It’s nice to be invited to birthday parties, but sometimes you have to say no. How do you politely (礼貌地) refuse an invitation?

◆Send it in.

If you get a written (书面的) or e-mail invitation to a party, refusing politely is easy. All you have to do is to give a polite answer.

◆Ask for time to think.

Refusing a face-to-face invitation can be difficult. The polite way is to ask for time to check your calendar. Then, you have time to find a polite answer. Just make sure that if you’ve been invited in person (当面), you’d better refuse it in person. It’s polite.

◆Be thankful.

Even if you have to refuse the invitation, thank him or her for the invitation all the same. If your only reason is a conflicting(相互冲突的) event, tell the host that you will come if the dates are different.

◆Be honest(诚实的).

This may be the most important thing in politely refusing an invitation. You wouldn’t want people to lie(说谎) to you, so it’s correct etiquette(礼节) to give an honest reason. Just say it in a polite way.


1.The writer gives us five pieces of advice.

2.We can refuse a face-to-face invitation by asking for time to check our calendar.

3.If an invitation conflicts with another event, you can tell the host that you will come if the dates are different.

4.To be thankful is the most important to refuse an invitation.

5.The main idea of the passage is how to turn down an invitation.

My problem:

I have two best friends but they dislike each other (彼此). Every time I want to hang out with both of them, they never want to and get angry with me. When I hang out with one but not the other, the other one will get jealous. I want all of us to be good friends, but I don’t know what to do. Somebody help!

Desi, 11, Illinois


First you need to ask both of them why they don’t like each other. You should do something to make them like each other again. You can invite both of them to your house at the same time, without telling them that the other one will be there, too. Leave them alone (单独地) for about 30 minutes. See if they can talk to each other. Hope this helps!

Loren, 11, New York

If they are really your best friends, you should let them know that you like both of them. And they should try to act nicely towards each other, because they have the same friend—you!

Laura, 14, Carolina


1.What is Desi’s problem?

A.She can’t get on well with her two good friends.

B.Her two good friends dislike each other.

C.She doesn’t want to have two good friends at the same time.

2.Where does Loren come from?

A.Illinois B.New York. C.Carolina.

3.The underlined word “jealous” means “________” in Chinese.

A.喜爱的 B.妒忌的 C.骄傲的

4.Which of the following is NOT Loren’s advice for Desi?

A.Do something to make them like each other.

B.Give them a chance (机会) to talk with each other.

C.Tell them you like both of them.

5.From the passage we know________.

A.Desi likes hanging out with both her friends

B.Loren and Laura are Desi’s two best friends

C.Loren and Laura can’t get on well with each other

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