野兽). In this way, the beasts couldn’t do anything to him. The young man remembered these words and began his trip.

He walked for a long time carefully and found no beasts were out there. He thought his family’s worries were unnecessary. And he became relaxed as he walked. Just at that moment, he saw a fierce(凶猛的) tiger running to him and he climbed onto a tree nearby at once.

The tiger roared(咆哮) around the tree and even jumped to reach the man. The young man was too scared to hold the tree and fell right on the back of the tiger. Full of fear, he had to hold the tiger tightly. The tiger thought that must be a giant beast. So it was afraid and started running madly.

People on the road didn’t know what happened and said, “Look at the young man. He is riding a tiger!” “Cool!” “Superman!”

Hearing these words, the young man was very angry. “Why can’t they see I’m suffering a lot? Don’t they understand I am in fear and almost scared to death?” he said to himself.

1.How did the young man feel when he saw the tiger?

A.excited. B.scared. C.surprised. D.bored.

2.The tiger was afraid because ________.

A.it was old and weak B.the young man was very strong

C.it thought people around would kill it D.it mistook the young man for a giant beast

3.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs(段落)?

A.People on the road were wise. B.The young man was very brave.

C.We shouldn’t admire others blindly. D.The young man shouldn’t listen to his family.

As we walked down the shore, Ben Gunn told his story.“I was alone here for years,” he said. “One day, I found the skeleton(骷髅). I saw it was pointing to a tree. I dug around that tree and found the treasure. I was living in a cave, so I took the treasure to the cave. This morning, when Long John Silver and his men came to look for the treasure, I showed myself to one of them. He thought I was a ghost.” Ben laughed. “He ran off, and this gave me time to get back to the squire(乡绅) and the doctor. They were waiting at the cave.”

“Now I know,” I said to the doctor, “why you gave the map to Silver.”

“It was useless by then,” the doctor said. “There was no buried treasure. Ben Gunn had it. My plan was to get Long John Silver and his men away from the stockade(木寨). We could then get some stores from it.”

When we got back to the cave, the squire was waiting for us.

“Three of the mutineers(反叛者) got away,” the doctor told him. “But if we hurry, we can get to the boat before them. They ran back to the stockade on the other side of the island. We are nearer to the boat than they are.”

I went into the cave. The captain was lying inside it next to the treasure—a pile of gold coins.

“Hello, Jim,” he said. “I am pleased to see you. But I don’t think you or I will be going to see again.”

That night, the captain died. We carried the treasure down to the boat. We lit a fire on the shore and had a fine meal together. We were not afraid of the three mutineers. We had pistols(手枪). They had none. There were more of us than of them.

The next morning, we went in the boat towards the Hispaniola. We didn’t care about the three men. We left them on the island.

I will not tell you about the journey home. Nothing important happened.But as soon as we got to Bristol, Long John Silver ran away. He took some of the gold with him. None of us cared. We were pleased to see the back of him. We each shared the treasure and used it in a different way.

(Adapted from Treasure Island)

1.Who found the treasure?

A.Jim. B.Ben Gunn. C.Long John Silver. D.Three mutineers.

2.Why did the doctor give the map to Long John Silver?

A.He wanted to help Long John Silver find the treasure.

B.Ben Gunn had taken the treasure away and the map was useless by then.

C.His plan was to get Long John Silver and his men to come to the stockade.

D.He wanted Long John Silver to get some stores for him.

3.Where was the squire waiting?

A.At the cave. B.In the stockade. C.In the boat. D.Behind the tree.

4.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.Ben Gunn explained the treasure and the cave.

B.The three mutineers were afraid to fight with the doctor and his men because the doctor had pistols and more men.

C.Jim, the doctor, the squire, Long John Silver and Ben Gunn left the three mutineers on the island and went back to Bristol with the treasure.

D.Long John Silver took all the treasure away as soon as they got to Bristol.

Sir Henry and Captain Good were exhausted and weak from loss of blood.

I, too, was more tired than I could remember ever being. We rested. Therefore, for many days before we even thought about the future. Then, when we were strong enough to travel again, I said to Ignosi, "You promised me diamonds if I helped you to become king.”

“I did,” he said. “I will keep my promise. But, only Gagool knows where to find them, and I must kill her and the other witches.”

“There has been enough killing, ” I said. “Tell the old woman that if she will lead us to the diamonds, you will spare her life.”

Ignosi thought about this for a long time, and then he said, “I will speak to the woman and tell you what she says.”

Ignosi was as good as his words, and he persuaded Gagool to guide us to the diamonds. Three days later, Sir Henry, Captain Good, Foulata--the girl who owed her life to Captain Good and Infadoos were climbing the mountains called the Three Witches. Some warriors carried Gagool. She screamed and cursed continuously, but she knew where the diamonds were. And at last, we came to a deep hole in the ground. It had sloping sides and was not a natural hole. It was the work of miners.

