
1.A.Hi!I’m Mike. B.Nice to meet you, Mike. C.How are you?

2.A.No, thanks. B.Yes, I like. C.Yes, I do.

3.A.It’s delicious. B.So am I. C.Me, too.

4.A.That’s great! B.Never. C.Never mind.

5.A.Oh, well done. B.That’s all right. C.Use mine, please.


6.What’s the weather like now?

A.Cloudy. B.Rainy C.Windy.

7.What time is it now?

A.04∶55. B.05∶00. C.05∶05.

8.Who may be in hospital?

A.Sally. B.Lucy. C.Maria.

9.How does the woman like the music?

A.Terrible. B.Boring. C.Wonderful.

10.Where are the man and the woman?

A.At a train station. B.At a bus station. C.At an airport.


11.How many rooms does the man need?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three.

12.How long will the man stay here?

A.One day. B.One night. C.One day and one night.

13.Which room will the man live in?

A.218, on the first floor.

B.128, on the second floor.

C.218, on the second floor.

14.How much will the man pay?

A.45 dollars. B.55 dollars. C.90 dollars.

15.What’s the man?

A.A bus driver. B.A taxi driver. C.A tourist.


16.Where did the story happen?

A.In a club. B.In a hotel. C.In a restaurant.

17.What did the ladies usually do after the meetings?

A.Stood up and left. B.had a meal together. C.Drank some tea.

18.How many people in the world are hungry?

A.Half. B.More than half. C.Less than half.

19.How can we solve the food problem according to the story?

A.Try to control the population.

B.Try to produce more food.

C.Give more food to the poor countries.

20.What can we know from the story?

A.One woman is having a baby.

B.One day a man came and talked about food.

C.The woman who said at last is very clever.


1 ① So see you next time! ②Yes, the last bus will leave at 9:00. ③See you. ④Well, I’m afraid I have to go. ⑤Oh, do you have to?

A. ②④③①⑤      B. ⑤①③②④    C. ③⑤②①④   D. ④⑤②①③

2 ① Our ping-pang team was the first in the match.  ②What? ③Don’t you know we won?

④Hi, Li Bin, you look excited to day. Any good news? ⑤Great! Congratulations!

A. ⑤①③②④     B. ④③①②⑤    C. ④③②①⑤     D. ③①⑤②④

3①I heard the weather report just now. ②Nice weather for this time of year. ③It will get a little warmer later. ④ How do you know? ⑤But it was a little colder yesterday.

A. ②①④③⑤     B. ④①③②⑤   C. ④③①②⑤     D. ②⑤③④①

4① I mean I want to borrow some books from the City Library. ②Oh? I see. It is about 200 meters away around the corner on the left. ③Pardon? ④Thank you. It’s really nice of you.

⑤Excuse me, which is the way to the City Library, please?

A.⑤③①②④    B.⑤①③②④    C.③①⑤②④     D.②①⑤③②④

5① Let’s play football together, shall we? ②Will you be free this Sunday afternoon?

③How about 3: 30 outside the school gate? ④Yes. What’s that? ⑤Oh, that’s great! When and where shall we meet?   ⑥OK. See you then.

A.③①②⑤④⑥    B.②④①⑤③⑥    C.①④②⑤③⑥   D.②①③⑤④⑥


1. (1). Hi, Kate. Next Sunday is my birthday. Can you come to my birthday party?
    (2). OK. I'm sure he would love to come.
    (3). Hi, Ann!
    (4). Five. Don't forget to tell Jim. I hope he can come, too.
    (5). Oh, thanks very much. I'd love to. What time is it going to start?
A. (1)-(5)-(4)-(3)-(2)
B. (3)-(2)-(5)-(4)-(1)
C. (1)-(3)-(5)-(4)-(2)
D. (3)-(1)-(5)-(4)-(2)
2. (1). May I speak to Rose?
    (2). Certainly.
    (3). Will you take a message?
    (4). Sorry, she is not in at the moment.
    (5). Please tell her to return me the dictionary tomorrow.
A. (1)-(4)-(3)-(2)-(5)
B. (1)-(2)-(3)-(4)-(5)
C. (1)-(2)-(3)-(5)-(4)
D. (1)-(4)-(2)-(5)-(3)
3. (1). Yes, it's very nice. What's the time?
    (2). It's four o'clock.
    (3). I have a new watch. Do you like it?
    (4). Let's go!
    (5). Oh, it's time to play games!
(A). 3-1-2-5-4
(B). 1-3-5-4-2
(C). 5-2-4-3-1
(D). 2-3-1-5-4
4. (1). Are you sure?
   (2). Can you mend it?
   (3). If he can't, nobody can.
   (4). Something is wrong with my TV set.
   (5). Sorry. But Uncle Wang can.
   (6). Let me see. Oh, it's broken.
A. (6)-(4)-(1)-(2)-(5)-(3)
B. (2)-(4)-(1)-(6)-(3)-(5)
C. (4)-(6)-(2)-(5)-(1)-(3)
D. (4)-(2)-(1)-(3)-(6)-(5)
5. (1). Black and white.
    (2). Will you show me a jacket?
    (3). OK. I will take one.
    (4). I think you look nice in yellow, and it is popular.
    (5). Certainly. What colour would you like?
A. (5)-(1)-(4)-(3)-(2)
B. (2)-(5)-(1)-(4)-(3) 
C. (3)-(5)-(4)-(2)-(1)
D. (5)-(4)-(1)-(2)-(3)

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