One of the best ways to get around in Japan is by train. Keep the following_____in mind and have a great trip.

While you wait for a train, you should____ behind the yellow line that runs down the edge of the platform(站台边缘). The platforms can be narrow, and going over the yellow line can be____for passengers. Nowadays, many Japanese trains have special women-only cars. Men must not ride in these cars. So make sure you_____the signs.

On the train, there are usually special seats for elderly people.____, even if you are not sitting in one of these seats, it's polite to stand up and give your seat to elderly passengers. In the rush hour(交通高峰期), the train can be very crowded,___ don't put your bag on the floor or on the seat next to you. Sit ___your bag under your seat, or on the rack(架子) .

Japanese trains are usually quiet. Passengers seldom speak on the phone so that____won’t cause trouble to other passengers. For the same reason, you shouldn't talk loudly.

And finally, make sure you have a____of the train lines. There are hundreds of stations in Tokyo, and it's easy to get lost! But don’t____too much. If you have any problems, the workers at the train stations will always be happy to help you.

1.A.suggestions B.decisions C.questions

2.A.stand B.hide C.reach

3.A.famous B.dangerous C.various

4.A.look forward to attention to C.come back to

5.A.Again B.Instead C.However

6.A.So B.Though C.while B.for C.with

8.A.we C.they B.ticket

10.A.take B.worry C.spend

Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope you're well. We've arrived in Europe. We're really excited about our school trip. Here's our travel plan:

Germany(Days1-2): On the first day, we're going to walk through the town of Lubeck to see the old houses and streets. We hear it's a really beautiful place. The next day, we were taking a boat trip on the Kiel Canal. The boat leaves at eight in the morning, so we have to get up really early.

Netherlands(Days3-4):We're going to Amsterdam by train. In the morning, we are going to take a walking tour around the city. We were also going to the Anne Frank House. Many people from all over the world visit the museum every day.

Belgium(Days 5-8): In Bruges, we re visiting some interesting buildings with lots of stores right in front of them. We will go shopping and have lunch. We're planning to eat lots of desserts, because the chocolate in Belgium is really delicious. We're staying two days in Bruge's to look around the city.

France(Days 9-10): Our first stop in France is the beautiful Mont Saint-Michel. We're going to climb the tallest building there to see the amazing view. Finally, we're going to Paris on the last day. Then, we fly home in the evening.



1.What will Dave do in Lubeck on his first day there?

A.See old houses and streets B.Eat desserts

C.Climb the tallest building D.Go shopping

2.What can we learn about the Anne Frank House?

A.It's quiet B.It's old C.It's popular D.It's big

3.Dave will stay in Belgium for about days.

A.eight B.four C.six D.two

4.What's the last stop of Dave's school trip?

A.Paris. B.The Kiel Canal. C.Bruges. D.Mont Saint-Michel

5.How will Dave go back home?

A.By ship. B.By train. C.By plane. D.By bus

I was so careful. I was nervous too. I had taken driving lessons and passed my driving test. I had to pick up my father from work and drive him to the train station. But as I got close to my father’s workplace, I felt more and more confident.

There he was standing in front of his office building. After I stopped the car, he got in. But then, I was nervous again. I had to get the car into the street. With so many cars around, it wasn't easy. After about two minutes of waiting, the way was finally clear.

Soon we got onto the highway(公路). My father was giving me some advice on how to change lanes((车道). Suddenly, I saw a police car behind me. They were pulling me over(令我停靠路边).“Oh no! 'I said. A police officer came to my window. "The speed limit(极限 )on these roads is 100 kilometers an hour, he said. " Do you know how fast you were going?” “120?"I guessed. Of course it was a rediculous guess. There were so many cars passing me. How could that be?

No. You were going 65 kilometers an hour. You can't drive that slow. You'll cause an accident. When he found out this was my first day as a driver,he smiled and walked away. And that was my first day as a driver.

1.The writer planned to drive his father to .

A.the train station B.the police station C.their home D.his workplace

2.The writer got nervous again when he .

A.left his father B.saw a road sign C.arrived at the highway D.had to drive the car into the street

3.What word does underlined the "ridiculous"in Paragraph 4 probably mean in Chinese?

A.粗略的 B.荒谬的 C.保险的 D.困难的

4.The police officer stopped the writer because he .

A.was driving too slow B.made a wrong turn

C.Parked his car in the wrong place D.changed lanes without signaling

5.What was the police officer like?

A.Smart B.Friendly C.Unfair D.Careless

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