Martin is quite___________in traveling.He loves to travel to new places and meet new people.He does not like to travel on a package tour (跟团旅行).___________, he would like to buy a guidebook for the place he is going to and search the Internet for information about the main places of interest. He certainly sees more benefits (益处) in traveling this way.

Firstly, Martin doesn't have to pay___________for his trip.Package tours usually___________more because people have to pay for the costs of the travel agency (旅行社) and the tour guide.Secondly he likes the fact that he does not have to wait for the tour group to___________their photos or buy their souvenirs (纪念品).If he has finished what he wants to do, he can leave and move on to the next place once.

However, Martin has had some___________traveling all by himself, Sometimes he feels___________and wishes that he had other travelers with him.Also, going to a different country on his own can be difficult and even_____________at times.Once, Martin was in Africa and he could not speak the language.Someone took away his wallet on the train.Luckily, he wasn't hurt, but he did not get his___________back because the police could not understand him!

Martin has had a few problems in the past,____________he still likes to travel all by himself.

1.A.tired B.sorry C.interested D.happy

2.A.And B.So C.Instead D.But

3.A.much C.anything D.little.

4.A.spend C.cost D.use

5.A.have B.make D.take

6.A.friends B.interest C.problems

7.A.1ovely B.nicely C.friendly D.lonely

8.A.funny B.dangerous C.happy D.exciting B.bag C.clothes B.but C.because D.or

What do you think our life will be like in 2050? Some people are talking about it on QQ.

Blue Sky

I think there won’t be any TV channels in 2050.People will be able to choose a programme from a “menu” and a computer will send the programme to the television.In 2050, we will be able to feel the things we see on TV with our hands.


In 2050, there won’t be enough water.Some places will be drier and people will not be able to have enough food.There may be serious water shortage (缺乏).


Don’t be so worried about that, Julia! People will work out this problem.And I think there will be less water pollution.Water will be much cleaner than it is now.


I quite agree with Ashley.And I believe in 2050 doctors will be able to help blind and deaf people see and hear again.All people will be healthy because they will take a kind of special medicine when they are born.

1.Blue Sky thinks the computer will send the to the television.

A.channels C.menus D.programmes

2.Julia thinks in 2050.

A.the water will be much cleaner B.there will be more water pollution

C.people won’t have enough food D.some places will have more water

3.Who agrees with what Ashley has said?

A.Blue Sky B.Julia C.Linkin D.No one.

4.Ashley thinks people will have in the future.

A.more healthy food B.less healthy food

C.cleaner water D.dirtier water

5.Linkin thought that a kind of medicine would be able to make people

A.become rich B.keep healthy happily D.stay serious

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