“Better Days", a movie about two teens who are constantly bullied(被欺凌), has brought new attention to school bullying.

A bully means to give you a hard time for no reason at all. A bully calls your names, takes your things and makes you feel afraid over and over again for a long time.

Surveys show that one-fourth of the US middle school students have experienced bullying.

Bullying can make you feel terrible. Maybe you are scared to go to school, or can’t eat or sleep. What can you do? First of all, remember to be proud of who you are. Don’t take the bully’s mean words to your heart. Also, keep in mind that it’s not your fault, it’s the bully who has the problem. If you can, ignore the bully, hopefully he or she get bored and stop. If these things don’t work, tell your favorite teacher and your parents about the bullying.

And, of course, never be a bully. If you don’t like someone, be nice anyway, and the world will be a much happier place.

1.What's may the meaning of ignore be in Chinese?

A.反击 B.打败 C.无视 D.忘记

2.What can we do if we are in bullying?

A.Remember to be proud of who we are. B.Remember that it's not our fault and ignore the bully.

C.Ask our teachers and parents for help. D.All above.

3.From this passage, we can learn that ___________.

A.one-fourth of British students have experienced bullying.

B.a bully means to give you a hard time for a reason.

C.if we don't like someone, we should also be a bully.

D.we should be nice and the world will get better.

4.The author mainly wants to tell us that __________.

A.why there are school bullies B."Better Days" are very popular

C.what we can do if we face problems D.what we can do if we are in bullying

“Make-A-Wish” is one of the world's most well-known charities(慈善机构) . It makes wishes come true for children who have serious illnesses. It gives them hope and joy and helps them forget about their health problems and have fun.

It all started in 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona. Christopher was a 7-year-old boy who was very sick. He always dreamed of becoming a police officer. Tommy Austin and Ron Cox, two police officers, made his wish come true. They gave Christopher a tour of the city in a police helicopter(直升飞机) and made a real police uniform(制服) for him.

There are four kinds of wishes children usually have:

I wish to go. Children usually want to travel or go to a concert, a game or a park.

I wish to meet. Children sometimes want to meet their favourite actors, singers or players.

I wish to be. Some children wish to become actors, singers or police officers.

I wish to have. They often want to have a computer, a game, a bike or many other things.

Let’s hope more wishes will come true in the future. People who work in the charity always try for the best. Almost 25 ,000 volunteers(志愿者) help, work or give money. Will you be one of them?

1."Make-A-Wish" is a charity to help _______.

A.sick children B.serious officers

C.famous actors D.popular singers

2.What did the two police officers do for Christopher?

A.They gave him a computer. B.They took him for a tour in a helicopter.

C.They took him to a wonderful concert. D.They took him to see a very good doctor.

3.Which kind of wishes does Christopher have?

A.I wish to go. B.I wish to meet.

C.I wish to be. D.I wish to have.

4.The purpose(目的) of the last paragraph(段落) is to _______.

A.explain what " Make-A-Wish" is B.encourage(鼓励) more people to join the charity

C.tell us how Christopher's wish came true D.introduce different kinds of children's wishes

What season is it in October? If you ask people from the UK, they will tell you it’s “autumn”. But if you go to the US, you will find that people use both “autumn” and “fall”. Why does this season have two names in English?

According to a Dictionary.com, both words have been around for a long time, but neither of them was the first to describe this season. During this season, crops(庄稼) would become ripe and farmers would have a big harvest(丰收). So in old English, this season was simple called “harvest”.

Then, in the 1600s, more people left their farms and moved to cities. Wish fewer people farming, the word “harvest” become less useful English speakers needed a different name for the season. They knew leaves fell from trees during the season, so people started calling it “the fall of the leaf” or “fall” for short.

But at the end of the 1600s, autumn from the French word “autompne” and the Latin “autumns”, came to England. It gradually replaced(替代) “fall” as the word for this season.

At the same time, British people were making their first trips to North America. They brought both the words “fall” and “autumn” with them. That’s why today’s Americans have two names for one season.

1.You may read this article in______.

A.a music magazine B.geography newspaper

C.a culture and history magazine D.a novel for teens

2.Why do Americans have two names for one season?

A.Because British people were making their first trips to North America.

B.Because British people brought them to North America at the end of 1600s.

C.Because the words “autumn” came to North America in 1600s.

D.Because this season was called “harvest” in old English.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Both“autumn” and “fall” have been around for a long time according to a dictionary.

B.More people left their farms and moved to cities at the end of 1600s.

C.Autumn was from the French word “autumns” and the German word “autompne”.

D.Before 1600s you could not meet British people in North America.

4.This passage mainly tells us that______.

A.it is autumn or fall in October in North America

B.both autumn and fall were the first words to describe the season

C.how British people came to North America

D.people in North America have two names for one season

Henry was going through a very hard time. His wife just passed away. He felt that life without her was pointless. For months, Henry sat his house, doing nothing. Henry’s neighbor(邻居), an old woman named Lisa, saw him from her yard one day. She had not seen him outside in days! She asked him to come closer to the fence(篱笆) next to her house.

“Hello, Henry! Just look at this fence. It is falling apart. You are a strong man. Can you help me fix this fence?” Lisa asked.

Henry was angry inside. He was the one who needed help. He thought the old lady was being kind of rude. But she was too old to fix the fence herself, so he agreed.

Henry worked on the fence for days. When he finished, she thanked him. Henry smiled for the first time in months.

“What a wonderful job! Could you please paint it for me?” Lisa said to him. Henry could not believe she was asking for more help. But because he respected her, he agreed. He worked hard painting the fence in the hot sun. As their neighbors passed by, they all told Henry what a beautiful job he had done. Henry felt very happy.

Henry no longer felt that life was pointless. He finally understood that Lisa wasn’t being rude. She knew that staying busy could help us forget our sorrows(伤痛). He helped her, but she truly saved him.

1.When Lisa asked Henry to fix her fence, he ______.

A.felt a bit angry B.said he wouldn’t do it

C.happily agreed to do it D.said she was too old to fix the fence

2.Why did Henry agree to help Lisa the second time?

A.Because he had nothing else to do. B.Because he wanted to talk to someone.

C.Because he was good at painting. D.Because he respected her.

3.Which of the following shows how Henry’s feelings changed over time?

A.happy - upset - thankful - wonderful B.upset - angry- happy - thankful

C.respectful - wonderful - thankful - upset D.happy - respectful - bored – upset

4.What can we learn from the story?

A.Asking others for help isn’t rude. B.Staying busy can help us forget our troubles.

C.It’s hard to make friends with neighbors. D.We can save our life in many ways.

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