
1£®A£®Hi!I¡¯m Mike£®¡¡B£®Nice to meet you, Mike£®¡¡C£®How are you?

2£®A£®No, thanks£®¡¡B£®Yes, I like£®¡¡C£®Yes, I do£®

3£®A£®It¡¯s delicious£®¡¡B£®So am I£®¡¡C£®Me, too£®

4£®A£®That¡¯s great!¡¡B£®Never£®¡¡C£®Never mind£®

5£®A£®Oh, well done£®¡¡B£®That¡¯s all right£®¡¡C£®Use mine, please£®


6£®What¡¯s the weather like now?


7£®What time is it now?


8£®Who may be in hospital?


9£®How does the woman like the music?


10£®Where are the man and the woman?

A£®At a train station£®¡¡B£®At a bus station£®¡¡C£®At an airport£®


11£®How many rooms does the man need?


12£®How long will the man stay here?

A£®One day£®¡¡B£®One night£®¡¡C£®One day and one night£®

13£®Which room will the man live in?

A£®218, on the first floor£®

B£®128, on the second floor£®

C£®218, on the second floor£®

14£®How much will the man pay?

A£®45 dollars£®¡¡B£®55 dollars£®¡¡C£®90 dollars£®

15£®What¡¯s the man?

A£®A bus driver£®¡¡B£®A taxi driver£®¡¡C£®A tourist£®


16£®Where did the story happen?

A£®In a club£®¡¡B£®In a hotel£®¡¡C£®In a restaurant£®

17£®What did the ladies usually do after the meetings?

A£®Stood up and left£®¡¡B£®had a meal together£®¡¡C£®Drank some tea£®

18£®How many people in the world are hungry?

A£®Half£®¡¡B£®More than half£®¡¡C£®Less than half£®

19£®How can we solve the food problem according to the story?

A£®Try to control the population£®

B£®Try to produce more food£®

C£®Give more food to the poor countries£®

20£®What can we know from the story?

A£®One woman is having a baby£®

B£®One day a man came and talked about food£®

C£®The woman who said at last is very clever£®


Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
