

This is the story of a man who works in a big factory. I have seen him for years, but I've never paid any 1. to him. He was a little bit strange. He always 2. (wear) an old red hat and carried a bag. He usually spent his break time and his lunchtime 3. (walk) around in that big old factory and collecting used tins(铝罐).

4. day, I was fixing a machine with my manager in the factory 5.this "tin man" came with his bag. As usual, he picked 6. the tins, which were all over the place. After I finished my job, I heard my manager ask the "tin man" about what those tins 7. (do) with. I never even thought about this kind of question 8. (care), because I always think that "tin man" would take those tins to the recycling center.

Both of 9. were shocked to hear一"I will give these tins to my neighbor. He has epilepsy(癫痫)and can't work. I know this does not help much, but he needs 10. (society) help." The "tin man" went on. We both felt moved.


When you see your favorite food on a red plate, you probably feel hungry. But you feel hunger when it is on a white plate. Can you guess why this happens? According to a recent research, colors have great influences on our eating.

Firstly, colors can really influence our feelings about food. For example, when you add some red to water, it tastes sweeter than normal water, as if you’ve added some sugar into it. The red color makes you feel that the water is very nice to drink.

However, the food that you think the most delicious will probably taste worse to you if you change its color to blue. This is because blue is not a very natural color for food and it always makes people feel sad.

Besides, colors can also influence how much we eat. In one research, people were asked to serve themselves some pasta (意式面食) with white gravy. The people with red plates ate a smaller part. For example, there is a big cake in the red plate, maybe you feel full after eating only a piece of it. However, the people with white plates ate much more.

1.People will feel hungrier when food is on a ________ plate.

A.red B.blue C.white D.yellow

2.According to the passage, red drinks may make people ________.

A.drink more B.refuse it C.drink less D.feel scary

3.If you change the color of the food to blue, the food will probably ________.

A.make people feel happier B.taste worse

C.make people feel hungrier D.taste sweeter

4.What’s the best title of this passage?

A.Red and Water B.Blue and Food C.Sugar and Food D.Color and Eating

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