
2020 Shenzhen Concert

Address: Shenzhen. Geneert Hall

Phone: 0755-82841888 Fax: 02-9339203

Show time: 8:00p.m 31st , January, 2020

Ticket: $60(for an adult) $30(for a child)

Website: www.szyyt.com

How to get there: Subway to Children’s Palace

Station and a short walk along Fuzhong 1st Road

How to book ticket: By phone /fax or through the web

Attraction: Phiharmonie Salzburg(萨尔兹堡爱乐乐团) comes from the" Music City“ —

Austria, the hometown of Mozart. It's famous for fantastic music performances.

1.Phiharmonie Salzburg isn’t ___________.

A.from the "Music City” B.from Austria

C.from the hometown of Mozart D.famous for dance performances

2.If you want to book a ticket, you CAN'T __________.

A.email Phiharmonie Salzburg B.fax 02-933 39203

C.search www.szyyt.com D.dial 0755-82841888

3.Frank wants to enjoy the New Year Concert with his two children, he will pay__________.

A.$60 B.$90 C.$120 D.$150

4.Johnson plans to enjoy the show. He will get there__________.

A.after 11: 30 p. m B.before 8: 00 p. m

C.at 10: 30 p. m D.by 10:30p.m.


Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

People sometimes look at nature and fail to see its perfection (完美). For example, they look at a plant and think, “How much better this plant would be if only its flowers were more beautiful!” Or they see a summer rain and think, “If I had ______ the world I would have made it never rain when people are on holiday.”

Such a ______ happened long ago when a traveller was resting under an apple tree. As he looked around, he saw a big pumpkin in a nearby garden. He noticed that the vine (藤) on which the big pumpkin grew was quite weak. ______ him, he saw small round apples hanging on strong limbs (树枝). “How stupid nature is!” the man thought to himself. “If nature had half a brain, it would have made these big pumpkins grow on this strong tree ______ on the weak vine.”

The traveller was proud that he was smarter than the creator of all things in the natural world. Just then, a small apple fell from the tree, hitting him on the head. He quickly saw the defect (不足之处) in his thinking. He learned how things might have been different if it had been the huge pumpkin that had hit him on the head. “I clearly would have ______ my life in such an accident,” he said.

As he went on his way, he had new admiration (钦佩) for nature.

1.A.explored B.created C.discovered D.expected

2.A.dream B.brain C.case D.trouble

3.A.Above B.Beside C.Against D.Before

4.A.because of B.out of C.full of D.instead of

5.A.enjoyed B.rescued C.lost D.begun


Today let me talk about a sports--bicycling. More and more people like bicycling now. Bicycling is healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that's why there are about 1.4 billion bicycle and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today.

Bikes can take you almost anywhere and there is no oil cost. Get on a bike and ride around your neighborhood. You may find something new around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can ride a bike to school or work and that is good exercise for you. It has no pollution at all.

Folding (折叠)bikes are getting popular, too. If you need to take the train, you can just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on a plane. You can put your folding bike in the suitcase.

Bicycling can take your physical health. Here are some examples:

• It helps to control your weight.

• A 15-minute bike ride three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year.

• It can improve your mood (心情)

• It makes people feel enjoyable.

• It is healthier than driving.

1.According to the passage, how many bicycles are on roads worldwide today?

There are about______________ bicycles on roads worldwide today.

2.Where should you put your folding bikes on a plane?

You can put it_________________.

3.What can you do to burn off kilos of fat in a year according to the passage?

We should spend__________ to ride the bike three times a week.

4.Does riding a bike to school or work have pollution?


5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

It talks about__________________________________________

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