Samuel was back at the thrift shop(旧货店). He had walked into the shop with only one goal in mind—to find a book that he had NOT bought yesterday. The book was one of seven that he had planned to buy yesterday. But at the last moment, he changed his mind. He put all seven back on the shelf.

Samuel had a personal library at home with over 1,000 books, almost all unread. He had more reading material in his small house than he could finish in two lifetimes. But he couldn’t help himself buying more books. He finally put his foot down. Not one more book, he told himself, unless it was really special. Yesterday’s book fit the bill. It was a biography(传记)of one of his favorite authors—Stephen King. King was one of America’s most popular fiction authors. Samuel wanted to be a great writer. King was his role model.

Within minutes, Samuel found all the books that he had chosen yesterday except one—the Stephen King book. “What a surprise,” he thought. “the book that I really want to find is the one book that I can’t find.” Samuel took a walk throughout the store, knowing that people often pick up a book in one place and then leave it in another place. The book was a thick paperback with a red cover. But it was nowhere to be found.

So for Samuel, the big search was on. He was now a man on a mission. Every thrift shop he went to would be a search for the King book. This new search added purpose to his thrift shop life.

Samuel had held something special in his hands except that biography. But only when he let it go did he realize its value. When he found it again, he would place the King book prominently(显眼地)on his bookshelf. It would almost certainly be his favorite book that he never got around to reading.

1.Samuel went back the thrift shop to .

A.buy a new book B.sell an old book

C.find a special book D.return a book

2.According to the passage, Stephen King was .

A.Samuel’s best friend B.the owner of the thrift shop

C.the name of a bookshop D.a great writer

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Samuel disliked reading biographies.

B.Samuel liked buying books very much.

C.Reading books was Samuel’s favorite hobby.

D.Samuel was a careless but responsible person.

4.What happened at the end of the story?

A.Samuel didn’t find the book he wanted most.

B.Samuel would read all the books he had.

C.Samuel got all the books he wanted.

D.Samuel decided to enlarge(扩大)his thrift shop.

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