At my primary school, I was one of the smartest kids there. I never studied, but always got perfect scores. I thought I was born clever. At least I believed so. I was also a prodigy in music according to myself I could sing better than almost everyone else in my school. I was pretty sure that once I got to seventh grade, everyone would be surprised by me.

But actually they weren't.

When I arrived at my new class, I couldn't wait to show everyone what I could do. However, there was always someone else who could do better than me. My grades began to get worse I needed to actually study for my tests. I believed I wasn't smart. I believed I wasn't talented. I believed I was a failure.

Over the next two years. I had to work very hard. Every prize for the singing competition was given to me for hard work and effort. Grades was still very low but improving little by little. I worked really hard. However, I was never the best at everything.

I haven't realized until recently that I really don't have to be the best at everything. I was too hard on myself. In fact, when I did badly in a test, my classmates never laughed at me.

No one is perfect. There will probably always be someone better than me at something. Anyway, there are about seven billion people in this world. I will never be the number one at everything, and that's really okay.

1.What does the underlined part "a prodigy" in Paragraph I probably mean in English?

A.A lazy girl B.A crazy fan C.A common child D.A smart kid

2.What happened to the writer during the next two years?

A.She failed to be perfect though she worked hard. B.She found the best way to become perfect.

C.She gave up trying because of the low scores. D.She won many prizes without any effort.

3.What has the writer realized recently?

A.There is no success without effort. B.Don't expect too much of yourself.

C.Being talented is the key to success. D.It's not necessary to care about the result.

4.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Hard Work Doesn't Work. B.My Past Life as a Young Girl.

C.When I Wasn't Perfect. D.What to Do When You're Not Perfect.

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