Miss Dinsmore lived in nice little house.

“I _________ my house looked more cheerful (令人愉快的). Maybe I should paint (刷漆) it more _________.” said Miss Dinsomore.

Miss Dinsmore went to the store. She saw all kinds of _________ there. It was hard for her to _________.

“I know what to do” said Miss Dinsore at last. “I’ll draw pictures of my house _________ all of the colors. Then I’ll paint my house according to the _________ one.”

Then Miss Dinsmore started to draw pictures of her house. “All the pictures are _________,” said Miss Dinsmore. “But I still can’t _________ which color will make my house more cheerful.”

One day, a neighbor (邻居) saw Miss Dinsmore’s pictures. She _________ them very much. “I’ll tell others in the neighborhood,” she said. “They will want to ______________ your pictures.”

It was true. Lots of people ______________ to enjoy the pictures. “What a nice little house you have,” everyone said.

“It is a nice little house,” said Miss Dinsmore. “______________ I want to make it more cheerful...”.

Miss Dinsmore stopped and looked around. Her house was ______________. People in her house were enjoying pictures, drinking tea, talking, ______________ and having fun. “It’s a nice little house, “ she said again. “And it’s a cheerful little house, too-when good friends come to ______________ me.”

1.A.worry B.wish C.think D.like

2.A.differently B.quickly C.carefully D.beautifully

3.A.examples B.prizes C.activities D.colors

4.A.choose B.keep C.buy D.start

5.A.in B.with C.about D.for

6.A.funniest B.most popular C.best D.most useful

7.A.wonderful B.creative C.fresh D.similar

8.A.show B.remember C.learn D.decide

9.A.thanked B.described C.loved D.missed

10.A.touch B.see C.draw D.take

11.A.tried B.came C.seemed D.waited

12.A.but B.because C.if D.although

13.A.dirty B.close C.free D.crowded

14.A.working B.laughing C.cleaning D.sleeping

15.A.help B.join C.visit D.follow

Good friends have common ideas and sometimes similar taste in music, clothes and Free time activities. However, the most important thing of friendship (友谊), according to some studies at North Westminster Community School is trust (信任). Trust is what it is all about.


I’m 15 years old. My good friends are Sarah and Minnie. I met Sarah when I was five and Minnie when I was eight. Because Sarah’s father found a new job in New York last year, she moved there with her family. Although we can’t study and play together every day, we talk online every Saturday. We share all things we experienced and care about each other’s life.


I met Susan when I was waiting outside her house on the day she moved next to my house. Last month, I broke my arm and had to stay in hospital. She came to hospital every day to help me with my study and tell me funny things in school. Because of her, I became well soon.


Rosie It’s my best friend. We do everything together. We go to the school library every Monday, Wednesday and Tuesday afternoon. We talked about everything together. We don’t know the true meaning of friendship.

1.The three students at North Westminster community school think ________ it’s the most important in friendship.

A.love B.trust C.age D.culture

2.Ann met Sarah ________ year ago.

A.seven B.eight C.nine D.ten

3.Amanda had something wrong with her ________ last month.

A.head B.leg C.arm D.hand

4.Jane goes to the school library ________ times a week.

A.three B.four C.five D.six

Many people like to drink soda pop (苏打汽水) , but they may not know that soda pop has an interesting story.

The story began with mineral water (矿泉水). In many places, people thought washing with mineral water was good for their health. Some said drinking mineral water was also good for people. Some mineral water had bubbles (气泡) in it . So people learnt to make bubble water to put CO2 into water to make the water bubbly. The called the bubbly water “soda water”.

Later, people put juice or some other things to make soda water taste good. Many drugstores (药房) or ice cream shop sold soda water. Now people can buy soda pop in almost every food store. Some people call it “pop”, some say “soda” and other people call it “soda pop”.

At first people made soda pop because they thought it was good for their health. But in fact, it’s bad for us. For example, drinking too much soda pop make us fat. Well, maybe we should drink less this kind of good tasting water for our health.

1.Why did people in many places drink mineral water?

A.Because they thought it was good for their health.

B.Because the thought it was cleaner.

C.Because it tasted good.

D.Because it was cheap.

2.Where could people buy soda pop in the past?

A.In food stores. B.In restaurants.

C.In ice cream shops. D.In supermarkets.

3.Which of the following is true about soda pop?

A.It’s bad for people’s health. B.It’s only sold in drug store now.

C.It doesn’t have any bubbles now. D.It tastes worse than mineral water.

4.The passage mainly tells us that ________.

A.soda pop is an old drink. B.soda pop has different names.

C.soda pop has an interesting story. D.soda pop is popular with many people.

In the forest, everything was great and everyone was happy before Jemima came there. Jemima was a very tall giraffe with a long neck (脖子).She was the noisiest and the most gossipy (爱说三道四的) animal in the forest.

She liked to watch everything and told everyone what was going on that made so many animals unhappy. They had a meeting and decided to teach her a lesson (给她一个教训).

At that time, Big Bongo, the monkey, decided to move to a new house. Jemima was so curious about the new house. One night she walked quietly to Big Bongo’s bedroom window. The window was open and she put her head inside. She was just on time to see Big Bongo leaving the bedroom. So, Jemima put her head further in so that she could follow him to the next room. It was dark in the house and she couldn’t see very well. But she followed Big Bongo into another room and then another...

At last Jemima couldn’t follow Big Bongo anymore. Her neck wasn’t long enough. Big Bongo run around his house, and Jemima’s neck was in a tangle (绕成一团).

Then all the other animals came to the house and told Jemima what they thought of her. Jemima’s face turned red, she decided that she would not use her neck to poke (干涉) into the lives of others.

1.Many animals in the forest were unhappy with Jemima because ________.

A.She had a long neck. B.She was new to the forest.

C.She was noisy and gossipy. D.Should like to do everything.

2.The underlined the world “curious” in Paragraph 3 means ________ in Chinese.

A.好奇的 B.满意的 C.疯狂的 D.愤怒的

3.Big Bongo run around his new house to ________.

A.look at it quickly B.teach Jemima a lesson

C.show his friends around D.put his things in your places

4.The other animals in the forest wanted to tell Jemima that ________.

A.they didn’t want her to live in the forest

B.she shouldn’t poke into the lives of others

C.she shouldn’t go into others house at night

D.they didn’t like to make friends with tall animals


Computers and the Internet are becoming more and more popular. Most people think they are very useful1. their studies in lives.

The first computer was born in 1946. It was very big, and it worked2. (slow). Today computers are getting smaller and3. (small), but they were faster and faster. What can computers do? They can do many kind of things.

At the same4., our world is getting smaller and smaller with the Internet. The Internet came into the world about 25 years later than computers. It makes our lives5. (easy) . If you are far away in America, you can talk to your family on the Internet. If you want to6. a good book, but you don’t have time to buy it in the bookstore, you can read it on the Internet. You can also read newspapers,7. some shopping, play games and make friends on it.

Many students like the Internet very much and they would not like to do anything else. They8. friends on the Internet but they may not see these friends. Some of the students are cheated (受骗) by the “unreal (假的) friends”. Because of the internet, some students can’t9. hard at their lessons. Many of them can’t do well in their studies. A few of them have to leave school.

We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world.10. please remember: not all good things are good for you.

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