Laba Festival

In China, the twelfth-fifth of the lunar calendar(阴历)is called layue. The month is full of interesting festivals and customs.

Laba Festival, which falls on the eighth day of layue, is the first festival in this month. From this day on, people begin to get ready for the Chinese New Year.

On Laba Festival, people often eat hot Laba porridge. There are usually eight things in the porridge: rice,red beans, peas, dried lotus seeds(莲子),dates(红枣),and some different kinds of Bruits and nuts. The porridge is not just good for your health, but best wishes for the coming of the Chinese New Year.

Laba porridge is not the only tasty food in layue. Laba garlic(蒜)is popular in the north. People begin to soak(浸泡)garlic in vinegar(醋)from that day on, and have it with dumplings during the Chinese New Year. While in the south, people like making sausages.

1.When is Laba Festival?

A.On the 12th of December. B.On the 8th of December.

C.On the 12th of layue. D.On the 8th of layue.

2.How do people celebrate the festival according to the passage?

A.They clean the house. B.They sing and dance.

C.They eat Laba porridge. D.They have dumplings.

3.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph Four refer to(指代)?

A.Laba garlic. B.Laba porridge. C.Rice. D.Vinegar.

4.Which of the followings is True?

A.People in the south like to make Laba garlic on Laba Festival.

B.When Laba Festival is over, the Chinese New Yea ris coming.

C.Chinese people have the same customs on Laba Festival.

D.Laba Festival is the last Chinese festival in layue.

It was Sunday. I had one last patient to see. She was an old woman, sitting on her bed, trying to put socks on her swollen(肿胀的)feet. I walked in, spoke quickly to the nurse, and saw from her chart that she was in a good condition.

She asked if I could help put on her socks. Instead, I started a monologue(长篇大论):"How are you feeling? Your sugars and blood pressure are also good today. The nurse said you're anxious to see your son who's visiting you today from far away. I believe you really look forward to seeing him."

She stopped me with a serious voice. "Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not your story."

I was surprised and embarrassed. I sat down. I helped her with the socks. She told me that her only son lived around the corner from her, but she had not seen him for five years. She believed that the big stress of this was a big reason for her health problems. After hearing her story and putting on her socks, I asked if there was anything else I could do. She shook her head and smiled. All she had wanted me to do was listen.

Each story is different. Some are detailed; others are vague(含糊的). Some are true; others not. Yet all those things do not really matter. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard.

1.What does the writer do?

A.A nurse. B.A doctor. C.An actor. D.A reporter.

2.What was wrong with the old woman according to her chart?

A.Her blood pressure was much higher. B.Her sugars were lower than before.

C.There was nothing wrong with her. D.She couldn't put on her socks.

3.Which can replace(替代)the underlined word "anxious" in Para.2?

A.Nervous. B.Surprised. C.Sorry. D.Upset.

4.What can you learn from the passage?

A.We should meet a clever doctor. B.We should try to tell true stories.

C.We should be patient to old people. D.We should learn to listen to others.

While walking outside one morning, I saw the most beautiful thing. It was early, and I was walking on dewy(带露水的)grass down to the office. Suddenly a flash came out straight from the ground, about 15 feet in front of me, and shot up into the sky. I stopped. What could make such a bright light? Could it be a diamond(钻石)?I waited to see if it would repeat, but it didn't.

I walked slowly toward it, but saw nothing. I looked down at the grass, searching for gold or some kind of metal - again, nothing. Suddenly, I saw it. The rising sun hit the grass' dewdrop(露珠)at the perfect way, sending great light into the sky. It was as if I had just discovered a tiny new world and it was just the unseen world that was giving me a heads-up, "Hello, look at what's around you," it said. I've never forgotten that moment.

So next time you're out, take some time to notice nature, whose beauty most of us never even see. Look at the beautiful colors and different small flowers that cover playing fields—we walk all over them without a second look. Watch a bee dancing, or tiny ants going on their way, or birds singing in the sky. All of these natural living things are amazing—if only we took the time to notice them.

Have an eye for nature, and you'll find a new secret each day to keep in your heart. __ It's one of the most wonderful things I've ever done.

1.Why did the writer stop walking to the office at first?

A.Because he saw a bright light. B.Because he saw a diamond.

C.Because he saw a new world. D.Because he saw a dewdrop.

2.In which place can we put this sentence "I dropped down to my knees for a closer look."?

A.① B.② C.③ D.④

3.What's the purpose(目的)of the passage?

A.To warn us not to grow such kind of grass. B.To describe the writer's wonderful life.

C.To express the writer's love to a dewdrop. D.To encourage us to admire the nature.

4.Which might be the best title of the passage?

A.A Dewdrop B.My Secret C.Quick Moments D.The Grass

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