How does your lunch taste? Students at the Philips Academy Charter School in the US say their lunch tastes fresh and “proud” (自豪的).

From grades 6 to 8, students in the school had to grow their own lunch. On the small farm inside their kitchen, they grew vegetables like broccoli and many kinds of Asian Greens.

For most students, it was the first time for them to see how food is produced (生产).

The greens grow under lights. Each month, students from different grades come to water them. The farm produces about 8 pounds (3.6kg) of leafy greens every three weeks. The fresh food then goes to the students’ tables.

“We harvest it and then it’s used in the kitchen. We’re eating it during lunch, and it’s fun,” said Yves Millien, 14.

And this project (项目) is not only good for teaching science. It also helped change students’ eating habits. Catkin Flowers, 13, hated greens before. She thought they tasted bad. However, after she grew her own vegetables, Catkin changed her mind.

“I made this and I want to eat it because it’s good and I am proud of it,” said Flowers.

1.Why do the students say their lunch tastes “proud”?

A.Because they grow their own lunch. B.Because their lunch tastes delicious.

C.Because they cook their own lunch. D.Because their lunch is good for health.

2.Where do the students grow vegetables?

A.On a nearby farm. B.On the playground.

C.In their classrooms. D.In their school kitchen.

3.According to Catkin Flowers, we learn that ________.

A.the project made her hate greens

B.the project improved her learning habits

C.the project made her eat more vegetables

D.the project changed her idea about science

4.What does the school wish students to lean from this project?

A.To improve their school grades. B.To know more about green plants.

C.To make much money by growing food. D.To have a good understanding of health.

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