Imagine you are living in a moving house. Inside the house, there is a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. ________ they are much smaller than those at your home, they are easy for you to use.

In the US, you can see these moving houses on the road. They are called recreational vehicles (RVs,房车). People call them houses on ________. When it’s holiday time, the whole family will get into these small homes and hit the road for a ________ across the country.

Compared to (与…相比) a real house, this home on the road is a bit ________ for a family who has to spend every hour of every day together. But the best thing about it is that you can do everything you like ________. You can drive as long as you like ________ worrying about finding hotels and restaurants. Or you can just ________ somewhere nice and stay for a few weeks. You may also come across other ________ that are on road trips. Together, you ________ your tents. It’s camping time with a lot of talk and laughter.

________, RVs are not always convenient (便利的). They can sometimes break down and you have to spend time fixing them. But people still like this kind of road trip because they can go where they want whenever they want.

1.A.Although B.Until C.If D.When

2.A.buildings B.roads C.foot D.rivers B.walk D.trip

4.A.large B.useful C.small D.heavy

5.A.quickly B.freely C.openly D.luckily

6.A.with B.without C.after

7.A.hang B.appear C.leave D.stop

8.A.teams B.children C.families D.pairs

9.A.put up B.look over C.take off D.send out

10.A.Nearly B.Also C.However D.Then

How does your lunch taste? Students at the Philips Academy Charter School in the US say their lunch tastes fresh and “proud” (自豪的).

From grades 6 to 8, students in the school had to grow their own lunch. On the small farm inside their kitchen, they grew vegetables like broccoli and many kinds of Asian Greens.

For most students, it was the first time for them to see how food is produced (生产).

The greens grow under lights. Each month, students from different grades come to water them. The farm produces about 8 pounds (3.6kg) of leafy greens every three weeks. The fresh food then goes to the students’ tables.

“We harvest it and then it’s used in the kitchen. We’re eating it during lunch, and it’s fun,” said Yves Millien, 14.

And this project (项目) is not only good for teaching science. It also helped change students’ eating habits. Catkin Flowers, 13, hated greens before. She thought they tasted bad. However, after she grew her own vegetables, Catkin changed her mind.

“I made this and I want to eat it because it’s good and I am proud of it,” said Flowers.

1.Why do the students say their lunch tastes “proud”?

A.Because they grow their own lunch. B.Because their lunch tastes delicious.

C.Because they cook their own lunch. D.Because their lunch is good for health.

2.Where do the students grow vegetables?

A.On a nearby farm. B.On the playground.

C.In their classrooms. D.In their school kitchen.

3.According to Catkin Flowers, we learn that ________.

A.the project made her hate greens

B.the project improved her learning habits

C.the project made her eat more vegetables

D.the project changed her idea about science

4.What does the school wish students to lean from this project?

A.To improve their school grades. B.To know more about green plants.

C.To make much money by growing food. D.To have a good understanding of health.

A little girl walked to and from school every day. Though it was dark and cloudy that morning, the little girl made her daily trip to school as usual. But when school was over, the wind became stronger and it began to rain.

The little girl’s mother felt worried. She thought her daughter might be scared when she walked home from school. The lightning (闪电) might frighten her. After seeing a bright flash of lightning, the mother quickly got into her car and drove to her child’s school.

As the mother drove along the road, she saw her little girl walking alone in the rain. To her great surprise, she found that every time lightning struck (划过), her daughter would stop, look up and smile. Another lightning came, and then another. With each flash of lightning, the little girl stopped, looked up and smiled.

Inside the car, the mother asked her daughter. “What were you doing? Why did you look up and smile when the lightning struck?” The little girl answered with a smile, “Mom, you know, someone was looking at me. Each time I felt a little afraid, someone would take a picture of me. I knew he was playing a game with me.”

1.How did the little girl go to school every day?

A.By car. B.By bike. C.By bus. D.On foot.

2.What does the underlined word “frighten” mean in the text?

A.使害怕 B.燃烧 C.照亮 D.使惊讶

3.When lightning came, what did the girl do?

A.She put her head in her hands. B.She went on walking in the rain.

C.She looked up at it and smiled. D.She took a picture of the lightning.

4.What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph?

A.The little girl was trying not to be afraid.

B.Playing games in the rain was fun to the girl.

C.The little girl knew her mom would pick her up.

D.Different kinds of weather stood for different games.

People spend almost a third of their lives doing one thing: sleeping. Every year, there is a special day for people around the world to celebrate the importance of good and healthy sleep—World Sleep Day.

Sleep is like food for the brain. Enough sleep helps the body and brain grow. People of different ages need different amounts (数量) of sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation in the US, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep every night. For students aged 10 to 17, a healthy amount is about eight to nine hours per night.

However, many students don’t get enough sleep because of early school start times and too much homework. The China Youth and Children Research Center said that about 80 percent of middle school students don’t get enough sleep. It has influences (影响) on students’ school life. Students without enough sleep may get poor grades. They cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports.

To solve this problem, scientists advise that students should get less schoolwork and more time to sleep. Taking a 20-minute nap (午睡) during the day is also useful. Good sleep habits help a lot. For example, try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends and during holidays.

1.What is the main idea of Paragraph One?

A.The importance of sleep. B.A third of people’s sleep time.

C.A special way of sleeping. D.World Sleep Day celebrations.

2.What might happen if teenagers don’t get enough sleep according to the text?

A.They might play sports better. B.They might learn badly in class.

C.They might be unhappy all day. D.They might be excited during the day.

3.Which of the following is NOT a way of helping people get enough sleep?

A.Having good sleep habits.

B.Taking exercise before going to sleep.

C.Taking a 20-minute nap during the day.

D.Getting up at the same time every day.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.Sleep more on weekends

B.Try to take a nap during classes

C.Let s get good and healthy sleep

D.Plan your sleeping time on holidays

Colin and James were neighbors. Colin was poor, while James was very rich. Colin was very relaxed and happy. He never worried about closing the doors or windows of his house at night. He slept very well. Although he had no money, he was happy.

James was always worried about something. He closed all the doors and windows of his house at night. He did not sleep well. He was always worried that someone might break into his house and steal (偷) his money. He envied (嫉妒) the peaceful Colin.

One day, James gave Colin a box of money. “Look, my dear friend,” he said, “I am very rich, but you are poor. Take this money and buy what you want.”

Colin was very happy and excited. Night came and Colin went to bed as usual. But this time, he could not sleep. He went and closed the doors and windows. He still could not sleep. He kept looking at the box of money and couldn’t sleep the whole night.

As soon as day broke, Colin took the box of money to James. He gave the box back to James. “Dear friend,” he said to James, “I am poor, but your money took away my peace. Please take your money back. I’m sorry.”

1.Why did James have a poor sleep at night? (不超过10个词)


2.How did Colin feel when he got the money? (不超过5个词)


3.What can we learn from the story? (不超过10个词)


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