
Many people like to drink soda pop (苏打汽水) , but they may not know that soda pop has an interesting story.

The story began with mineral water (矿泉水). In many places, people thought washing with mineral water was good for their health. Some said drinking mineral water was also good for people. Some mineral water had bubbles (气泡) in it . So people learnt to make bubble water to put CO2 into water to make the water bubbly. The called the bubbly water “soda water”.

Later, people put juice or some other things to make soda water taste good. Many drugstores (药房) or ice cream shop sold soda water. Now people can buy soda pop in almost every food store. Some people call it “pop”, some say “soda” and other people call it “soda pop”.

At first people made soda pop because they thought it was good for their health. But in fact, it’s bad for us. For example, drinking too much soda pop make us fat. Well, maybe we should drink less this kind of good tasting water for our health.

1.Why did people in many places drink mineral water?

A.Because they thought it was good for their health.

B.Because the thought it was cleaner.

C.Because it tasted good.

D.Because it was cheap.

2.Where could people buy soda pop in the past?

A.In food stores. B.In restaurants.

C.In ice cream shops. D.In supermarkets.

3.Which of the following is true about soda pop?

A.It’s bad for people’s health. B.It’s only sold in drug store now.

C.It doesn’t have any bubbles now. D.It tastes worse than mineral water.

4.The passage mainly tells us that ________.

A.soda pop is an old drink. B.soda pop has different names.

C.soda pop has an interesting story. D.soda pop is popular with many people.


Phyllis Wheatley is regarded as America’s first black poet. She was born in Senegal, Africa in about 1753 and brought to America at about the age of seven. John and Susannah Wheatley bought her for three pounds at a slave (奴隶) market in Boston in 1761. Phyllis was soon accepted as one of the family, which included being raised and educated with the Wheatley’s twin 15-year-old children, Mary and Nathaniel. At that time, most females, even from better families, could not read and write, but Mary was probably one of the best educated young women in Boston. Mary wanted to become a teacher, and in fact, it was Mary who decided to take charge of Phyllis Wheatley’s education. Phyllis soon showed her remarkable talents. At the age of twelve she was reading the Greek and Latin classics.

At the age of thirteen, Phyllis wrote her first poem. She became a Boston sensation (引起轰动的人物) after she wrote a poem on the death of the preacher George Whitfield in 1770. It became common to read Phyllis Wheatley’s poetry in polite society. Mary had tried to interest publishers in Phyllis Wheatley’s poems, but once they heard she was black they weren’t interested.

Then in 1773 Phyllis went with Nathaniel, who was now a businessman, to London. Thirty-nine of her poems were published in London as Poems on Various Subjects. It was the first book published by a black American. In 1775 Phyllis wrote a poem about George Washington and sent it to him. He responded by praising her talents and inviting her to visit his headquarters. After both of her benefactors (恩人) died in 1777 and in 1778, Phyllis was freed. She married in 1778, moved away from Boston, and had three children. But after the unhappy marriage, she moved back to Boston, and died in poverty in 1783.

1.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Those days the black were looked down upon.

B.Phyllis read a lot of books when she was young.

C.Phyllis didn’t move away from Boston until she got married.

D.Phyllis Wheatley’s first poem interested and excited the public.

2.Which is the correct order of Phyllis Wheatley’s life according to the passage?

a. US president sang high praise for her.

b. People became curious about her poems.

c. Mary began to educate her.

d. Phyllis was freed as a slave.

e. She served Nathaniel all the way to London.

A.a-c-e-d-b B.e-c-b-d-a C.c-b-e-a-d D.d-c-e-b-a

3.Which statement about Phyllis is supported by the passage?

A.She died young. B.She got a good school education.

C.Her first poem was published in London. D.She was regarded as a poet after being freed.

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