On Friday afternoon, Mr Tian, the Chinese teacher asks his students to write an article(文章). The topic(主题)is My Beautiful Mother. Mr Tian says to the students,“You can go home after you finish it. ” All the students except(除了)Xiao Hong begin to write. They want to go home early. Xiao Hong is sitting there and thinks of her activities on weekends. She usually plays basketball on Monday afternoon if it is sunny. She plays volleyball on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday she plays tennis. She often plays ping-pong on Thursday. And she likes playing soccer on Friday afternoon.

She raises her head and looks around. There are only five students except her in the classroom. Forty students hand in(上交)their articles and leave for home. She is a 1ittle worried.

She thinks it over, and then, she has a good idea. She writes down the words on the paper: My mother is a tall and healthy woman. She is really beautiful. If you look at her daughter, you can know all about her.

1.Mr. Tian asks his students to_______on Friday afternoon.

A.go home B.have an English class C.write an article D.visit friends

2.Xiao Hong doesn't begin because she________.

A.thinks of her activities B.isn't in the classroom C.thinks it is easy D.feels it interesting

3.Xiao Hong is good at_________ .

A.her lessons B.playing balls C.playing the piano D.singing and dancing

4.There are_________ students in Xiao Hong's class.

A.35 B.26 C.45 D.46

5.We know from the passage that Xiao Hong is a_________girl.

A.naughty(淘气)and beautiful B.ugly(丑)and friendly C.short and old D.thin and small

I know a Catherine who is smart, educated and interesting. But I avoid her because she never ____________ complaining (抱怨) ! For years, I fought against my feelings, because I really like and admire her, but I’ve found I just can’t be her friend. Her world is _______________ “buts…”. The trip would have been nice, but the drive was too long. The food was good, but the light of the restaurant was too _______________. The hotel was too hot, the bed hurt her back and the room service was too slow. Her complaints were ______________ changing me. Months ago, my best friend Daisy was listening to me complaining about Catherine _______________ she just became really angry. “Either break up with her, or leave me alone.” She shouted at me, “I’m tired of listening to your complaining.” Her honesty surprised me, and I began to keep myself away from Catherine. Later, I did ______________ her.

Now I try to remain happy and positive ( 积 极 的 ) about life, and find friends of the same. There’s been scientific research lately. It shows that people who find ______________ to be thankful for their lives are actually happier, and I believe that is true. Endless complaining seems to control your life if you let it come into your brain. And too much complaining will actually make your life ______________ .

Some people take “gratitude ( 感激之情) walks” every day, where they _______________ their lives in a positive way. By developing a grateful attitude, you can be turned away from what’s troubling you, and __________ what makes you happy. Then you will have a beautiful life.

1.A.keeps B.stops C.enjoys

2.A.full of B.far from C.famous for

3.A.noisy B.strong C.dirty

4.A.hardly B.suddenly C.silently

5.A.until B.because C.unless

6.A.choose B.help C.forget

7.A.reasons B.excuses C.questions

8.A.busier B.longer C.worse

9.A.give away B.depend on C.think about

10.A.against B.toward C.through36.

Nick is a 10-year-old boy. He is the only son of his parents. Nick's father is very busy every day. He comes home after Nick sleeps, and goes to office before Nick wakes up in the morning. He wants to make much money and give his son a better life. But Nick wants to go outdoors and play with his father just like his friends do.

One day, Nick was surprised to see his father at home in the evening.

"Dad, can I ask you a question?" Nick said. "Yes, Dear," said the man. "Dad, can you tell me how much you earn in an hour?" Nick asked. Nick's father answered, "It's about $25 an hour."

Nick ran to his room, and came out with some money. He said, "Dad, I have $50. Can you spare two hours for me? I want to go to the beach and have dinner with you tomorrow morning." Nick's father was speechless!

1.From the first paragraph, we can know_______.

A.Nick can see his father all the time B.Nick can't see his father every day

C.Nick often plays with his father D.Nick can only eat meals with his father

2.Why did Nick ask his father how much he earned in an hour?

A.Because Nick liked to ask questions all the time.

B.Because Nick wanted to buy something expensive.

C.Because Nick hoped his family could have a better life.

D.Because Nick wanted to buy some of his father's time.

3.The underlined word "speechless" in the last paragraph means _______ in Chinese.

A.滔滔不绝的 B.无言以对的 C.兴高采烈的 D.立竿见影的

4.Which of the following about Nick is TRUE?

A.Nick doesn't like his father at all. B.Nick hoped to play with his father.

C.Nick borrowed $50 from his mother. D.Nick wanted to go to his father's workplace

5.The passage mainly tells us _______.

A.Money can buy everything in life. ` B.Children don't want to stay with parents.

C.The greatest gift a parent can give his child is time. D.Children in a family need to work with their father.

DNA is the whole “map” of the human body. It is something that all human have, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our parents, because we get some of their DNA to make our own.

People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Mr. Mendel discovered why we look the same as other people in our family. It is because of small things called “genes”(基因) in our body. In 1953, two scientists, Watson and Crick, found out that those small parts are really messages. They’re written in the DNA with a special language.

In 1961, another two scientists found the first “word” that they could understand in that language. It shows how DNA tells the cell(细胞) to build its parts. So far, scientists have found all the words in the DNA map, but we still do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one “word” means, we can help to save people from several illnesses. So the more we understand, the more doctors will be able to do.

Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine and help sick people. Other people worry that when we learn more “words” and find out more information, we will use it in the wrong way, just to make people more attractive(吸引人的), or stop sick people getting jobs.

1.What did the two scientists find in 1961? They found ______.

A. all the words in the DNA map

B. small things called “genes” in our body

C. the first “word” they could understand in that language

D. those small parts are written in the DNA with a special language

2.Which one is not true according to the article?

A. We look like our parents because of “genes” in our body.

B. We have understood what all the words in the DNA map do.

C. DNA is the whole “map” of the human body.

D. DNA tells the cell to build its parts.

3.What do people think about this research about DNA?

A. It can be only bad. B. It can be only good.

C. It can be good but won’t work. D. It can be good and bad.

4.How can we help sick people if we understand more “words” in the DNA map?

A. Make better medicine. B. Make them get jobs.

C. Make maps for them. D. Make them attractive.

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