Huge statues guarded the mine. I remembered that King Solomon worshipped some strange gods. “Could these be statues of those gods? ” I asked Sir Henry, who knew much about ancient history.

“It is possible,” he said. “The Phoenicians were great merchants and builders. They built King Solomon’s Temple. Perhaps they dug this mine for him.”

“We want to go into the mine, ” I told Gagool.

“It is the Place of Death,” she said, “but if you want to enter, then I will lead the way.”

1.Why were Sir Henry and Captain Good weak?

A.Because they walk for a long time. B.Because they lost much blood.

C.Because they felt very hungry. D.Because they didn’t sleep well.

2.What did Ignosi promise me to do?

A.To give me some food. B.To be the king .

C.To help me find the diamonds. D.To kill Gagool.

3.Why did Ignosi say that he wanted to kill Gagool ?

A.Because she had told King Wala to kill him. B.Because she was a witch.

C.Because she knew where the diamonds were. D.Because she would not help him.

4.What did Sir Henry and I think the statues at the mine entrance might represent?

A.Phoenicians. B.Warriors. C.King Solomon. D.Gods.

5.Where did Gagool tell the travelers that the tunnel at the end of the big cave led to?

A.The Palace of Life. B.The Place of Death.

C.Solomon’s Great Road. D.King Solomon’s Mines.


Enriching(使丰富) your life means making an effort to make your life as meaningful and happy as possible. Though you may have difficulty realizing it, there are endless steps you can take to experience new things, gain knowledge, and enjoy what you already have.

Learn to forgive others. If you often hate other people around you, then you won’t live a wonderful life. So learn to move forward and accept nobody and that everyone makes mistakes. If someone has really hurt you and feel it difficult to accept that person’s apology(道歉), then be honest about it. Don’t pretend(假装)that you’re okay and then go on complaining. This won’t get you very far.

Volunteer to help others. It will not only be good for the people around you, but also make you able to connect with different people who can influence your life just as positively(积极地) as you can influence theirs. You can work in a homeless shelter or help do the cleaning in your neighbourhood.

Try to be less wasteful. Trying to be not wasteful can help you become thankful and really enjoy the world around you more. You can use paper instead of plastic whenever you can. Don’t use too many products that can’t be used again. Go to somewhere on foot or by bike instead of driving. All these ideas make you less wasteful.

Get along well with your friends and family. No matter how busy you are, you should develop a habit of spending time with your loved ones and letting them know how much they mean to you. You can write thank-you cards to your friends and family members or call up your parents or grandparents regularly. If you’re not living in the same place, then often tell yourself to call just to say “hi”.

Title: Enrich Your Life

Meaning of a rich life

It means a 1. and happy life.

It helps people to have new 2., gain knowledge and enjoy their present life.

3. to enrich your life

Forgive others.

Accept the fact that nobody is perfect.

Don’t be 4. about it if you really have difficulty accepting others’ apologies.

Volunteer to

help others.

Connect with someone who can have a positive 5. on your life.

Try to be

less wasteful.

Thank and enjoy the world around you.

6. using products that can’t be reused as often as possible. Reduce the use of your car and try to 7.or ride a bike more often.

8.healthy relationships with others.

Stay with your loved ones and let them know how you 9. about them.

Keep in touch with them by writing “thank-you” cards or making 10.calls.


As the global pandemic(流行病) speeds up, many are wondering about the effectiveness of masks and when it’s proper to wear them. Most people from the East believe that wearing a mask is important to control the spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP新冠肺炎). But people in the West generally would argue that, unless one is already ill, wearing a mask is unnecessary.

In Eastern countries like China, mask-wearing has a long history in their cultures. In fact, people in the East wear masks not just to protect themselves from illness but also for a variety of other reasons.

In many Asian countries, masks are worn in many situations in daily life, such as doing housework or visiting patients in the hospital. They can give people the comfort of being protected.

In recent years, they are worn simply for beauty. Young people in Japan, for example, wear masks as a fashion statement, expressing their personal style through unique designs and patterns.

In Asia, wearing a face mask is also an expression of group-oriented values(集体主义).

Wearing a mask, one becomes part of a giant group. “People communicated their responsibilities to the social group of which they were members,” wrote Peter Baehr, a research professor in social theory at Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

In Western countries, however, individual values are the most important.

As a citizen, it is one’s duty to prevent the spread of illness in following ways, such as washing one’s hands and limiting one’s contact with others. A face mask is kept only for those showing symptoms(症状) of illness.

Whether from the East or the West, social culture has played an important role in one’s decision about whether or not to wear a mask. That’s because human beings are social creatures who consider much about what other members of society think of us. The most important thing is to respect others’ opinions, no matter how different they are.

1.For most people from the East, what is of great importance to control the spread of NCP ?

2.What can masks give people in many Asian countries?

3.Why do young people in Japan wear masks?

4.Who is a face mask kept only for in Western countries?

5.If you are a citizen in Western countries, how can you prevent the spread of illness?

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