Last weekend when I was walking in the local park, I noticed a group of boys picking on( 找 茬 ) a small boy. They were calling him names( 辱骂).They even_______________ him to the ground and kicked him in the face._____________I saw that, I walked over to the group.

I stood between them and the small boy,and asked politely ___________this small boy had done.One of the boys _________,“He did nothing.He’s just weird(古怪的).”Then I asked another boy if he thought the small boy was weird, and the _________was“No.”So,I asked them what the word“weird”___________.One of the boys said,“Different.”

I told them that everyone is_____________,and that they all looked just as different to the small boy as he did to them.They all stood___________for a moment.And then the most_____________ thing happened.One of the boys helped the small boy off the ground and said____________to him.He even invited him to play together.

I thanked the boy for being so____________ .As I looked around.I realized that there were many other people in the park but____________else had stopped to help the small boy.I felt____________that one of the boys was strong enough to stand up against his friends to help someone in need,but I felt sad that no one else had____________taken a second look.

I hope that I've helped the boys__________ that they could have made a difference with a little effort.Maybe next time they will be the ones who choose to help.

1.A.shook B.turned C.pushed D.checked

2.A.When B.Before C.Unless D.Though B.what C.which D.where

4.A.greeted B.required C.reminded D.replied

5.A.way B.sign C.answer D.problem

6.A.changed B.remained C.meant D.became

7.A.different B.great C.important D.weak

8.A.angrily B.silently C.strongly D.wisely

9.A.boring B.amazing C.funny D.strange

10.A.thanks B.goodbye C.hello D.sorry

11.A.fair B.clever C.brave D.proud

12.A.everybody B.anybody C.somebody D.nobody

13.A.happy B.nervous C.patient D.upset

14.A.never B.already C.still D.even

15.A.decide B.realize C.suggest D.promise

In South Korea, many schools hire English teachers from abroad, but as you know, there are not so many English native teachers in South Korea. A team of engineers has created a robot that they hope will take the place of foreign teachers.

Robots will save money for schools. The cost to build a robot and hire a Filipino teacher to work with it is around$20,000 a year. That is about half the cost of supporting a foreign teacher in South Korea.What's more,robot teachers can make students have more fun learning English.

The robot teacher is called Engkey. She is about one meter tall and is white, egg-shaped. She takes a screen as her face. She can move around her classroom while speaking to students, reading books to them and dancing to music by moving her head and arms.So this robot is more than a video screen on wheels. But Engkey’s voice is not her own. It is controlled by English teachers.With the help of the camera, English teachers in the Philippines can see and hear the students.

Engkey’s creators say that they don't know how successful the robot is as a teacher now. But they hope that someday all schools in South Korea will have a robot in the classroom.

1.According to Paragraph 1 there aren’t enough ________in South Korea.

A.great engineers B.foreign English teachers

C.English books robots

2.What are the advantages of robot teachers?

A.Save money for schools and make classes fun.

B.Save money for schools and hire a Filipino teacher.

C.Catch people's attention and make classes fun.

D.Catch people's attention and save money for schools.

3.What's the cost of hiring two English teachers from abroad in South Korea a year?

A.$10,000. B.$20,000. C.$40,000. D.$80,000.

4.Which one is NOT true about Engkey according to the passage?

A.She is white, egg-shaped and has a screen face.

B.She can speak and her voice is her own.

C.English teachers in the Philippines control her by using a camera.

D.She moves around the classroom on wheels.

Brennan Agranoff, a colorblind boy, started his custom sock business in middle school, with a small loan(贷 款)he got from his parents. Up till now, he has sold over 1 million dollars' worth of socks online in the last four years.

Brennan thought of the idea for his custom sock company at just 13 years old. He was attending a high-school basketball game in his hometown of Sherwood, Oregon, and noticed that many kids of his age were wearing the same white Nike sport socks. The boy told himself that if these white plain socks were so popular with kids, then some cool custom designs would surely be an even greater hit.

But the boy didn't tell his parents about the business idea immediately. He spent six months researching things like printing machines and technology and drawing up a business plan. Only when he had everything planned out did he ask his parents for a loan. “They thought the idea was a little out there, ”Brennan recently told CNN Money, but he kept pushing, and finally received a $3,000 loan to start his company. Then he began to work on his own designs. The fact that he was colorblind didn't stop him and he has created over 200 designs now.

Business was slow the first year, but then Brennan started pushing his HoopSwagg products heavily on the Internet. Orders soon started coming in in large numbers, and HoopSwagg became a popular brand among custom sock lovers. Right now,his designs can be found on HoopSwagg website, Amazon and eBay.

Four years after starting his business,Brennan has achieved great success while balancing(平衡)school, house chores and his social life. And he says he loves every minute of it.

1.What's the main idea of the second paragraph?

A.How Brennan designed his custom socks. B.How Brennan got his business idea.

C.How Brennan organized the basketball match. D.How Brennan managed his company.

2.What did Brennan do first to start his business?

A.Bought some Nike socks. B.Made a business plan.

C.Asked teachers for advice. D.Got money from friends.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Brennan got no support from his parents. B.Brennan was too busy to do house chores.

C.Brennan stopped designing because of his eyes. D.Brennan enjoyed both his study and business.

4.Which word can best describe Brennan according to the passage?

A.Honest. B.Kind. C.Creative. D.Helpful.

Heimaey, an island in Iceland, is home to just about 4,200 people. But each spring, more than1.5million puffins (海鹦) visit Heimaey and its neighboring islands. They go there to breed(繁殖). Around August, puffin chicks head for the ocean.That’s when the trouble begins.

Puffin chicks usually follow the light of the moon to the sea. But Heimaey’s bright lights make them unable to think and act right.Each year,a large number of them end up lost—-or worse. Often,some are hit by cars or eaten by cats.

Luckily, there is the Puffling Patrol.Each breeding season,the children of Heimaey work together to form search groups. At night they go to the streets carrying flashlights and cardboard boxes. “When you see a bird, you try to corner it and get it into the box,” Eldur Hansen said. The 14-year-old boy has caught several puffins this way. No one knows exactly when or how the Puffling Patrol got its start.But each year, it saves thousands of puffin chicks.

Puffins are now listed as a vulnerable species(易危物种).The main reason is that the number of small fish in the ocean is dropping. This is because of overfishing, pollution and rising ocean temperatures. Puffins need the fish for food.

Scientists worry puffins will die out if ocean temperatures continue to rise.But the Puffling Patrol inspires them a lot. “The message is that people can make a difference,” says Dr. Stephen W.Kress,an expert in seabird protection.

1.The puffin chicks’ trouble begin________ . spring B.around August

C.when they are born D.when they arrive at the ocean

2.What does the underlined word“them”in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Cars. B.Cats. C.Puffin chicks. D.Bright lights.

3.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.What puffins feed on. B.How puffins catch fish.

C.Why puffins are a vulnerable species. D.Why puffins are important to the ocean.

4.What does Dr.Stephen W.Kress probably agree with?

A.The Puffling Patrol does a good job. B.Puffins will die out in the near future.

C.Haimaey has less pollution than before. D.Ocean temperatures will continue to rise.

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