On May 15, 2018, a team of mountain climbers from Peking University reached the top of the world’s highest mountain to celebrate the university’s 120th birthday. They practiced for two years for their climb to the summit.

The team has fourteen climbers: seven students from the Mountaineering Association of Peking University (MAPKU,北大山鹰社), two teachers and five alumni(校友). The youngest of them is only twenty-one and the oldest one is in his fifties. Twelve of them made it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma, as one of the team members felt sick and another stayed in the camp to help the team when they came back from the top.

To our surprise, the first member to reach the summit was a girl named Wei Wei. It was the third time for her to reach the top of this mountain. Peking University alumnus Luang Nubo, who led the team, said, “Reaching the top of the mountain was not the only goal.” “It’s more important to know how the team work closely and fight with difficulties when climbing high. It is also the spirit of the university,” he said. Started in 1989, the MAPKU now is the most famous amateur mountaineering club (业余登山俱乐部) in China. In 1989,three members reached the 8,201-metre Mount Cho Oyu, the worlds sixth-highest mountain, to celebrate their university 100th birthday. Besides, they also held activities to save animals and plants as well as protect mountains.

1.How long has Peking University been built according to the passage?

A.21 years. B.55 years. C.100 years. D.120 years.

2.Which is the right order of the following events?

a.The MAPKU was set up in Beijing.

b.Wei Wei reached the top of the Qomolangma for the third time.

c.The team reached the sixth-highest mountain to celebrate the university’s birthday.

d.The team began to prepare for climbing Qomolangma to celebrate the university’s birthday.

A.cadb B.acdb C.cdab D.adcb

3.How did the team show the spirit of Peking University according to the passage?

A.They prepare well before they do something.

B.They like climbing and get together to practise.

C.They set up the MAPKU with two teachers

D.They work together and fight with difficulties.

4.Which one is RIGHT according to the passage?

A.All of the fourteen climbers reached the top of Mount Qomolangma.

B.The climbers practised for a short time before their climbing.

C.The MAPKU now is the most famous amateur mountaineering club in China.

D.It’s Wei Wei’s first time to reach the lop of Mount Qomolangma.

5.What activities does the MAPKU do?

A.Organize climbing. B.Save animals and plants.

C.Protect mountains. D.A B and C

Sir Henry and Captain Good were exhausted and weak from loss of blood.

I, too, was more tired than I could remember ever being. We rested. Therefore, for many days before we even thought about the future. Then, when we were strong enough to travel again, I said to Ignosi, "You promised me diamonds if I helped you to become king.”

“I did,” he said. “I will keep my promise. But, only Gagool knows where to find them, and I must kill her and the other witches.”

“There has been enough killing, ” I said. “Tell the old woman that if she will lead us to the diamonds, you will spare her life.”

Ignosi thought about this for a long time, and then he said, “I will speak to the woman and tell you what she says.”

Ignosi was as good as his words, and he persuaded Gagool to guide us to the diamonds. Three days later, Sir Henry, Captain Good, Foulata--the girl who owed her life to Captain Good and Infadoos were climbing the mountains called the Three Witches. Some warriors carried Gagool. She screamed and cursed continuously, but she knew where the diamonds were. And at last, we came to a deep hole in the ground. It had sloping sides and was not a natural hole. It was the work of miners.

Huge statues guarded the mine. I remembered that King Solomon worshipped some strange gods. “Could these be statues of those gods? ” I asked Sir Henry, who knew much about ancient history.

“It is possible,” he said. “The Phoenicians were great merchants and builders. They built King Solomon’s Temple. Perhaps they dug this mine for him.”

“We want to go into the mine, ” I told Gagool.

“It is the Place of Death,” she said, “but if you want to enter, then I will lead the way.”

1.Why were Sir Henry and Captain Good weak?

A.Because they walk for a long time. B.Because they lost much blood.

C.Because they felt very hungry. D.Because they didn’t sleep well.

2.What did Ignosi promise me to do?

A.To give me some food. B.To be the king .

C.To help me find the diamonds. D.To kill Gagool.

3.Why did Ignosi say that he wanted to kill Gagool ?

A.Because she had told King Wala to kill him. B.Because she was a witch.

C.Because she knew where the diamonds were. D.Because she would not help him.

4.What did Sir Henry and I think the statues at the mine entrance might represent?

A.Phoenicians. B.Warriors. C.King Solomon. D.Gods.

5.Where did Gagool tell the travelers that the tunnel at the end of the big cave led to?

A.The Palace of Life. B.The Place of Death.

C.Solomon’s Great Road. D.King Solomon’s Mines.

Our words carry huge weight. They may influence people for years, and even for a lifetime. They provide them with courage to go on or one more ______ to give up.

When I was fourteen, my family moved to another city. Junior high was always a difficult time for me, and the move made my ninth-grade year even ______. I remember walking into the dining hall for the first time. The other kids had good friends with them, but I didn't know ______. I felt lonely and went to the nearest seat after getting some food. The kids beside me looked at me up and down and then ______. I could feel my face turning red at that moment. Then one of the kids broke the ice. "Man! You have one BIG nose! "I felt ______ and didn't know what to say. I wanted to cry, but I ______ a little smile—as if it didn't hurt me at all. But it did. From then on, I would often look at myself in the mirror. I studied the big nose closely. It seemed that I was just living for my nose. Luckily, I grew out of this influence ______. But it really took me twenty years.

There is another thing that is kept deep in my mind. I remember going ______ a terrible business failure. I lost everything. I called my dad for help and he told me a lot about how to deal with the ______. What he said impressed me deeply. It gave me a lot of courage and confidence to go on with my business.

Over these years, I have always been very careful with my words and been nice to anyone met. ______ I believe what we say may bring others a lifetime influence.

1.A.subject B.reason C.choice D.spirit

2.A.sweeter B.better C.close D.harder

3.A.someone B.everyone C.anyone D.no one

4.A.laughed B.answered C.disappeared D.regretted

5.A.hurt B.moved C.stupid D.weak

6.A.invented B.managed C.made D.brought

7.A.suddenly B.finally C.immediately D.simply

8.A.through B.over C.across D.off

9.A.mistake B.failure C.challenge D.competition

10.A.although B.unless C.because D.so

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